1. I was silent, so they lessened my respect,
And I spoke, so they increased their folly,
١. سَكَتُّ فَأَصغَروا أَدَبي
وَقُلتُ فَأَكبَروا أَرَبي
2. And I have no hope in a country,
Where aspirations are frustrated, and vile.
٢. وَما أَرجوهُ مِن بَلَدٍ
بِهِ ضاقَ الرَجاءُ وَبي
3. Is there anything in Egypt to be proud of,
Other than titles and ranks?
٣. وَهَل في مِصرَ مَفخَرَةٌ
سِوى الأَلقابِ وَالرُتَبِ
4. And one who boasts of inherited wealth,
Not earned by his own efforts?
٤. وَذي إِرثٍ يُكاثِرُنا
بِمالٍ غَيرِ مُكتَسَبِ
5. And in the Roman, there is an admonition,
For a people immersed in frivolity,
٥. وَفي الرومِيِّ مَوعِظَةٌ
لِشَعبٍ جَدَّ في اللَعِبِ
6. They kill us without reason,
No wergild or refuge for us.
٦. يُقَتِّلُنا بِلا قَوَدٍ
وَلا دِيَةٍ وَلا رَهَبِ
7. And he walks towards his banner,
Which shields him from affliction.
٧. وَيَمشي نَحوَ رايَتِهِ
فَتَحميهِ مِنَ العَطَبِ
8. So say to the boasters - what is the cause,
Of this empty boasting?
٨. فَقُل لِلفاخِرينَ أَما
لِهَذا الفَخرِ مِن سَبَبِ
9. Show me among you an upstanding man,
Of clear and noble lineage.
٩. أَروني بَينَكُم رَجُلاً
رَكيناً واضِحَ الحَسَبِ
10. Show me half an inventor,
Show me a quarter of a guardian of morals.
١٠. أَروني نِصفَ مُختَرِعٍ
أَروني رُبعَ مُحتَسِبِ
11. Show me one who hosts gatherings,
Of people of merit and literature.
١١. أَروني نادِياً حَفلاً
بِأَهلِ الفَضلِ وَالأَدَبِ
12. And what is in your schools,
Of education and books?
١٢. وَماذا في مَدارِسِكُم
مِنَ التَعليمِ وَالكُتُبِ
13. And what is in your mosques,
Of elucidation and sermons?
١٣. وَماذا في مَساجِدِكُم
مِنَ التِبيانِ وَالخُطَبِ
14. And what is in your newspapers,
Other than deception and lies?
١٤. وَماذا في صَحائِفِكُم
سِوى التَمويهِ وَالكَذِبِ
15. The harvest of tongues that have led,
To misery and war.
١٥. حَصائِدُ أَلسُنٍ جَرَّت
إِلى الوَيلاتِ وَالحَرَبِ
16. So rise from your slumber,
For time is made of gold.
١٦. فَهُبّوا مِن مَراقِدِكُم
فَإِنَّ الوَقتَ مِن ذَهَبِ
17. This is a nation that has passed,
The prime of its youth.
١٧. فَهَذي أُمَّةُ اليابا
نِ جازَت دارَةَ الشُهُبِ
18. It was passionate for the heights,
And dreamed of a daughter of grapes.
١٨. فَهامَت بِالعُلا شَغَفاً
وَهِمنا بِاِبنَةِ العِنَبِ