1. The talk grew long upon you, O ye who pass the night in converse;
And in your eyelids sleep could find no home at all;
١. طالَ الحَديثُ عَلَيكُم أَيُّها السَمَرُ
وَلاحَ لِلنَومِ في أَجفانِكُم أَثَرُ
2. And the night now is past, its stages gone forever,
So that continued wakefulness is hopeless afterwards;
٢. وَذَلِكَ اللَيلُ قَد ضاعَت رَواحِلُهُ
فَلَيسَ يُرجى لَهُ مِن بَعدِها سَفَرُ
3. Your resting places, O people! catch then pleasant sleep
With eyes that ever night-watching has kept open;
٣. هَذي مَضاجِعُكُم يا قَومُ فَاِلتَقِطوا
طيبَ الكَرى بِعُيونٍ شابَها السَهَرُ
4. Will any eye reject sleep if 'twere offered,
Save mine, and yonder stars, and the passing moon?
٤. هَل يُنكِرُ النَومُ جَفنٌ لَو أُتيحَ لَهُ
إِلّا أَنا وَنُجومُ اللَيلِ وَالقَمَرُ
5. Long did I question self how this dear friend could leave me—
He from whom I ne'er looked for such estrangement;
٥. أَبيتُ أَسأَلُ نَفسي كَيفَ قاطَعَني
هَذا الصَديقُ وَما لي عَنهُ مُصطَبَرُ
6. And lo! a sandgrouse in a trap entangled
At sunset to its fate by destiny was brought;
٦. فَما مُطَوَّقَةٌ قَد نالَها شَرَكٌ
عِندَ الغُروبِ إِلَيهِ ساقَها القَدَرُ
7. All night it strove with cares, heart-rent and anxious
For its escape, while night's wings overshadowed;
٧. باتَت تُجاهِدُ هَمّاً وَهيَ آبِسَةٌ
مِنَ النَجاةِ وَجُنحُ اللَيلِ مُعتَكِرُ
8. And in his hole her young one all night trembling
Lay, fearful for the mother's coming, waiting;
٨. وَباتَ زُغلولُها في وَكرِها فَزِعاً
مُرَوَّعاً لِرُجوعِ الأُمِّ يَنتَظِرُ
9. Fear stirred his vitals, everything alarmed him,
The breeze's breathing or the whispering branches;
٩. يُحَفِّزُ الخَوفُ أَحشاهُ وَتُزعِجُهُ
إِذا سَرَت نَسمَةٌ أَو وَسوَسَ الشَجَرُ
10. Worse is my case than his when my friend left me—
Would he had ne'er forgot me! Shall I make excuse?
١٠. مِنّي بِأَسوَأَ حالاً حينَ قاطَعَني
هَذا الصَديقُ فَهَلّا كانَ يَدَّكِرُ
11. O generous youth, canst thou forget I am a man
Dependent, after Allah, on thy favour?
١١. يا اِبنَ الكِرامِ أَتَنسى أَنَّني رَجُلٌ
لِظِلِّ جاهِكَ بَعدَ اللَهِ مُفتَقِرُ
12. I am a warrior, do not break with me,
Turn to me, slave am I—how shall I make amends?
١٢. إِنّي فَتاكَ فَلا تَقطَع مُواصَلَتي
هَبني جَنَيتُ فَقُل لي كَيفَ أَعتَذِرُ