
I was suddenly invited to your celebration

إني دعيت إلى احتفالك فجأة

1. I was suddenly invited to your celebration
So I accepted despite my preoccupations and illness

١. إِنّي دُعيتُ إِلى اِحتِفالِكَ فَجأَةً
فَأَجَبتُ رَغمَ شَواغِلي وَسَقامي

2. And I called upon my poetry, O faithful one, but it betrayed me
My talent failed and my rhymes were out of my control

٢. وَدَعَوتُ شِعري يا أَمينُ فَخانَني
أَدَبي وَلَم يَرعَ القَريضُ ذِمامي

3. So I came empty-handed, possessing nothing but
My hope for your forgiveness for the shortcomings of my words

٣. فَأَتَيتُ صِفرَ الكَفِّ لَم أَملِك سِوى
أَمَلي بِصَفحِكَ عَن قُصورِ كَلامي

4. And I felt ashamed, would this be my stance
At the farewell and honoring ceremony?

٤. واخَجلَتي أَيَكونُ هَذا مَوقِفي
في حَفلَةِ التَوديعِ وَالإِكرامِ

5. I deserve to chant to the people
Verses about this intrepid reformer

٥. وَأَنا الخَليقُ بِأَن أُرَتِّلَ لِلوَرى
آياتِ هَذا المُصلِحِ المِقدامِ

6. And to speak for myself and others with what
Loyalty and duty to honor require

٦. وَأَقومُ عَن نَفسي وَعَن غَيري بِما
يَقضي الوَلاءُ وَواجِبُ الإِعظامِ

7. You have certainly gotten your share of bliss
And happiness, care and order

٧. بِنها لَقَد وُفّيتِ قِسطَكِ مِن مُنىً
وَسَعادَةٍ وَرِعايَةِ وَنِظامِ

8. So let anyone other than you win the proximity of the successful Muwaffaq
He is the elite of rulers in governance

٨. فَدَعي سِواكِ يَفُز بِقُربِ مُوَفَّقٍ
هُوَ في الحُكومَةِ نُخبَةُ الحُكّامِ

9. He wore humility as his garment and walked to
The positions of glory with steady steps

٩. لَبِسَ التَواضُعَ حُلَّةً وَمَشى إِلى
رُتَبِ الجَلالِ مُسَدَّدِ الأَقدامِ

10. And he started roaming the towers of glory
Like the full moon bringing joy to the heavens

١٠. وَغَدا بِأَبراجِ العُلا مُتَنَقِّلاً
كَالبَدرِ يُسعِدُهُ السُرى بِتَمامِ