1. The rain poured down as was its habit,
And thus it chooses to fall gently.
١. أَجادَ مَطرانٌ كَعاداتِهِ
وَهَكَذا يُؤثَرُ عَن قُسِّ
2. If after it I stand reciting,
I take from its dripping my dripping.
٢. فَإِن أَقِف مِن بَعدِهِ مُنشِداً
فَإِنَّما مِن طِرسِهِ طِرسي
3. And if you see in my hand a flower,
It is from that planting.
٣. وَإِن رَأَيتُم في يَدي زَهرَةً
فَإِنَّها مِن ذَلِكَ الغَرسِ
4. He eulogized a loved one and eulogized after him
That loyal one over the grave.
٤. رَثى حَبيباً وَرَثى بَعدَهُ
لِذَلِكَ الموفي عَلى الرِمسِ
5. They were, whenever they took the pulpit,
Solace to the hearts of the listeners.
٥. كانا إِذا ما ظَهَرا مِنبَراً
حَلّا مِنَ السامِعِ في النَفسِ
6. So they became - this one cloaked in dust
And that one prey in the hand of misery.
٦. فَأَصبَحا هَذا طَواهُ الرَدى
وَذاكَ نَهبٌ في يَدِ البُؤسِ
7. If it were not for Suleiman, none would have said
Nor found one who was generous yesterday.
٧. لَولا سَليمٌ لَم يَقُل قائِلٌ
وَلَم يَجُد مَن جادَ بِالأَمسِ
8. By God, how bold he is! He
Has in us carefulness and might.
٨. لِلَّهِ ما أَشجَعَهُ إِنَّهُ
ذو مِرَّةٍ فينا وَذو بَأسِ
9. He stands in his project assured
As if he were Antarah Al-Absi.
٩. يَقومُ في مَشروعِهِ نافِذاً
كَأَنَّهُ عَنتَرَةُ العَبسي
10. You meet him in earnest as you wish
And at times you meet him in jest.
١٠. تَلقاهُ في الجِدِّ كَما تَبتَغي
وَتارَةً تَلقاهُ في الهَلسِ
11. Sarkis, if you like what I said
In the manner of jest, then say "throw."
١١. سَركيسُ إِن راقَكَ ما قُلتُهُ
في مَعرِضِ الهَزلِ فَقُل مِرسي
12. I swear by God and his signs,
By his throne, by the tablet, by the seat,
١٢. أُقسِمُ بِاللَهِ وَآلائِهِ
بِعَرشِهِ بِاللَوحِ بِالكُرسِي
13. By the hidden stars in their swimming,
By the moon in its reflection, by the sun,
١٣. بِالخُنَّسِ الكُنَّسِ في سَبحِها
بِالبَدرِ في مَرآهُ بِالشَمسِ
14. That this is righteous work
Done by this young holy man.
١٤. بِأَنَّ هَذا عَمَلٌ صالِحٌ
قامَ بِهِ هَذا الفَتى القُدسي
15. He reminded us, while man is busy
With himself and his living, forgetting,
١٥. ذَكَّرَنا وَالمَرءُ مِن نَفسِهِ
وَعَيشِهِ في شاغِلٍ يُنسي
16. Of the most sacred duty to one
Whom Egypt sold in the sale of the cheated.
١٦. بِالواجِبِ الأَقدَسِ في حَقِّ مَن
باعَتهُ مِصرٌ بَيعَةَ الوَكسِ
17. This is the father of justice, so whoever opposed him
Alive, none opposed but the opposite.
١٧. هَذا أَبو العَدلِ فَمَن خالَهُ
حَيّاً فَما خالَ سِوى العَكسِ
18. He had in his throat a wealth
Of tone that stirs and of sound that rings.
١٨. كانَت لَهُ في حَلقِهِ ثَروَةٌ
مِن نَبرَةٍ تُشجي وَمِن جَرسِ
19. But time made it expensive, as it made him expensive,
Until he became like the ruined traces.
١٩. فَغالَها الدَهرُ كَما غالَهُ
حَتّى غَدا كَالطَلَلِ الدَرسِ
20. So gain the reward and do not seek
To buy it for a paltry price.
٢٠. فَاِكتَسِبوا الأَجرَ وَلا تَبتَغوا
شِراءَهُ بِالثَمَنِ البَخسِ
21. I see the curtain in a flood
Abundant, calling to despair.
٢١. إِنّي أَرى التَمثيلَ في غَمرَةٍ
غامِرَةٍ تَدعو إِلى اليَأسِ
22. It would not hurt him in his crack what it threw
Had it been built on a foundation.
٢٢. لَم يَرمِهِ في شَرخِهِ ما رَمى
لَو كانَ مَبنِيّاً عَلى أُسِّ
23. However much a clarity weakened him
From his illness, he was quickly bent.
٢٣. أَكُلَّما خَفَّت بِهِ صَحوَةٌ
مِن دائِهِ عوجِلَ بِالنَكسِ
24. If you neglect the tracker of his traces
Time has obscured them with the blot.
٢٤. إِن تُغفِلوا دارِسَ آثارِهِ
عَفّى عَلَيها الدَهرُ بِالطَمسِ
25. Speech has failed them, so they came to us
We stand in for their muted tongues.
٢٥. أَعجَزَها النُطقُ فَجاءَت بِنا
نَنوبُ عَن أَلسُنِها الخُرسِ