
O child of clay, how much misery we suffered,

سليل الطين كم نلنا شقاء

1. O child of clay, how much misery we suffered,
And how our fingers traced the wounds.

١. سَليلَ الطينِ كَم نِلنا شَقاءً
وَكَم خَطَّت أَنامِلُنا ضَريحا

2. And how many days oppressed us, until
Isaac was ransomed with a ram for slaughter.

٢. وَكَم أَزرَت بِنا الأَيّامُ حَتّى
فَدَت بِالكَبشِ إِسحاقَ الذَبيحا

3. And Joseph was sold into slavery,
And the Messiah fell into the hands of the people.

٣. وَباعَت يوسُفاً بَيعَ المَوالي
وَأَلقَت في يَدِ القَومِ المَسيحا

4. O Noah, you wronged the people on earth
And did not grant them true affection.

٤. وَيا نوحاً جَنَيتَ عَلى البَرايا
وَلَم تَمنَحهُمُ الوُدَّ الصَحيحا

5. Why did you carry them in the ark? Why not
Leave them and give them relief?

٥. عَلامَ حَمَلتَهُم في الفُلكِ هَلّا
تَرَكتَهُم فَكُنتَ لَهُم مُريحا

6. My friends got the filled cup,
While my arrow got the empty cup.

٦. أَصابَ رِفاقِيَ القِدحَ المُعَلّى
وَصادَفَ سَهمِيَ القِدحَ المَنيحا

7. Had fate brought me benefit,
His brother would stand, stingy, in the way.

٧. فَلَو ساقَ القَضاءُ إِلَيَّ نَفعاً
لَقامَ أَخوهُ مُعتَرِضاً شَحيحا