1. The crescent looked upon the universe and people to see
A crescent the Muslims saw and exclaimed God is Great
١. أَطَلَّ عَلى الأَكوانِ وَالخَلقُ تَنظُرُ
هِلالٌ رَآهُ المُسلِمونَ فَكَبَّروا
2. It appeared to them in a form whose beauty
Surpassed the beauty of time for it recurs
٢. تَجَلّى لَهُم في صورَةٍ زادَ حُسنُها
عَلى الدَهرِ حُسناً أَنَّها تَتَكَرَّرُ
3. It brought them good tidings in its face and forehead
And brilliance with its onlookers harbinger of good news
٣. وَبَشَّرَهُم مِن وَجهِهِ وَجَبينِهِ
وَغُرَّتِهِ وَالناظِرينَ مُبَشِّرُ
4. It reminded them of a day in which the one cloaked in glory migrated
On it history is crowned and fortune smiles
٤. وَأَذكَرَهُم يَوماً أَغَرَّ مُحَجَّلاً
بِهِ تُوِّجَ التاريخُ وَالسَعدُ مُسفِرُ
5. On it the best caller to guidance migrated
Protected by God's power an army surrounds him
٥. وَهاجَرَ فيهِ خَيرُ داعٍ إِلى الهُدى
يَحُفُّ بِهِ مِن قُوَّةِ اللَهِ عَسكَرُ
6. Gabriel walks with him and angels hasten behind him
Treading in his footsteps and fluttering all around
٦. يُماشيهِ جِبريلٌ وَتَسعى وَراءَهُ
مَلائِكَةٌ تَرعى خُطاهُ وَتَخفِرُ
7. In his right hand clear proof from God radiant
Guidance, and in his left the purified scripture
٧. بِيُسراهُ بُرهانٌ مِنَ اللَهِ ساطِعٌ
هُدىً وَبِيُمناهُ الكِتابُ المُطَهَّرُ
8. His mount was at Makkah's gates
And its lights burst forth in Yathrib
٨. فَكانَ عَلى أَبوابِ مَكَّةَ رَكبُهُ
وَفي يَثرِبٍ أَنوارُهُ تَتَفَجَّرُ
9. The blessed year of months passed blessed
Where traces of it are written and recorded
٩. مَضى العامُ مَيمونَ الشُهورِ مُبارَكاً
تُعَدَّدُ آثارٌ لَهُ وَتُسَطَّرُ
10. It passed without blame, though they mention lapses
Creation's nature is to alternate purity and murk
١٠. مَضى غَيرَ مَذمومٍ فَإِن يَذكُروا لَهُ
هَناتٍ فَطَبعُ الدَهرِ يَصفو وَيَكدُرُ
11. If it was said it claimed thousands, the answer came
A replier said it brought millions to life so look
١١. وَإِن قيلَ أَودى بِالأُلوفِ أَجابَهُم
مُجيبٌ لَقَد أَحيا المَلايينَ فَاُنظُروا
12. When the benevolence of one is weighed against his errors
And it outweighs them then the errors are pardoned
١٢. إِذا قيسَ إِحسانُ اِمرِئٍ بِإِساءَةٍ
فَأَربى عَلَيها فَالإِساءَةُ تُغفَرُ
13. In it the sleepers awoke as if they were
People of the cave who slept for centuries
١٣. فَفيهِ أَفاقَ النائِمونَ وَقَد أَتَت
عَلَيهِم كَأَهلِ الكَهفِ في النَومِ أَعصُرُ
14. In the world of Islam in every spot
It has a lasting trace and fragrant mention
١٤. وَفي عالَمِ الإِسلامِ في كُلِّ بُقعَةٍ
لَهُ أَثَرٌ باقٍ وَذِكرٌ مُعَطَّرُ
15. Ask the Turks about the days they attained wishes
And what they changed in both easts and altered
١٥. سَلوا التُركَ عَمّا أَدرَكوا فيهِ مِن مُنىً
وَما بَدَّلوا في المَشرِقَينِ وَغَيَّروا
16. If none stood but Niyazi and Anwar
Then Niyazi and Anwar filled the earth
١٦. وَإِن لَم يَقُم إِلّا نِيازي وَأَنوَرٌ
فَقَد مَلَأَ الدُنيا نِيازي وَأَنوَرُ
17. They were patient then unsheathed swords
They found their ancestors and deliberated
١٧. تَواصَوا بِصَبرٍ ثُمَّ سَلّوا مِنَ الحِجا
سُيوفاً وَجَدّوا جِدَّهُم وَتَدَبَّروا
18. They counseled and for the crescent erected dwellings
On their pinnacles the planets' luck scatters
١٨. فَسادوا وَشادوا لِلهِلالِ مَنازِلاً
عَلى هامِها سَعدُ الكَواكِبِ يُنثَرُ
19. In them Abdulhamid appeared with his visage
To his people while the Shah stares amazed
١٩. تَجَلّى بِها عَبدُ الحَميدِ بِوَجهِهِ
عَلى شَعبِهِ وَالشاهُ خَزيانُ يَنظُرُ
20. Greetings to Abdulhamid and his army
And nation, as long as platforms stand in the east
٢٠. سَلامٌ عَلى عَبدِ الحَميدِ وَجَيشِهِ
وَأُمَّتِهِ ما قامَ في الشَرقِ مِنبَرُ
21. Ask the Persians about his days in their minds
For in them the Persians were blind but now see
٢١. سَلوا الفُرسَ عَن ذِكرى أَياديهِ عِندَهُم
فَقَد كانَ فيهِ الفُرسُ عُمياً فَأَبصَروا
22. The face of life was revealed so it split them
And they spent the night at its gates clamoring
٢٢. جَلا لَهُمُ وَجهَ الحَياةِ فَشاقَهُم
فَباتوا عَلى أَبوابِها وَتَجَمهَروا
23. They cry grant us just one glance
And bring to life hearts ready to crumble
٢٣. يُنادونَ أَن مُنّي عَلَينا بِنَظرَةٍ
وَأَحيي قُلوباً أَوشَكَت تَتَفَطَّرُ
24. We yearn while the way is paved
To union if not for that tyrant
٢٤. كِلانا مَشوقٌ وَالسَبيلُ مُمَهَّدٌ
إِلى الوَصلِ لَولا ذَلِكَ المُتَغَشمِرُ
25. Look upon us do not shy for we
Keep your secret more loyal and able
٢٥. أَطِلّي عَلَينا لا تَخافي فَإِنَّنا
بِسِرِّكِ أَوفى مِنهُ حَولاً وَأَقدَرُ
26. Greetings O Persian nation, you deserve
To live with honor and pride yourselves
٢٦. سَلامٌ عَلَيكُم أُمَّةَ الفُرسِ إِنَّكُم
خَليقونَ أَن تَحيَوا كِراماً وَتَفخَروا
27. But I will not convey greetings to the Shah
For he sheds reformers' blood and wastes
٢٧. وَلا أُقرِئُ الشاهَ السَلامَ فَإِنَّهُ
يُريقُ دِماءَ المُصلِحينَ وَيَهدُرُ
28. In it, Abdul Aziz and his throne declined
And time betrayed him as matters unraveled
٢٨. وَفيهِ هَوى عَبدُ العَزيزِ وَعَرشُهُ
وَأَخنى عَلَيهِ الدَهرُ وَالأَمرُ مُدبِرُ
29. No wonder the throne of appointed kings
Rots its poles cane and tambourine rattle
٢٩. وَلا عَجَبٌ أَن ثُلَّ عَرشُ مُمَلَّكٍ
قَوائِمُهُ عودٌ وَدُفُّ وَمِزهَرُ
30. So he cast his crown to Abdul Hafiz
And stumbled over steps and faltered
٣٠. فَأَلقى إِلى عَبدِ الحَفيظِ بِتاجِهِ
وَمَرَّ عَلى أَدراجِهِ يَتَعَثَّرُ
31. And the successful one managed the Muslims' affairs
As Morocco prepares and makes ready
٣١. وَقامَ بِأَمرِ المُسلِمينَ مُوَفَّقٌ
عَلى عَهدِهِ مُرّاكِشٌ تَتَحَضَّرُ
32. In the state of Afghanistan, its months
And days thrived with fortune and prosperity
٣٢. وَفي دَولَةِ الأَفغانِ كانَت شُهورُهُ
وَأَيّامُهُ بِالسَعدِ وَاليُمنِ تُزهِرُ
33. He entered it while the sapling was moist and green
And left it while the sapling bore fruit
٣٣. أَقامَ بِها وَالعودُ رَيّانُ أَخضَرٌ
وَفارَقَها وَالعودُ فَينانُ مُثمِرُ
34. He invoked God's protection from the evil
Of an ambitious one if ruby or Caesar encroached
٣٤. وَعَوَّذَها بِاللَهِ مِن شَرِّ طامِعٍ
إِذا ما رَمى إِدوَردُ أَو راشَ قَيصَرُ
35. In it knowledge's renaissance grew in India
I see beneath it a hidden secret soon manifest
٣٥. وَفيهِ نَمَت في الهِندِ لِلعِلمِ نَهضَةٌ
أَرى تَحتَها سِرّاً خَفِيّاً سَيَظهَرُ
36. It will complete its strides to glory and honor
Every barren place in it will be fertile and verdant
٣٦. فَتَجري إِلى العَلياءِ وَالمَجدِ شَوطَها
وَيُخصِبُ فيها كُلُّ جَدبٍ وَيَنضُرُ
37. In Java's horizon, a glimmer appeared
That illuminated the path so its people hurried
٣٧. وَفيهِ بَدَت في أُفقِ جاوَةَ لَمعَةٌ
أَضاءَت لِأَهليها السَبيلَ فَبَكَّروا
38. If only it favored the islands by removing
Those shackles so they may shatter
٣٨. فَيالَيتَهُ أَولى الجَزائِرَ مِنَّةً
تُفَكُّ لَها تِلكَ القُيودُ وَتُكسَرُ
39. If only in green Tunisia it built
A mention in time's tablet remembered
٣٩. وَفي تونُسَ الخَضراءِ يا لَيتَهُ بَنى
لَهُ أَثَراً في لَوحَةِ الدَهرِ يُذكَرُ
40. In it, a new spirit flowed in Egypt
Blessed, from a fervor blazing
٤٠. وَفيهِ سَرَت في مِصرَ روحٌ جَديدَةٌ
مُبارَكَةٌ مِن غَيرَةٍ تَتَسَعَّرُ
41. It lay dormant for a time until I imagined
It shunned inspiration if not for Cromer
٤١. خَبَت زَمَناً حَتّى تَوَهَّمتُ أَنَّها
تَجافَت عَنِ الإيراءِ لَولا كُرومَرُ
42. He confronted it and how can one expect to see
A way to subdue it while it flares
٤٢. تَصَدّى فَأَوراها وَهَيهاتَ أَن يَرى
سَبيلاً إِلى إِخمادِها وَهيَ تَزفِرُ
43. The days of inertness are over, O Nile, and gone
For in Egypt there is wakefulness over Egypt keeping guard
٤٣. مَضى زَمَنُ التَنويمِ يا نيلُ وَاِنقَضى
فَفي مِصرَ أَيقاظٌ عَلى مِصرَ تَسهَرُ
44. Murphy of wit was drugged
But is now in our nerves thrashing
٤٤. وَقَد كانَ مُرفينُ الدَهاءِ مُخَدَّراً
فَأَصبَحَ في أَعصابِنا يَتَخَدَّرُ
45. We felt life's needs so if our resolves
Fall short of attaining them how can we excuse?
٤٥. شَعَرنا بِحاجاتِ الحَياةِ فَإِن وَنَت
عَزائِمُنا عَن نَيلِها كَيفَ نُعذَرُ
46. We felt and sensed and our souls passed the night
Scornful of life save atop glory's peaks
٤٦. شَعَرنا وَأَحسَسنا وَباتَت نُفوسُنا
مِنَ العَيشِ إِلّا في ذُرا العِزِّ تَسخَرُ
47. When God revives a nation, no despot
Or tyrant can return it to death
٤٧. إِذا اللَهُ أَحيا أُمَّةً لَن يَرُدَّها
إِلى المَوتِ قَهّارٌ وَلا مُتَجَبِّرُ
48. Men of the hoped-for tomorrow, we need
Leaders who build and a people who prosper
٤٨. رِجالَ الغَدِ المَأمولِ إِنّا بِحاجَةٍ
إِلى قادَةٍ تَبني وَشَعبٍ يُعَمِّرُ
49. Men of the hoped-for tomorrow, we need
A scholar who calls and a propagator reminds
٤٩. رِجالَ الغَدِ المَأمولِ إِنّا بِحاجَةٍ
إِلى عالِمٍ يَدعو وَداعٍ يُذَكِّرُ
50. Men of the hoped-for tomorrow, we need
A scholar who knows and knowledge codifies
٥٠. رِجالَ الغَدِ المَأمولِ إِنّا بِحاجَةٍ
إِلى عالِمٍ يَدري وَعِلمٍ يُقَرَّرُ
51. Men of the hoped-for tomorrow, we need
Wisdom that dictates and a hand that authors
٥١. رِجالَ الغَدِ المَأمولِ إِنّا بِحاجَةٍ
إِلى حِكمَةٍ تُملى وَكَفٍّ تُحَرِّرُ
52. Men of the hoped-for tomorrow, we need
You to fill our deficiencies and roll up your sleeves
٥٢. رِجالَ الغَدِ المَأمولِ إِنّا بِحاجَةٍ
إِلَيكُم فَسُدّوا النَقصَ فينا وَشَمِّروا
53. Men of the hoped-for tomorrow, let no tomorrow
Pass like the past with life in dust
٥٣. رِجالَ الغَدِ المَأمولِ لا تَترُكوا غَداً
يَمُرُّ مُرورَ الأَمسِ وَالعَيشُ أَغبَرُ
54. Men of the hoped-for tomorrow, your homelands
Implore you by God to remember
٥٤. رِجالَ الغَدِ المَأمولِ إِنَّ بِلادَكُم
تُناشِدُكُم بِاللَهِ أَن تَتَذَكَّروا
55. You have rights to the homelands, greatest of which
Is tending the garden of knowledge, so the garden prospers
٥٥. عَلَيكُم حُقوقٌ لِلبِلادِ أَجَلُّها
تَعَهُّدُ رَوضِ العِلمِ فَالرَوضُ مُقفِرُ
56. The ultimate hope of your homelands is to see
A hand building glory and a head that thinks
٥٦. قُصارى مُنى أَوطانِكُم أَن تَرى لَكُم
يَداً تَبتَني مَجداً وَرَأساً يُفَكِّرُ
57. So be hard working men, dignified
And safeguard the sanctity of your homelands and gain independence
٥٧. فَكونوا رِجالاً عامِلينَ أَعِزَّةً
وَصونوا حِمى أَوطانِكُم وَتَحَرَّروا
58. O you who desire the constitution, be not still
Nor sleep in despair or grow weary
٥٨. وَيا طالِبي الدُستورِ لا تَسكُنوا وَلا
تَبيتوا عَلى يَأسٍ وَلا تَتَضَجَّروا
59. Prepare it a place in the heart for I see it
Knocking on your doors and shuffling about
٥٩. أَعِدّوا لَهُ صَدرَ المَكانِ فَإِنَّني
أَراهُ عَلى أَبوابِكُم يَتَخَطَّرُ
60. So speak only right, for I fear
It will be said of you, they rushed
٦٠. فَلا تَنطِقوا إِلّا صَواباً فَإِنَّني
أَخافُ عَلَيكُم أَن يُقالَ تَهَوَّروا
61. No right was lost whose people neglected it
Nor in both worlds did the negligent attain it
٦١. فَما ضاعَ حَقٌّ لَم يَنَم عَنهُ أَهلُهُ
وَلا نالَهُ في العالَمينَ مُقَصِّرُ
62. The Turks won justice by asking
And we on track, no doubt we will attain
٦٢. لَقَد ظَفِرَ الأَتراكُ عَدلاً بِسُؤلِهِم
وَنَحنُ عَلى الآثارِ لا شَكَّ نَظفَرُ
63. For them, days of old are destined
And we on track, no doubt we will attain
٦٣. هُمُ لَهُمُ العامُ القَديمُ مُقَدَّرٌ
وَنَحنُ عَلى الآثارِ لا شَكَّ نَظفَرُ
64. Trust in the standing Prince today, he
Knows you and what you hope for better and more
٦٤. ثِقوا بِالأَميرِ القائِمِ اليَومَ إِنَّهُ
بِكُم وَبِما تَرجونَ أَدرى وَأَخبَرُ
65. He still sits guarded on the throne
Atop the Nile's valley commanding and decreeing
٦٥. فَلا زالَ مَحروسَ الأَريكَةِ جالِساً
عَلى عَرشِ وادي النيلِ يَنهى وَيَأمُرُ