1. O nightingale, visit the garden where love blossoms,
And precede dawn to the meadow of flowers.
١. أَيُّها الوَسمِيُّ زُر نَبتَ الرُبا
وَاِسبِقِ الفَجرَ إِلى رَوضِ الزَهَر
2. Greet it, and scatter on its sleeves,
Pearl-like drops of water.
٢. حَيِّهِ وَاِنثُر عَلى أَكمامِهِ
مِن نِطافِ الماءِ أَشباهَ الدُرَر
3. O flower, awaken from slumber,
And freshen yourself with wine unstrained,
٣. أَيُّها الزَهرُ أَفِق مِن سِنَةٍ
وَاِصطَبِح مِن خَمرَةٍ لَم تُعتَصَر
4. With nectar brought by the wandering breeze,
In the dim of dawn, the spirit of magic.
٤. مِن رَحيقٍ أُمُّهُ غادِيَةٌ
ساقَها تَحتَ الدُجى رَوحُ السَحَر
5. Perfume the garden with sweet fragrances,
Hoping to awaken the dwellers of the trees.
٥. وَاِنفَحِ الرَوضَ بِنَشرٍ طَيِّبٍ
عَلَّهُ يوقِظُ سُكّانَ الشَجَر
6. For I long for the one with a beautiful voice,
Who entertains the soul when the night companions sleep.
٦. إِنَّ بي شَوقاً إِلى ذي غُنَّةٍ
يُؤنِسُ النَفسَ وَقَد نامَ السَمَر
7. Rise, o bird, and give me good news of happiness,
For wakefulness has cured me.
٧. إيهِ يا طَيرُ أَلا مِن مُسعِدٍ
إِنَّني قَد شَفَّني طولُ السَهَر
8. Get up and clap and ask and relate,
And tell of Isaac's oft-repeated tale.
٨. قُم وَصَفِّق وَاِستَحِر وَاِسجَع وَنُح
وَاِروِ عَن إِسحاقَ مَأثورَ الخَبَر
9. Dawn has appeared, and you have accustomed me,
To sing to me when dawn appears.
٩. ظَهَرَ الفَجرُ وَقَد عَوَّدتَني
أَن تُغَنّيني إِذا الفَجرُ ظَهَر
10. Sing to me, for you have ample reward from me,
You have dispelled my worries and thoughts.
١٠. غَنِّني كَم لَكَ عِندي مِن يَدٍ
سَرَّتِ الأَشجانَ عَنّي وَالفِكَر
11. Shock the hearing, unless it be news,
That shocked the hearing, and it deafened and buzzed.
١١. اِخرِقِ السَمعَ سِوى مِن نَبَإٍ
خَرَقَ السَمعَ فَأَدمى فَوَقَر
12. Each day a news item shocks us,
With a wondrous one of the admonitions.
١٢. كُلَّ يَومٍ نَبأَةٌ تَطرُقُنا
بِعَجيبٍ مِن أَعاجيبِ العِبَر
13. Nations disappear and pillars crumble,
Thrones topple down and seats of honor.
١٣. أُمَمٌ تَفنى وَأَركانٌ تَهي
وَعُروشٌ تَتَهاوى وَسُرُر
14. And armies meet with armies,
Like torrents rushing down a slope.
١٤. وَجُيوشٌ بِجُيوشٍ تَلتَقي
كَسُيولٍ دَفَقَت في مُنحَدَر
15. And men compete for evil,
Not caring whether absent or present.
١٥. وَرِجالٌ تَتَبارى لِلرَدى
لا تُبالي غابَ عَنها أَم حَضَر
16. Whoever saw them in their frenzy imagined them,
To be little girls playing with their dolls.
١٦. مَن رَآها في وَغاها خالَها
صِبيَةً خَفَّت إِلى لِعبِ الأُكَر
17. And grinding wars, whenever,
Their flames are put out, their embers flare up.
١٧. وَحُروبٌ طاحِناتٌ كُلَّما
أُطفِئَت شَبَّ لَظاها وَاِستَعَر
18. The planets cried out from their horrors,
And the sun and moon sought refuge from them.
١٨. ضَجَّتِ الأَفلاكُ مِن أَهوالِها
وَاِستَعاذَ الشَمسُ مِنها وَالقَمَر
19. On land, in air, in the ether of space,
In the haze of the sea, in the course of the river.
١٩. في الثَرى في الجَوِّ في شُمِّ الذُرا
في عُبابِ البَحرِ في مَجرى النَهَر
20. They raged against creation until they almost,
Caused them to perish before the time of humankind.
٢٠. أَسرَفَت في الخَلقِ حَتّى أَوشَكوا
أَن يَبيدوا قَبلَ ميعادِ البَشَر
21. So be steadfast, then praise Allah for,
The blessing of security and good settlement.
٢١. فَاِصمِدوا ثُمَّ اِحمَدوا اللَهَ عَلى
نِعمَةِ الأَمنِ وَطيبِ المُستَقَرّ
22. The blessing of security! And what will convey to you,
What the blessing of security is when calamities rage?
٢٢. نِعمَةُ الأَمنِ وَما أَدراكَ ما
نِعمَةُ الأَمنِ إِذا الخَطبُ اِكفَهَرّ
23. Thank the Sultan of Egypt, thank
The Master of the State, Mahmoud the Great.
٢٣. وَاِشكُروا سُلطانَ مِصرٍ وَاِشكُروا
صاحِبَ الدَولَةِ مَحمودَ الأَثَر
24. We live in comfort, which nations in the West,
Whose fate has made them miserable, long for.
٢٤. نَحنُ في عَيشٍ تَمَنّى دونَهُ
أُمَمٌ في الغَربِ أَشقاها القَدَر
25. They long for a night's rest in happiness,
Which sorrowful nights have not cloaked.
٢٥. تَتَمَنّى هَجعَةً في غِبطَةٍ
لَم تُساوِرها اللَيالي بِالكَدَر
26. Verily, in Al-Azhar there are people,
Sparks of its blazing fires have reached them.
٢٦. إِنَّ في الأَزهَرِ قَوماً نالَهُم
مِن لَظى نيرانِها بَعضُ الشَرَر
27. They have become, Allah did not decree for us,
In distress, misery and discontent.
٢٧. أَصبَحوا لا قَدَّرَ اللَهُ لَنا
في عَناءٍ وَشَقاءٍ وَضَجَر
28. Guests among us, if they are persecuted,
Or wronged, it is surely one of the major sins.
٢٨. نُزَلاءٌ بَينَنا إِن يُرهَقوا
أَو يُضاموا إِنَّها إِحدى الكُبَر
29. So help them, for they are your brothers,
Misfortune has touched them and calamity has afflicted them.
٢٩. فَأَعينوهُم فَهُم إِخوانُكُم
مَسَّهُم ضُرٌّ وَنابَتهُم غِيَر
30. Lend Allah a goodly loan, He will multiply your reward,
For the best reward is a treasure stored away.
٣٠. أَقرِضوا اللَهَ يُضاعِف أَجرَكُم
إِنَّ خَيرَ الأَجرِ أَجرٌ مُدَّخَر