
You are the epitome of saffron, O palace

أقصر الزعفران لأنت قصر

1. You are the epitome of saffron, O palace
Fit to wander amongst the stars

١. أَقَصرَ الزَعفَرانِ لَأَنتَ قَصرٌ
خَليقٌ أَن يَتيهَ عَلى النُجومِ

2. Both your eras are the pride of generations
Glory for the present and antiquity

٢. كِلا عَهدَيكَ لِلأَجيالِ فَخرٌ
وَزَهوٌ لِلحَديثِ وَلِلقَديمِ

3. Yesterday you harbored majesty and glory
Today you are the abode of science

٣. ثَوى بِالأَمسِ فيكَ عُلاً وَمَجدٌ
وَأَنتَ اليَومَ مَثوىً لِلعُلومِ

4. From nobility to everlasting glory
To knowledge, to widespread benefit

٤. فَمِن نُبلٍ إِلى مَجدٍ أَثيلٍ
إِلى عِلمٍ إِلى نَفعٍ عَميمِ

5. You have added to the edifices of knowledge, an edifice
With the chastity of that wise king

٥. أَضَفتَ إِلى صُروحِ العِلمِ صَرحاً
بِزَورَةِ ذَلِكَ المَلِكِ الحَكيمِ

6. What an expansive, private, beautiful dwelling
Built by fingers of exquisite taste

٦. فَيالَكَ مَنزِلاً رَحباً سَرِيّاً
بَنَتهُ أَنامِلُ الذَوقِ السَليمِ

7. Surrounded by an elegant garden
Whose beauty shows you the face of bliss

٧. وَحاطَتهُ بِبُستانٍ أَنيقٍ
يُريكَ جَمالُهُ وَجهَ النَعيمِ

8. Oh Abu Farouk you have bestowed this
Upon Egypt, such are the gifts of the generous

٨. أَبا فاروقَ أَنتَ وَهَبتَ هَذا
لِمِصرَ وَهَكَذا مَنحُ الكَريمِ

9. No wonder, for Egypt is loyal
And her owner has great character

٩. وَلا عَجَبٌ فَمِصرُ عَلى وَلاءٍ
وَمالِكُها عَلى خُلُقٍ عَظيمِ

10. He looks after her with kindness each day
With the eye of a merciful father

١٠. يُطالِعُها بِبَرٍّ كُلَّ يَومٍ
وَيَرعاها بِعَينِ أَبٍ رَحيمِ

11. And he is attentive to Egypt's resolutions
When faced with grave affairs

١١. وَيُرهِفُ مِن عَزائِمِ آلِ مِصرٍ
إِذا خارَت لَدى الخَطبِ الجَسيمِ

12. You have clothed the bustling Azhar
With a garment of veneration and lasting glory

١٢. كَسَوتَ الأَزهَرَ المَعمورَ ثَوباً
مِنَ الإِجلالِ وَالعِزِّ المُقيمِ

13. You have fulfilled the prayer duty in it, it almost boasts
With its visitors at the corner of the Sacred House

١٣. قَضَيتَ بِهِ الصَلاةَ فَكادَ يُزهى
بِزائِرِهِ عَلى رُكنِ الحَطيمِ

14. The revered one saw in you a loftier time
Its foundations upon the eternal scroll

١٤. رَأى فيكَ المُعِزُّ زَمانَ أَعلى
قَواعِدَهُ عَلى ظَهرِ الأَديمِ

15. So he shook and trembled with yearning and fervor
As the confidant trembles for the confidant

١٥. فَهَشَّ وَهَزَّهُ طَرَبٌ وَشَوقٌ
كَما هَشَّ الحَميمُ إِلى الحَميمِ

16. And all who were in it cheered
And your people's voices rumbled like thunder

١٦. وَهَلَّلَ كُلُّ مَن فيهِ وَدَوَّت
بِهِ أَصواتُ شَعبِكَ كَالهَزيمِ

17. Thus should the crowns be borne by a king
Who venerates the sacraments of the upright religion

١٧. كَذا فَليَحمِلِ التاجَينَ مَلكٌ
يُعِزُّ شَعائِرَ الدينِ القَويمِ

18. And fears His Lord and obeys his Master
Who guided him to the Straight Path

١٨. وَيَخشى رَبَّهُ وَيُطيعُ مَولىً
هَداهُ إِلى الصِراطِ المُستَقيمِ

19. Does the benevolent king permit that I
Congratulate Egypt for the noble event?

١٩. أَيَأذَنُ لي المَليكُ البَرُّ أَنّي
أُهَنِّئُ مِصرَ بِالأَمرِ الكَريمِ

20. So O Egypt, prostrate to Allah in gratitude
Be dazed and sit enthralled, and stand tall

٢٠. فَيا مِصرُ اِسجُدي لِلَّهِ شُكراً
وَتيهي وَاِقعُدي طَرَباً وَقومي

21. For the building is complete, and soon
Good tidings will blow your way from the breeze

٢١. فَقَد تَمَّ البِناءُ وَعَن قَريبٍ
تُزَفُّ لَكِ البَشائِرُ مِن نَسيمِ

22. The honorable House of Parliament
Built for the seeker of widespread glory

٢٢. فَدارُ البَرلَمانِ أَعَزُّ دارٍ
تُشادُ لِطالِبِ المَجدِ العَميمِ

23. The redeemed throne is adorned by it
And Egypt lives in comfortable prosperity

٢٣. بِها يَتَجَمَّلُ العَرشُ المُفَدّى
وَتَحيا مِصرُ في عَيشٍ رَخيمِ

24. Grace it with your Lord and seal it
And make it prosperous with a perfect constitution

٢٤. فَشَرِّفها بِرَبِّكَ وَاِختَتِمها
وَأَسعَدِها بِدُستورٍ تَميمِ

25. With the signs of Muhammad and Jesus
Protect it and the signs of the Sublime

٢٥. بِآيِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَبِآيِ عيسى
فَعَوِّذهُ وَآياتِ الكَليمِ

26. Oh Abu Farouk, take the hopes by the hand
And realize them despite the opponent

٢٦. أَبا فاروقَ خُذ بِيَدِ الأَماني
وَحَقِّقها عَلى رَغمِ الخَصيمِ

27. We awoke after a deep slumber
Upon a sleep like the Companions of the Cave

٢٧. أَفَقنا بَعدَ نَومٍ فَوقَ نَومٍ
عَلى نَومٍ كَأَصحابِ الرَقيمِ

28. And by your auspices we awoke to a revival
That equals the sprouting of bountiful vegetation

٢٨. وَأَصبَحنا بِيُمنِكَ في نُهوضٍ
يُكافِئُ نَهضَةَ النَبتِ الجَميمِ

29. We alight every day with care
We circle you with lasting loyalty

٢٩. فَحُطنا بِالرِعايَةِ كُلَّ يَومٍ
نَحُفُّكَ بِالوَلاءِ المُستَديمِ