
The youth of Sahba are the best drinkers,

فتية الصهباء خير الشاربين

1. The youth of Sahba are the best drinkers,
Renew with God the pact of the absent ones,

١. فِتيَةَ الصَهباءِ خَيرَ الشارِبين
جَدِّدوا بِاللَهِ عَهدَ الغائِبين

2. And remember me at the goblets of wine,
For I was the leader of addicts.

٢. وَاِذكُروني عِندَ كاساتِ الطِلا
إِنَّني كُنتُ إِمامَ المُدمِنين

3. And if a night rouses you,
The call of wine - so rise up altogether!

٣. وَإِذا ما اِستَنهَضَتكُم لَيلَةً
دَعوَةُ الخَمرِ فَثوروا أَجمَعين

4. Many a night we made a pact
On what we pledged, and we did it.

٤. رُبَّ لَيلٍ قَد تَعاهَدنا عَلى
ما تَعاهَدنا وَكُنّا فاعِلين

5. We spent it, and did not heed what
The noble scribes' hands wrote down.

٥. فَقَضَيناهُ وَلَم نَحفِل بِما
سَطَّرَت أَيدي الكِرامِ الكاتِبين

6. Between goblets and cheer were freed
Breezes, boys and eyes.

٦. بَينَ أَقداحٍ وَراحٍ عُتِّقَت
وَرَياحينٍ وَوِلدانٍ وَعين

7. And servers who clinked their cups -
Some of crystal and some of silver.

٧. وسُقاةٍ صَفَّقَت أَكوابَها
بَعضُها البَلّورُ وَالبَعضُ لُجَين

8. They quenched from us a thirst like a cat's
Who found a stream wherein was limpid water.

٨. آنَسَت مِنّا عِطاشاً كَالقَطا
صادَفَت وِرداً بِهِ ماءٌ مَعين

9. So they walked towards us with cup and platter
With the gait of joys for a sorrowful heart.

٩. فَمَشَت بِالكاسِ وَالطاسِ لَنا
مِشيَةَ الأَفراحِ لِلقَلبِ الحَزين

10. And we leaped up for a conquest -
A beauty of diverse hues pleasing to the beholder.

١٠. وَتَواثَبنا إِلى مَشمولَةٍ
ذاتِ أَلوانٍ تَسُرُّ الناظِرين

11. The cupbearer decided to kill her
While she, a virgin, had been chaste for years.

١١. عَمَدَ الساقي لِأَن يَقتُلَها
وَهيَ بِكرٌ أَحصَنَت مُنذُ سِنين

12. But when he saw her chastity
He feared God, Lord of the Worlds, about her.

١٢. ثُمَّ لَمّا أَن رَأى عِفَّتَها
خافَ فيها اللَهَ رَبِّ العالَمين

13. And we passed the goblet amongst ourselves
While staying devoted to Sahba.

١٣. وَأَجَلنا الكاسَ فيما بَينَنا
وَعَلى الصَهباءِ بِتنا عاكِفين

14. And we healed the soul of every filth
Whose eyes spoke clear sorcery.

١٤. وَشَفَينا النَفسَ مِن كُلِّ رَشاً
نَطَقَت عَيناهُ بِالسِحرِ المُبين

15. And after ecstasy and breast's expansion
Our gathering dispersed with ears' pronouncing God's greatness.

١٥. وَطَوى مَجلِسَنا بَعدَ الهَنا
وَاِنشِراحِ الصَدرِ تَكبيرُ الأَذين

16. Thus we were, in the days of purity,
Seizing pleasures in the precious time.

١٦. هَكَذا كُنّا بِأَيّامِ الصَفا
تَنهَبُ اللَذّاتِ في الوَقتِ الثَمين

17. Would that I knew! Do we after the resolve
Have any means to meet again or not?

١٧. لَيتَ شِعري هَل لَنا بَعدَ النَوى
مِن سَبيلٍ لِلِقا أَم لاتَ حين