
We could not find what matches your worth in eulogies

لم نجد ما يفي بقدرك في المجد

1. We could not find what matches your worth in eulogies
To be presented to your generous protection

١. لَم نَجِد ما يَفي بِقَدرِكَ في المَج
دِ فَيُهدى إِلى حِماكَ الكَريمِ

2. So we have sent to you, with your name inscribed
A message on the page of lasting loyalty

٢. فَبَعَثنا إِلَيكَ بِاِسمِكَ مَكتو
باً عَلى صَفحَةِ الوَلاءِ المُقيمِ