1. Your book came belittling
Pearls or gems
١. وافى كِتابُكَ يَزدَري
بِالدُرِّ أَو بِالجَوهَرِ
2. So I read in it a letter
Mixed with molten sugar
٢. فَقَرَأتُ فيهِ رِسالَةً
مُزِجَت بِذَوبِ السُكَّرِ
3. You flowed in its midst
The river of abundant generosity
٣. أَجرَيتَ في أَثنائِها
نَهرَ اِنسِجامِ الكَوثَرِ
4. And you let flow between its lines
The rhythm of the crown of Caesar
٤. وَفَرَطتَ بَينَ سُطورِها
مَنظومَ تاجِ القَيصَرِ
5. And you hid in its words
Of every intoxicating meaning
٥. وَخَبَأتَ في أَلفاظِها
مِن كُلِّ مَعنىً مُسكِرِ
6. So you see the Persian meanings
In the melodies of the lines
٦. فَتَرى المَعاني الفارِسِي
يَةَ في مَغاني الأَسطُرِ
7. Like singers masked
Fearing the frightening intruder
٧. كَالغانِياتِ تَقَنَّعَت
خَوفَ المُريبِ المُجتَري
8. A meaning more delicious than whispering
To the retreating enemy
٨. مَعنىً أَلَذُّ مِنَ الشَما
تَةِ بِالعَدُوِّ المُدبِرِ
9. Or than the reproach between
A beloved and an apologizing lover
٩. أَو مِن عِتابٍ بَينَ مَح
بوبٍ وَحِبٍّ مُعذِرِ
10. Or a pause wasted by the gambler
At winning time
١٠. أَو فَترَةٍ أَضاعَها ال
قامِرُ عِندَ المَيسِرِ
11. Or an assembly for wine during
A rainy day
١١. أَو مَجلِسٍ لِلخَمرِ مَع
قودٍ بِيَومٍ مُمطِرِ
12. Ninety verses whose sharpness
Transcends the fangs of Samhar
١٢. تِسعونَ بَيتاً شِدتَها
فَوقَ سِنانِ السَمهَري
13. And Samhar's pen is
In the grip of a fierce lion
١٣. وَالسَمهَرِيُّ قَلَمٌ
في كَفِّ لَيثٍ قَسوَرِ
14. So the rhymes have ruled how
You have made me long in sorrow
١٤. أَفَتى القَوافي كَيفَ أَن
تَ فَقَد أَطَلتَ تَحَسُّري
15. Will I ever see you or will
The meeting be on Judgement Day
١٥. أَتُرى أَراكَ أَمِ اللِقا
ءُ يَكونُ يَومَ المَحشَرِ
16. Never did I think you would live
O mean breaker
١٦. ما كانَ ظَنّي أَن تَعي
شَ أَيا لَئيمَ المَكسِرِ
17. And indeed you were thrown into the abyss, evil is the end of the wicked
By God, if you were Plato of those eras
١٧. وَلَقَد قُذِفتَ إِلى الجَحي
مِ وَبِئسَ عُقبى المُنكَرِ
18. And Hippocrates became in the morning, at your door, like the destitute
And you surpassed Galen or
١٨. تَاللَهِ لَو أَصبَحتَ أَف
لاطونَ تِلكَ الأَعصُرِ
19. Luqman among the civilized
You would only be contemptible in manners
١٩. وَغَدا أَبُقراطَ بِبا
بِكَ كَالعَديمِ المُعسِرِ
20. Among the congregation
May God forgive me, for I
٢٠. وَبَرَعتَ جالينوسَ أَو
لُقمانَ بَينَ الحُضَّرِ
21. Cleared him of his darkness and he came to us like the stupid
A face without face, a stature never exalted
٢١. ما كُنتَ إِلّا تافِهَ ال
آدابِ عِندَ المَعشَرِ
22. And of wonders that the like of his tongue was not severed
How often he hugged leprosy and came up with abhorrent matters
٢٢. غُفرانَكَ اللَهُمَّ إِن
ني مِن ظُلامَتِهِ بَري
23. So do to him, O Lord, as You did to
Nimrod, for he is confused by it
٢٣. سَوَّيتَهُ كَالكَركَدَن
نِ وَجاءَنا كَالأَخدَري
24. And send down wrath upon him if
He lives until evening without repenting
٢٤. وَجهٌ وَلا وَجهُ الخُطو
بِ وَقامَةٌ لَم تُشبَرِ
25. For he is the one who invented usury
And established pillars of immorality
٢٥. وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ أَنَّ مِث
لَ لِسانِهِ لَم يُبتَرِ
26. And established the religion of worshipping
Money openly
٢٦. كَم باتَ يَلتَحِمُ العُرو
ضَ وَجاءَ بِالأَمرِ الفَري
27. And I wondered at his stinginess
And his miserly palm
٢٧. فَاِفعَل بِهِ اللَهُمَّ كَال
نَمروذِ فَهوَ بِها حَري
28. He does not spend coins
Unless forced, without a choice
٢٨. وَاِنزِل عَلَيهِ السُخطَ إِن
أَمسى وَلَم يَستَغفِرِ
29. If it were possible for him
To live without pretension
٢٩. فَهوَ الَّذي اِبتَدَعَ الرِبا
وَأَقامَ رُكنَ الفُجَّرِ
30. He would have chosen to close
The two openings, and said "O pocket, beware!"
٣٠. وَأَقامَ دينَ عِبادَةِ ال
دينارِ بَينَ الأَظهُرِ
٣١. وَلَقَد عَجِبتُ لِبُخلِهِ
وَلِكَفِّهِ المُستَحجِرِ
٣٢. لا يَصرِفُ السُحتوتَ إِل
لا وَهوَ غَيرُ مُخَيَّرِ
٣٣. لَو أَنَّ في إِمكانِهِ
عَيشاً بِغَيرِ تَضَوُّرِ
٣٤. لَاِختارَ سَدَّ الفَتحَتَي
نِ وَقالَ يا جَيبُ اِحذَرِ