1. O you who turned away from this world and its adornments
So its allurements did not seduce you
١. يا مَن صَدَفتَ عَنِ الدُنيا وَزينَتِها
فَلَم يَغُرَّكَ مِن دُنياكَ مُغريها
2. What did you see at the gate of Damascus when they wanted
To dress you in splendid garments
٢. ماذا رَأَيتَ بِبابِ الشامِ حينَ رَأَوا
أَن يُلبِسوكَ مِنَ الأَثوابِ زاهيها
3. And mount you on the litter preceded by
Horses caparisoned that enchant the onlooker
٣. وَيُركِبوكَ عَلى البِرذَونِ تَقدُمُهُ
خَيلٌ مُطَهَّمَةٌ تَحلو مَرائيها
4. It walked proudly with its rider
While litters do not boast their height
٤. مَشى فَهَملَجَ مُختالاً بِراكِبِهِ
وَفي البَراذينِ ما تُزهى بِعاليها
5. You cried out, "O people, vanity nearly killed me
And I was in a state I cannot describe"
٥. فَصِحتَ يا قَومُ كادَ الزَهوُ يَقتُلُني
وَداخَلَتنِيَ حالٌ لَستُ أَدريها
6. My life was nearly poured into your world
Pleased to sell the rest for the transient
٦. وَكادَ يَصبو إِلى دُنياكُمُ عُمَرٌ
وَيَرتَضي بَيعَ باقيهِ بِفانيها
7. Return my mount for I do not seek a substitute
Return my clothes for today my old ones suffice
٧. رُدّوا رِكابي فَلا أَبغي بِهِ بَدَلاً
رُدّوا ثِيابي فَحَسبي اليَومَ باليها