
By the one who commanded you, O breeze of the plains,

بالذي أجراك يا ريح الخزامى

1. By the one who commanded you, O breeze of the plains,
Convey to Bosphorus the greetings of Egypt.

١. بِالَّذي أَجراكِ يا ريحَ الخُزامى
بَلِّغي البُسفورَ عَن مِصرَ السَلاما

2. And pluck from every garden a flower,
And make it as a veil for our beloved.

٢. وَاِقطِفي مِن كُلِّ رَوضٍ زَهرَةً
وَاِجعَليها لِتَحايانا كِماما

3. And spread your fragrance in that sanctuary,
And kiss the ground when you reach the imam.

٣. وَاِنشُري رَيّاكِ في ذاكَ الحِمى
وَاِلثِمي الأَرضَ إِذا جِئتِ الإِماما

4. A king of the East, in his days
The ambition of the West arose and intended.

٤. مَلِكٌ لِلشَرقِ في أَيّامِهِ
هِمَّةُ الغَربِ نُهوضاً وَاِعتِزاما

5. O you who stand for the command, indeed
You stood among the people, so you did well standing.

٥. أَيُّها القائِمُ بِالأَمرِ لَقَد
قُمتَ في الناسِ فَأَحسَنتَ القِياما

6. Uncover the opinion, for how many an opinion, if
Unsheathed from the scabbard of prohibition, the swords shone.

٦. جَرِّدِ الرَأيَ فَكَم رَأيٍ إِذا
سُلَّ مِن غِمدِ النُهى فَلَّ الحُساما

7. And dispatch the fleet, with God’s power behind it and ahead,
To graze the East and pasture the area

٧. وَاِبعَثِ الأُسطولَ تَرمي دونَهُ
قُوَّةُ اللَهِ وَراءً وَأَماما

8. That God elevated with it the Sacred House.
And citadels that are more beautiful to behold

٨. يَكلَأُ الشَرقَ وَيَرعى بُقعَةً
رَفَعَ اللَهُ بِها البَيتَ الحَراما

9. Than the citadels of the army that smile.
God distinguished it with an illuminated horizon,

٩. وَثُغوراً هِيَ أَبهى مَنظَراً
مِن ثُغورِ الغيدِ يُبدينَ اِبتِساما

10. Combining Egypt and Levant into radiance.
O Orient, rouse the fleet of giants!

١٠. خَصَّها اللَهُ بِأُفقٍ مُشرِقٍ
ضَمَّ في اللَألاءِ مِصراً وَالشَآما

11. They struck time with a whip, so it straightened.
They ruled the land, but when

١١. حَيِّ يا مَشرِقُ أُسطولَ الأُلى
ضَرَبوا الدَهرَ بِسَوطٍ فَاِستَقاما

12. Their glory could not contain them, they gained mastery of the obstinate sea.
With vessels like fortresses

١٢. مَلَكوا البَرَّ فَلَمّا لَم يَسَع
مَجدَهُم نالوا مِنَ البَحرِ المَراما

13. Wherever they went, the sea roared and raged.
Whenever they called on its waves,

١٣. بِجَوارٍ مُنشَآتٍ كَالدُمى
أَينَما سارَت صَبا البَحرُ وَهاما

14. The wave kneeled submissively and reverently.
The sea thirsted for them,

١٤. كُلَّما أَوفَت عَلى أَمواجِهِ
سَجَدَ المَوجُ خُشوعاً وَاِحتِشاما

15. And it is strange that the sea complains of pillars.
So they are, in peace, neighbors that shine,

١٥. كانَ بِالبَحرِ إِلَيها ظَمَأٌ
وَعَجيبٌ يَشتَكي البَحرُ الأُواما

16. Dazzling the eye in quenching and organization.
And in war they are a floating decree

١٦. فَهيَ في السِلمِ جَوارٍ تُجتَلى
تَبهَرُ العَينَ رُواءً وَنِظاما

17. That leaves the citadel as hills and rubble.
The stars of their bombardment are not

١٧. وَهيَ في الحَربِ قَضاءٌ سابِحٌ
يَدَعُ الحِصنَ تِلالاً وَرِجاما

18. The trail of a rebellious demon.
With their bombardment in the most painful place,

١٨. ما نُجومُ الرَجمِ مِن أَبراجِها
إِثرَ عِفريتٍ مِنَ الجِنِّ تَرامى

19. No, nor the strongest fortification and pillars.
And they are a volcano, if it is aroused

١٩. مِن مَراميها بِأَنكى مَوقِعاً
لا وَلا أَقوى مِراساً وَعُراما

20. By the ardent enemy, hostility and contention.
The mountain of fire! You have frightened the land

٢٠. وَهيَ بُركانٌ إِذا ما هاجَها
هائِجُ الشَرِّ عِداءً وَخِصاما

21. While in your two states, you do not pasture the reins.
You are an affliction on land, but when

٢١. جَبَلَ النارِ لَقَد رُعتَ الوَرى
أَنتَ في حالَيكَ لا تَرعى ذِماما

22. You sailed the sea, you became grievous death.
So fear the towering, firmly rooted mountain,

٢٢. أَنتَ في البَرِّ بَلاءٌ فَإِذا
رَكِبَ البَحرَ غَدا مَوتاً زُؤاما

23. And fear the towering mountain when the towering mountain rages!
It carried war, so it was an era

٢٣. فَاِتَّقوا الطَودَ مَكيناً راسِياً
وَاِتَّقوا الطَودَ إِذا ما الطَودُ عاما

24. Foreboding death, overwhelming the people.
The world feared it until it became

٢٤. حَمَلَت حَرباً فَكانَت حِقبَةً
نُذُراً لِلمَوتِ تَجتاحُ الأَناما

25. Envoys carrying safety and peace.
The Orient rose from its slumber

٢٥. خافَها العالَمُ حَتّى أَصبَحَت
رُسُلاً تَحمِلُ أَمناً وَسَلاما

26. After a long time in which the bones were brought back to life.
O Easterner! Roll up your sleeves, do not sleep,

٢٦. بُعِثَ المَشرِقُ مِن مَرقَدِهِ
بَعدَ حينٍ جَلَّ مَن يُحيي العِظاما

27. And shake off powerlessness, for seriousness has stood up.
Take on determination as a steed of ascension,

٢٧. أَيُّها الشَرقِيُّ شَمِّر لا تَنَم
وَاِنفُضِ العَجزَ فَإِنَّ الجِدَّ قاما

28. And make wisdom the reins of determination.
And if you seek horizons,

٢٨. وَاِمتَطِ العَزمَ جَواداً لِلعُلا
وَاِجعَلِ الحِكمَةَ لِلعَزمِ زِماما

29. Mount the lightning and do not accept the clouds.
Do not be vexed by what the enemy said.

٢٩. وَإِذا حاوَلتَ في الأُفقِ مُنىً
فَاِركَبِ البَرقَ وَلا تَرضَ الغَماما

30. Many a cunning person evades the truth.
Compete with the Westerner! Compete and adhere

٣٠. لا تَضِق ذَرعاً بِما قالَ العِدا
رُبَّ ذي لُبٍّ عَنِ الحَقِّ تَعامى

31. To chivalry and holding fast in adherence!
Shun ambitions and tread its path,

٣١. سابِقِ الغَربِيَّ وَاِسبِق وَاِعتَصِم
بِالمُروءاتِ وَبِالبَأسِ اِعتِصاما

32. And make mercy and piety obligatory.
They wanted their knowledge to defeat

٣٢. جانِبِ الأَطماعَ وَاِنهَج نَهجَهُ
وَاِجعَلِ الرَحمَةَ وَالتَقوى لِزاما

33. The Omnipotent and fold the dove.
And they wanted it to raise them

٣٣. طَلَبوا مِن عِلمِهِم أَن يُعجِزوا
قادِرَ المَوتِ وَأَن يَثنوا الحِماما

34. Above the unknown in the hidden abode.
Man was killed! How he disbelieved

٣٤. وَأَرادوا مِنهُ أَن يَرفَعَهُم
فَوقَ هامِ الشُهبِ في الغَيبِ مَقاما

35. When he rebelled against the Creator in the universe and transecended!
He embarrassed the unseen until he exposed

٣٥. قُتِلَ الإِنسانُ ما أَكفَرَهُ
طاوَلَ الخالِقَ في الكَونِ وَسامى

36. Its secret exposedly and did not fear vengeance.
By the power of the Merciful, increase our strength,

٣٦. أَحرَجَ الغَيبَ إِلى أَن بَزَّهُ
سِرَّهُ بَزّاً وَلَم يَخشَ اِنتِقاما

37. And pour harmony among the people of the East.
Empty from every breast its hatred,

٣٧. قُوَّةَ الرَحمَنِ زيدينا قُوىً
وَأَفيضي في بَني الشَرقِ الوِئاما

38. And fill history and the world with speech.
I ask God, who inspired us

٣٨. أَفرِغي مِن كُلِّ صَدرٍ حِقدَهُ
إِملَإِ التاريخَ وَالدُنيا كَلاما

39. To serve the homelands, young and old,
That I see in the sea and the land for us

٣٩. أَسأَلُ اللَهَ الَّذي أَلهَمَنا
خِدمَةَ الأَوطانِ شَيخاً وَغُلاما

40. In the struggle, peers to Thoj and Oyama.

٤٠. أَن أَرى في البَحرِ وَالبَرِّ لَنا
في الوَغى أَندادَ طوجو وَأُياما