
There are noble traces of God there,

لله آثار هناك كريمة

1. There are noble traces of God there,
Whose beauty envied Berlin's masterpieces.

١. لِلَّهِ آثارٌ هُناكَ كَريمَةٌ
حَسَدَت رَوائِعَ حُسنِها بِرلينُ

2. Those cannons once brought them down,
When you commanded, and then again Aspelin.

٢. طاحَت بِها تِلكَ المَدافِعُ تارَةً
لَمّا أَمَرتَ وَتارَةً زِبلينُ

3. What nobility and glory I saw in their absence,
Though all of them are eyes.

٣. ماذا رَأَيتُ مِنَ النَبالَةِ وَالعُلا
في عُدمِهِنَّ وَكُلُّهُنَّ عُيونُ

4. If you had the likes of them in Berlin,
You would have honored and protected them.

٤. لَو أَنَّ في بِرلينَ عِندَكَ مِثلَها
لَعَرَفتَ كَيفَ تُجِلُّها وَتَصونُ

5. Though you destroyed Persepolis,
Its fallen pillar brought down your glory.

٥. إِن كُنتَ أَنتَ هَدَمتَ رِمسَ فَإِنَّهُ
أَودى بِمَجدِكَ رُكنُها المَوهونُ

6. A temple you unjustly destroyed could not avail it,
Nor could religion restrain you.

٦. لَم يُغنِ عَنها مَعبَدٌ خَرَّبتَهُ
ظُلماً وَلَم يُمسِك عِنانَكَ دينُ

7. Do not think your pride lies in what you seized -
True pride lies in good repute held captive.

٧. لا تَحسَبَنَّ الفَخرَ ما أَحرَزتَهُ
الفَخرُ بِالذِكرِ الجَميلِ رَهينُ

8. Did you pitch any camp in Berlin but soldiers'?
On which stood forts and impregnable castles?

٨. هَل شِدتَ في بِرلينَ غَيرَ مُعَسكَرٍ
قامَت عَلَيهِ مَعاقِلٌ وَحُصونُ

9. You gathered all your people in one fist -
If you do not relent, you will bend.

٩. وَجَمَعتَ شَعبَكَ كُلَّهُ في قَبضَةٍ
إِن لَم تَكُن لانَت فَسَوفَ تَلينُ

10. Your trade organized cities and villages,
The Nile irrigated through it, and Sinai.

١٠. نَظَمَت تِجارَتُكَ المَدائِنَ وَالقُرى
فَالنيلُ ناءَ بِها وَناءَ السينُ

11. In every land are bands of your men,
And in every sea are ships from your coast.

١١. فَبِكُلِّ أَرضٍ مِن رِجالِكَ عُصبَةٌ
وَبِكُلِّ بَحرٍ مِن لَدُنكَ سَفينُ

12. You march and soar - where is the melody that shades them?
Neither lion disquiets them, nor dragon.

١٢. تَسري وَنَسرُكَ أَينَ لُحنَ يُظِلُّها
لا اللَيثُ يُزعِجُها وَلا التِنّينُ

13. The command is yours, the unsheathed sword quiescent,
The prohibition yours, the journey secured.

١٣. فَالأَمرُ أَمرُكَ وَالمُهَنَّدُ مُغمَدٌ
وَالنَهيُ نَهيُكَ وَالسُرى مَأمونُ

14. Once your people in Berlin were peaceful,
Filling markets while at rest.

١٤. قَد كانَ في بِرلينَ شَعبُكَ وادِعاً
يَستَعمِرُ الأَسواقَ وَهيَ سُكونُ

15. Its gates opened to them, their way
Stopped for them, their livelihood assured.

١٥. فُتِحَت لَهُ أَبوابُها فَسَبيلُها
وَقفٌ عَلَيهِ وَرِزقُهُ مَضمونُ

16. Why then did you burden the world and harm it,
Unleashing on it skills for destruction?

١٦. فَعَلامَ أَرهَقتَ الوَرى وَأَثَرتَها
شَعواءَ فيها لِلهَلاكِ فُنونُ

17. By God, if your armies gained victory,
The age of peace would end and the inhabited world would empty.

١٧. تَاللَهِ لَو نُصِرَت جُيوشُكَ لِاِنطَوى
أَجَلُ السَلامِ وَأَقفَرَ المَسكونُ

18. Seventy million - if you distributed them
Among cities, we would get one million.

١٨. سَبعونَ مِليوناً إِذا وَزَّعتَها
بَينَ الحَواضِرِ نالَنا مِليونُ

19. Woe to those who colonize their countries!
Famine is the easiest of their afflictions and lightest.

١٩. وَيلٌ لِمَن يَستَعمِرونَ بِلادَهُ
القَحطُ أَيسَرُ خَطبِهِ وَالهونُ

20. You excessively mention God in piety
And claim to be a messenger and trustee.

٢٠. أَكثَرتَ مِن ذِكرِ الإِلَهِ تَوَرُّعاً
وَزَعَمتَ أَنَّكَ مُرسَلٌ وَأَمينُ

21. Wonders! You remember Him and His creation fills,
Yet woe that your deluded people live in bliss!

٢١. عَجَباً أَتَذكُرُهُ وَتَملَأُ كَونَهُ
وَيلاً لِيَنعَمَ شَعبُكَ المَغبونُ

22. Thus the butcher remembers his Lord
While the knife remains in the slaughtered's neck buried.

٢٢. وَكَذَلِكَ القَصّابُ يَذكُرُ رَبَّهُ
وَالنَصلُ في عُنُقِ الذَبيحِ دَفينُ