
How often have you feared for the weak, whom He called upon,

كم خفت في الله مضعوفا دعاك به

1. How often have you feared for the weak, whom He called upon,
And how often have you made the strong bow down wandering lost!

١. كَم خِفتَ في اللَهِ مَضعوفاً دَعاكَ بِهِ
وَكَم أَخَفتَ قَوِيّاً يَنثَني تيها

2. In the words of the Ghassanid youth there is an admonition
For everyone with a purpose who refuses to forget it.

٢. وَفي حَديثِ فَتى غَسّانَ مَوعِظَةٌ
لِكُلِّ ذي نَغرَةٍ يَأبى تَناسيها

3. The strong is not strong against opposition, however mighty,
When the judge is the Discerner of Truth.

٣. فَما القَوِيُّ قَوِيّاً رَغمَ عِزَّتِهِ
عِندَ الخُصومَةِ وَالفاروقُ قاضيها

4. Nor is the weak now weak after his argument,
If he disputes with the governor and the shepherd of the land.

٤. وَما الضَعيفُ ضَعيفاً بَعدَ حُجَّتِهِ
وَإِن تَخاصَمَ واليها وَراعيها