
Alas! The West has become a raging flame,

لاهم إن الغرب أصبح شعلة

1. Alas! The West has become a raging flame,
At the terror of which the mother of lightning bolts scatters.

١. لاهُمَّ إِنَّ الغَربَ أَصبَحَ شُعلَةً
مِن هَولِها أُمُّ الصَواعِقِ تَفرَقُ

2. Science fans its fire and inflames it;
A ragged civilization shows no mercy.

٢. العِلمُ يُذكي نارَها وَتُثيرُها
مَدَنِيَّةٌ خَرقاءُ لا تَتَرَفَّقُ

3. I had thought science for us a blessing -
It would help the weak and be a flowing mercy.

٣. وَلَقَد حَسِبتُ العِلمَ فينا نِعمَةً
تَأسو الضَعيفَ وَرَحمَةً تَتَدَفَّقُ

4. But lo! its blessing has become an ordeal,
And lo! its mercy has become a crushing fate.

٤. فَإِذا بِنِعمَتِهِ بَلاءٌ مُرهِقٌ
وَإِذا بِرَحمَتِهِ قَضاءٌ مُطبِقُ

5. The archers, baffled by the archers, unleashed
A fog through which suffocating smoke undulates.

٥. عَجِزَ الرُماةُ عَنِ الرُماةِ فَأَرسَلوا
كِسَفاً يَموجُ بِها دُخانٌ يَخنُقُ

6. The horizons recoil from it, the winds avoid it,
And the cavalry flees from it in terror.

٦. تَتَعَوَّذُ الآفاقُ مِنهُ وَتَنثَني
عَنهُ الرِياحُ وَيَتَّقيهِ الفَيلَقُ

7. They have gone too far with chemistry, so they exceeded;
They have competed with electricity, so they drowned.

٧. وَتَنابَلوا بِالكيمِياءِ فَأَسرَفوا
وَتَساجَلوا بِالكَهرُباءِ فَأَغرَقوا

8. They descended in the sky when it seemed to them
That the earth's expanse was too confining.

٨. وَتَنازَلوا في الجَوِّ حينَ بَدا لَهُم
أَنَّ البَسيطَةَ عَن مَداهُم أَضيَقُ

9. They breathed freely in the spacious realm of the whales,
And delighted in robbing it and were insolent.

٩. نَفِسوا عَلى الحيتانِ واسِعَ مُلكِها
فَتَفَنَّنوا في سَلبِهِ وَتَأَنَّفوا

10. After overpowering the eagles in the air, they ruled
The whales' own element against them.

١٠. مَلَكوا مَسابِحَها عَلَيها بَعدَ ما
غَلَبوا النُسورَ عَلى الجِواءِ وَحَلَّقوا

11. If this is the character of the age of science for us,
Then the age of ignorance would be more gentle.

١١. إِن كانَ عَهدُ العِلمِ هَذا شَأنُهُ
فينا فَعَهدُ الجاهِلِيَّةِ أَرفَقُ