
Too long has neutrality persisted though you would not cease

لقد طال الحياد ولم تكفوا

1. Too long has neutrality persisted though you would not cease
Is our neutrality the price you wish to exact from us?

١. لَقَد طالَ الحِيادُ وَلَم تَكُفّوا
أَما أَرضاكُمُ ثَمَنُ الحِيادِ

2. You have taken all that you wanted from us
Yet still you seek to control our lives

٢. أَخَذتُم كُلَّ ما تَبغونَ مِنّا
فَما هَذا التَحَكُّمُ في العِبادِ

3. We have endured both harshness and lenience from you
Each has scattered ashes in its wake

٣. بَلَونا شِدَّةً مِنكُم وَلينا
فَكانَ كِلاهُما ذَرَّ الرَمادِ

4. In times of peace or enmity with you
Neither friend nor foe profits

٤. وَسالَمتُم وَعادَيتُم زَماناً
فَلَم يُغنِ المُسالِمُ وَالمُعادي

5. For you there remains only tyranny
For us there remains only struggle

٥. فَلَيسَ وَراءَكُم غَيرُ التَجَنّي
وَلَيسَ أَمامَنا غَيرُ الجِهادِ