
Journey, O my two full moons in the sky of eminence,

سيرا أيا بدري سماء العلا

1. Journey, O my two full moons in the sky of eminence,
And go to meet excellence, do not set.

١. سيرا أَيا بَدرَي سَماءِ العُلا
وَاِستَقبِلا التِمَّ وَلا تَأفُلا

2. Journey to the cradle of knowledge,
Which was ours, then time made it decline.

٢. سيرا إِلى مَهدِ العُلومِ الَّتي
كانَت لَنا ثُمَّ اِزدَهاها البِلى

3. Journey to the land that produced
Glory and became home to the eminent.

٣. سيرا إِلى الأَرضِ الَّتي أَنبَتَت
عِزّاً وَأَضحَت لِلمَلا مَوئِلا

4. Time walks on it subjugated,
And events quake to descend on it.

٤. يَمشي عَلَيها الدَهرُ مُستَخذِياً
وَتَجزَعُ الأَحداثُ أَن تَنزِلا

5. The motto of its people and sons
Is that one knows and acts.

٥. شِعارُ أَهليها وَأَبنائِها
أَن يَعلَمَ المَرءُ وَأَن يَعمَلا

6. So adorn glory with the light of righteousness,
And beautify fame by perfecting it.

٦. فَزَيِّنا المَجدَ بِنورِ النُهى
وَجَمِّلا الجاهَ بِأَن تَكمُلا

7. And compete for the most high, and hold on
To the bond of patience, do not rush.

٧. وَاِستَبِقا العَلياءَ وَاِستَمسِكا
بِعُروَةِ الصَبرِ وَلا تَعجَلا

8. And inform the West and its sons,
That we are the undaunted men.

٨. وَخَبِّرا الغَربَ وَأَبناءَهُ
بِأَنَّنا نَحنُ الرِجالُ الأُلى

9. If time turns its back on us tomorrow,
The turner back must turn again.

٩. لَئِن غَدا الدَهرُ بِنا مُدبِراً
لا بُدَّ لِلمُدبِرِ أَن يُقبِلا

10. You two remain branches in an orchard
That shades those who hoped and wished.

١٠. لا زِلتُما فَرعَينِ في دَوحَةٍ
تُظِلُّ مَن رَجّى وَمَن أَمَّلا

11. Egypt raised you, and a generous father
Reared you until you excelled.

١١. نَمَتكُما مِصرٌ وَرَبّاكُما
أَبٌ كَريمٌ جَدَّ حَتّى عَلا

12. He passed away after granting you a favor,
So do not misuse it or be stingy.

١٢. مَضى وَقَد أَولاكُما نِعمَةً
لا تَبسُطا فيها وَلا تَغلُلا

13. God's mercy be upon a father
Who provided you esteem amongst the eminent.

١٣. فَرَحمَةُ اللَهِ عَلى والِدٍ
كَساكُما الإِعزازَ بَينَ المَلا