
Greed cast off its veil from the West,

طمع ألقى عن الغرب اللثاما

1. Greed cast off its veil from the West,
So awake, O East, and beware of slumber!

١. طَمَعٌ أَلقى عَنِ الغَربِ اللِثاما
فَاِستَفِق يا شَرقُ وَاِحذَر أَن تَناما

2. And carry, O sun, to all who dwell in the East,
Greetings of peace.

٢. وَاِحمِلي أَيَّتُها الشَمسُ إِلى
كُلِّ مَن يَسكُنُ في الشَرقِ السَلاما

3. And bear witness on the day we are called
That we died with honor in the cause of truth.

٣. وَاِشهَدي يَومَ التَنادي أَنَّنا
في سَبيلِ الحَقِّ قَد مِتنا كِراما

4. The earth was saturated with the blood of the slain,
Of the lawful and unlawful alike.

٤. مادَتِ الأَرضُ بِنا حينَ اِنتَشَت
مِن دَمِ القَتلى حَلالاً وَحَراما

5. The Italians were helpless against our heroes,
So they whetted the swords of our children.

٥. عَجِزَ الطُليانُ عَن أَبطالِنا
فَأَعَلّوا مِن ذَرارينا الحُساما

6. They shackled them, killed them, mutilated
The chaste, and wreaked havoc on the orphans.

٦. كَبَّلوهُم قَتَلوهُم مَثَّلوا
بِذَواتِ الخِدرِ طاحوا بِاليَتامى

7. They slaughtered the old and the infirm, and showed
No mercy to infants or youth.

٧. ذَبَحوا الأَشياخَ وَالزَمنى وَلَم
يَرحَموا طِفلاً وَلَم يُبقوا غُلاما

8. They burned down homes and deemed lawful all
That God had forbidden them to violate.

٨. أَحرَقوا الدورَ اِستَحَلّوا كُلَّ ما
حَرَّمَت لاهايُ في العَهدِ اِحتِراما

9. The bishop blessed their deeds,
So they made him their prelate and sign.

٩. بارَكَ المَطرانُ في أَعمالِهِم
فَسَلوهُ بارَكَ القَومَ عَلاما

10. Did their Bible command them
To spread peace upon the earth?

١٠. أَبِهَذا جاءَهُم إِنجيلُهُم
آمِراً يُلقي عَلى الأَرضِ سَلاما

11. They revealed the West's intentions toward us,
And removed the darkness from the East's horizon.

١١. كَشَفوا عَن نِيَّةِ الغَربِ لَنا
وَجَلَوا عَن أُفُقِ الشَرقِ الظَلاما

12. So we read it in lines of blood
That swore to devour the East ravenously.

١٢. فَقَرَأناها سُطوراً مِن دَمٍ
أَقسَمَت تَلتَهِمُ الشَرقَ اِلتِهاما

13. They unleashed the fleet in the sea
As a messenger looses his pigeons in the sky.

١٣. أَطلَقوا الأُسطولَ في البَحرِ كَما
يُطلِقُ الزاجِلُ في الجَوِّ الحَماما

14. It sailed not far before it turned back,
Bearing tidings of woe and defeat.

١٤. فَمَضى غَيرَ بَعيدٍ وَاِنثَنى
يَحمِلُ الأَنباءَ شُؤماً وَاِنهِزاما

15. We filled the land with their body parts;
Let them fill the world with empty words!

١٥. قَد مَلَأنا البَرَّ مِن أَشلائِهِم
فَدَعوهُم يَملَئوا الدُنيا كَلاما

16. They declared war, and we resolved
To bring them perdition wherever they landed.

١٦. أَعلَنوا الحَربَ وَأَضمَرنا لَهُم
أَينَما حَلّوا هَلاكاً وَاِختِراما

17. Tell Victor about us -
How he amazed the world with war and order.

١٧. خَبِّروا فِكتورَ عَنّا أَنَّهُ
أَدهَشَ العالَمَ حَرباً وَنِظاما

18. How the world was stunned when they saw
His army outrun ostriches.

١٨. أَدهَشَ العالَمَ لَمّا أَن رَأَوا
جَيشَهُ يَسبِقُ في الجَريِ النَعاما

19. It would stop on land only long enough
To surrender souls or drop the reins.

١٩. لَم يَقِف في البَرِّ إِلّا رَيثَما
يُسلِمُ الأَرواحَ أَو يُلقي الزِماما

20. O Hated of the Italians, you have obliged us
With a kindness we will recall for years to come.

٢٠. حاتِمَ الطُليانِ قَد قَلَّدتَنا
مِنَّةً نَذكُرُها عاماً فَعاما

21. You have given us equipment,
Clothing, drink, and food,

٢١. أَنتَ أَهدَيتَ إِلَينا عُدَّةً
وَلِباساً وَشَراباً وَطَعاما

22. And weapons that in your hands
Had lost their edge but served us well,

٢٢. وَسِلاحاً كانَ في أَيديكُمُ
ذا كَلالٍ فَغَدا يَفري العِظاما

23. Take your walks in our neighborhoods,
And thank God they have cured your illnesses.

٢٣. أَكثِروا النُزهَةَ في أَحيائِنا
وَرُبانا إِنَّها تَشفي السَقاما

24. And hold each year a feast
To nourish our orphans and widows.

٢٤. وَأَقيموا كُلَّ عامٍ مَوسِماً
يُشبِعُ الأَيتامَ مِنّا وَالأَيامى

25. I know not what nation you shepherd -
The Italian people or stray cattle.

٢٥. لَستُ أَدري بِتَّ تَرعى أُمَّةٍ
مِن بَني التَليانِ أَم تَرعى سَواما

26. Since when is victory among your customs?
You clung to the coast in fear and for protection.

٢٦. ما لَهُم وَالنَصرُ مِن عاداتِهِم
لَزِموا الساحِلَ خَوفاً وَاِعتِصاما

27. You escaped the fire of Vesuvius
Only to enter the flames of a war less merciful.

٢٧. أَفلَتوا مِن نارِ فيزوفَ إِلى
نارِ حَربٍ لَم تَكُن أَدنى ضِراما

28. Vesuvius was not so hellish
As the shells that spewed lethal poison.

٢٨. لَم يَكُن فيزوفُ أَدهى حِمَماً
مِن كُراتٍ تَنفُثُ المَوتَ الزُؤاما

29. O Vesuvius, stop protecting them,
For Africa has shaken off its slumber!

٢٩. إيهِ يا فيزوفُ نَم عَنهُم فَقَد
نَفَضَت إِفريقِيا عَنها المَناما

30. It is a volcano God has placed at their disposal
As a punishment and vengeance.

٣٠. فَهيَ بُركانٌ لَهُم سَخَّرَهُ
مالِكُ المُلكِ جَزاءً وَاِنتِقاما

31. Had they known the East's hidden might,
They would have preferred Vesuvius as their abode.

٣١. لَو دَرَوا ما خَبَّأَ الشَرقُ لَهُم
آثَروا فيزوفَ وَاِختاروا المُقاما

32. Such is the recompense of a treacherous nation
That violates its pacts and covenants,

٣٢. تِلكَ عُقبى أُمَّةٍ غادِرَةٍ
تَنكُثُ العَهدَ وَلا تَرعى الذِماما

33. The recompense of every tyrant who oppresses,
Transcends bounds, or is heedless of truth.

٣٣. تِلكَ عُقبى كُلِّ جَبّارٍ طَغى
أَو تَعالى أَو عَنِ الحَقِّ تَعامى

34. Had Rome known what befell it
In Tripoli, it would have opted for division,

٣٤. لَو دَرَت رومَةُ ما قَد نابَها
في طَرابُلسَ أَبَت إِلّا اِنقِساما

35. And every socialist among them
Would have refused to see a crown on a head.

٣٥. وَأَبى كُلُّ اِشتِراكِيٍّ بِها
أَن يَرى التاجَ عَلى رَأسٍ أَقاما

36. They declared annexation of our ports
To Victor's kingdom, heedless of blame.

٣٦. أَعلَنوا ضَمَّ مَغانينا إِلى
مُلكِ فِكتورَ وَلَم يَخشَوا مَلاما

37. They declared annexation without first
Unlocking a single claw before or behind.

٣٧. أَعلَنوا الضَمَّ وَلَمّا يَفتَحوا
قَيدَ أُظفورٍ وَراءً أَو أَماما

38. They were amazed that a seasoned conqueror
Would think a stroll by sea a collision,

٣٨. فَاِعجَبوا مِن فاتِحٍ ذي مِرَّةٍ
يَحسَبُ النُزهَةَ في البَحرِ صِداما

39. And consider their empty annexation claim
Absurd, false, and warranting arbitration.

٣٩. وَيَرى الفَتحَ اِدِّعاءً باطِلاً
وَاِفتِراءً وَاِحتِجاجاً وَاِحتِكاما

40. You who are lost at sea, approach
The Bosphorus' sanctuary if you are so inclined!

٤٠. أَيُّها الحائِرُ في البَحرِ اِقتَرِب
مِن حِمى البُسفورِ إِن كُنتَ هُماما

41. How often have we heard the lightning report
What alarmed the world when the navy stirred.

٤١. كَم سَمِعنا عَن لِسانِ البَرقِ ما
يُزعِجُ الدُنيا إِذا الأُسطولُ عاما

42. Two months have passed and it opened up nothing but
A gulf into which millions were made to plunge.

٤٢. عامَ شَهرَينِ وَلَم يَفتَح سِوى
هُوَّةٍ فيها المَلايينُ تَرامى

43. They buried their history in its depths
And cast their glory in after it, ungrown.

٤٣. دَفَنوا تاريخَهُم في قاعِها
وَرَمَوا في إِثرِهِ المَجدَ غُلاما

44. So be reassured, O nations of the East,
For effort arose today, so do not despair.

٤٤. فَاِطمَئِنّي أُمَمَ الشَرقِ وَلا
تَقنَطي اليَومَ فَإِنَّ الجَدَّ قاما

45. In our ribs are hearts
That love glory and refuse to be suppressed.

٤٥. إِنَّ في أَضلاعِنا آفئِدَةً
تَعشَقُ المَجدَ وَتَأبى أَن تُضاما