
We heard a talk like drops of dew

سمعنا حديثاً كقطر الندى

1. We heard a talk like drops of dew
That renewed in the soul what it renewed

١. سَمِعنا حَديثاً كَقَطرِ النَدى
فَجَدَّدَ في النَفسِ ما جَدَّدا

2. So it became refreshing for our hopes
And a place of rest for our pains

٢. فَأَضحى لِآمالِنا مُنعِشاً
وَأَمسى لِآلامِنا مُرقِدا

3. O Orient, do not despair
If today departs, watch for tomorrow

٣. فَدَيناكَ يا شَرقُ لا تَجزَعَن
إِذا اليَومُ وَلّى فَراقِب غَدا

4. For how many troubles follow troubles
And pass quickly like the echo's return

٤. فَكَم مِحنَةٍ أَعقَبَت مِحنَةً
وَوَلَّت سِراعاً كَرَجعِ الصَدى

5. So do not despair however the enemies say
Though their saying be as piercing as a spear's thrust

٥. فَلا يُيئِسَنَّكَ قيلُ العُداةُ
وَإِن كانَ قيلاً كَحَزِّ المُدى

6. I entrust in you the treasures of knowledge
And the West walks to you to gain them

٦. أَتودَعُ فيكَ كُنوزُ العُلومِ
وَيَمشي لَكَ الغَربُ مُستَرفِدا

7. And prophets are sent in your land
And the West comes to you for guidance

٧. وَتُبعَثُ في أَرضِكَ الأَنبِياءُ
وَيَأتي لَكَ الغَربُ مُستَرشِدا

8. And judges of misguidance decree upon you
To spend the long nights asleep

٨. وَتَقضي عَلَيكَ قُضاةُ الضَلالِ
طِوالَ اللَيالي بِأَن تَرقُدا

9. Do you suffer with a pact made with knowledge
So the weak through it become aided?

٩. أَتَشقى بِعَهدٍ سَما بِالعُلومِ
فَأَضحى الضَعيفُ بِها أَيِّدا

10. Whenever He wills, the worshipped reveals His secret
And attains from His running the goal

١٠. إِذا شاءَ بَزَّ السُها سِرَّهُ
وَأَدرَكَ مِن جَريِهِ المَقصِدا

11. And if He wills, He brings the stars closer to Him
And confides to the galaxy and the Pleiades

١١. وَإِن شاءَ أَدنى إِلَيهِ النُجومَ
فَناجى المَجَرَّةَ وَالفَرقَدا

12. And if He wills, He shakes the pinnacles of mountains
So they bow prostrate before His feet

١٢. وَإِن شاءَ زَعزَعَ شُمَّ الجِبالِ
فَخَرَّت لِأَقدامِهِ سُجَّدا

13. And if He wills, He sees in an atom
Worlds no heedlessness has lived in

١٣. وَإِن شاءَ شاهَدَ في ذَرَّةٍ
عَوالِمَ لَم تَحيَ فيها سُدى

14. A time when winds are subjugated
And inanimate matter through it becomes a chanter

١٤. زَمانٌ تُسَخَّرُ فيهِ الرِياحُ
وَيَغدو الجَمادُ بِهِ مُنشِدا

15. And nature inclines for the gnostics
With the meaning of existence and the secret of guidance

١٥. وَتَعنو الطَبيعَةُ لِلعارِفينَ
بِمَعنى الوُجودِ وَسِرِّ الهُدى

16. So when they address it, iron answers
And steam rises for them, facilitating

١٦. إِذا ما أَهابوا أَجابَ الحَديدُ
وَقامَ البُخارُ لَهُ مُسعِدا

17. And flashes of electricity come to them
Lightning over the wire traversing the distance

١٧. وَطارَت إِلَيهِم مِنَ الكَهرَبا
بُروقٌ عَلى السِلكِ تَطوي المَدى

18. After this and that, is it beautiful
That we be resigned and frozen?

١٨. أَيَجمُلُ مِن بَعدِ هَذا وَذاكَ
بِأَن نَستَكينَ وَأَن نَجمُدا

19. And lo, the nation of zeroes has paved
The way for us, so vie in reaching the watering place

١٩. وَها أُمَّةُ الصُفرِ قَد مَهَّدَت
لَنا النَهجَ فَاِستَبَقوا المَورِدا

20. O youths, work
For the best of Egypt and become a hand

٢٠. فَيا أَيُّها الناشِئونَ اِعمَلوا
عَلى خَيرِ مِصرٍ وَكونوا يَدا

21. The hidden will show through you
Men who would sacrifice themselves for Egypt

٢١. سَتُظهِرُ فيكُم ذَواتُ الغُيوبِ
رِجالاً تَكونُ لِمِصرَ الفِدا

22. I wish I knew which of you
When it calls will respond to the call

٢٢. فَيالَيتَ شِعرِيَ مَن مِنكُمُ
إِذا هِيَ نادَت يُلَبّي النِدا

23. Yours, O Chosen One, is a young man
Of abundant helping and abundant number

٢٣. لَكَ اللَهُ يا مُصطَفى مِن فَتىً
كَثيرِ الأَيادي كَثيرِ العِدا

24. When I praise you among men
You are worthy to be praised

٢٤. إِذا ما حَمِدتُكَ بَينَ الرِجالِ
فَأَنتَ الخَليقُ بِأَن تُحمَدا

25. The record of time will recount to you
Praise that makes immortal what is made immortal

٢٥. سَيُحصي عَلَيكَ سِجِلُّ الزَمانِ
ثَناءً يُخَلِّدُ ما خُلِّدا

26. And our sons will acclaim your name
When it is time for the harvest to be reaped

٢٦. وَيَهتِفُ بِاِسمِكَ أَبناؤُنا
إِذا آنَ لِلزَرعِ أَن يُحصَدا