
You slept, O bird, but I did not sleep

هجعت يا طير ولم أهجع

1. You slept, O bird, but I did not sleep
You are but a pretentious lover

١. هَجَعتَ يا طَيرُ وَلَم أَهجَعِ
ما أَنتَ إِلّا عاشِقٌ مُدَّعي

2. Had you known true love's pain
You would have spent this night awake with me

٢. لَو كُنتَ مِمَّن يَعرِفونَ الجَوى
قَضَيتَ هَذا اللَيلَ سُهداً مَعي

3. O you who avoid love's path
I protect you from a restless bed

٣. يا مَن تَحامَيتُم سَبيلَ الهَوى
أُعيذُكُم مِن قَلَقِ المَضجَعِ

4. And from regrets that, if divided
Among those in shackles, would not make them sleep

٤. وَحَسرَةٍ في النَفسِ لَو قُسِّمَت
عَلى ذَواتِ الطَوقِ لَم تَسجَعِ

5. O people of longing and sorrow
Who spent this night in misery

٥. وَيا بَني الشَوقِ وَأَهلَ الأَسى
وَمَن قَضَوا في هَذِهِ الأَربُعِ

6. To you from a passionate lover
The greeting of the suffering to the suffering

٦. عَلَيكُم مِن واجِدٍ مُغرَمٍ
تَحِيَّةُ الموجَعِ لِلموجَعِ

7. By God, how harsh is the heart of one in anguish
To the heart of the passionate lover

٧. لِلَّهِ ما أَقسى فُؤادَ الدُجى
عَلى فُؤادِ العاشِقِ المولَعِ

8. This one is rough, dissatisfied with love
Not gentler than a rugged black rock

٨. هَذا غَليظٌ لَم يَرُضهُ الهَوى
ما بَينَ جَنبَي أَسوَدٍ أَسفَعِ

9. That one has the sides of an unkempt lad
Whose nature lacks gentleness

٩. وَذاكَ في جَنبَي فَتىً مُدنَفٍ
عَلى سِوى الرِقَّةِ لَم يُطبَعِ

10. I housed a songbird in the courtyard
And said O soul, be content with it

١٠. وَأَغيَدٍ أَسكَنتُهُ في الحَشا
وَقُلتُ يا نَفسُ بِهِ فَاِقنَعي

11. Its cooing faster than my thoughts
Its rejection closer than my tears

١١. نِفارُهُ أَسرَعُ مِن خاطِري
وَصَدُّهُ أَقرَبُ مِن مَدمَعي

12. Its cheek whose fire is not extinguished
As if it kindles from my ribs

١٢. وَخَدُّهُ لا تَنطَفي نارُهُ
كَأَنَّما يَقبِسُ مِن أَضلُعي

13. The stars of nightfall asked about me
When they saw me close to death

١٣. تَساءَلَت عَنّي نُجومُ الدُجى
لَمّا رَأَتني دانِيَ المَصرَعِ

14. They said: We see one in agony on earth
Who spent the night between despair and hope

١٤. قالَت نَرى في الأَرضِ ذا لَوعَةٍ
قَد باتَ بَينَ اليَأسِ وَالمَطمَعِ

15. Moaning like one abandoned or one
Struck by an arrow that wasn't pulled out

١٥. يَئِنُّ كَالمَفؤودِ أَو كَالَّذي
أَصابَهُ سَهمٌ وَلَم يُنزَعِ

16. If he pined for the full moon at night
Does this moon have no rising?

١٦. إِن كانَ في بَدرِ الدُجى هائِماً
أَما لِهَذا البَدرِ مِن مَطلَعِ

17. If he loved a gazelle in the sanctuary
Does this gazelle have no pasture?

١٧. أَو كانَ في ظَبيِ الحِمى مُغرَماً
أَما لِهَذا الظَبيِ مِن مَرتَعِ

18. Alas O stars you cannot know
What stirs my sorrows or gives me hope

١٨. هَيهاتَ يا أَنجُمُ أَن تَعلَمي
مُثيرَ أَشجاني أَو تَطمَعي

19. I am stingy in mentioning his name
My friend, the brilliant writer

١٩. إِنّي لَضَنّانٌ بِذِكرِ اِسمِهِ
ضَنّي بِوُدِّ الكاتِبِ الأَلمَعي

20. Who has taxed the mind of the poet
Since he began to grow

٢٠. الضارِبِ الجِزيَةِ مُنذُ اِنتَشى
عَلى يَراعِ الشاعِرِ المُبدِعِ

21. And carries the pens legitimately
As if they are some unfurled spears

٢١. وَالحامِلِ الأَقلامَ مَشروعَةً
كَأَنَّها بَعضُ القَنا الشُرَّعِ

22. If words call him he comes willingly
And if the blind call he does not hear

٢٢. إِذا دَعا القَولُ أَتى طائِعاً
وَإِن دَعاهُ العِيُّ لَم يَسمَعِ

23. I accompanied him for a time and knew him
A noble and excellent man

٢٣. صَحِبتُهُ دَهراً فَأَلفَيتُهُ
فَتىً كَريمَ الأَصلِ وَالمَنزِعِ

24. A friendship like wine, if set free
Flows generously in the name of the lawful

٢٤. مَوَدَّةٌ كَالخَمرِ إِن عُتِّقَت
جادَت وَفَضلٌ باسِمُ المَشرَعِ

25. And a resolve that if divided among the people
They would fall asleep hearing poetry

٢٥. وَعَزمَةٌ لَو قُسِّمَت في الوَرى
باتوا مِنَ الشِعرى عَلى مَسمَعِ