
A tear from the tears of youth's era

دمعة من دموع عهد الشباب

1. A tear from the tears of youth's era
I had hidden it for the day of affliction

١. دَمعَةٌ مِن دُموعِ عَهدِ الشَبابِ
كُنتُ خَبَّأتُها لِيَومِ المُصابِ

2. It came today, O Muhammad, when
The obituary of the most eloquent writers pained me

٢. لَبَّتِ اليَومَ يا مُحَمَّدُ لَمّا
راعَني نَعيُ أَكتَبِ الكُتّابِ

3. It calmed my agony and gladdened me a little
About my heart and softened some of my pain

٣. هَدَّأَت لَوعَتي وَسَرَّت قَليلاً
عَن فُؤادي وَلَطَّفَت بَعضَ ما بي

4. The funeral procession walks behind your coffin
In resignation, sorrow, and lamentation

٤. مَوكِبُ الدَفنِ خَلفَ نَعشِكَ يَمشي
في اِحتِسابٍ وَحَسرَةٍ وَاِنتِحابِ

5. None passed by the dwellings of Badr except
A few of the loyal friends and loved ones

٥. لَم يُجاوِز مَنازِلَ البَدرِ عَدّاً
مِن بَقايا الصَديقِ وَالأَحبابِ

6. None walked in it attempting to gain
Favor with the living or to ingratiate

٦. لَم يَسِر فيهِ مَن يُحاوِلُ أَجراً
عِندَ حَيٍّ مُؤَمَّلٍ أَو يُحابي

7. A procession overflowing on its sides with
Crowds of ethics and reputations

٧. مَوكِبٌ ماجَ جانِباهُ بِحَفلٍ
مِن وُفودِ الأَخلاقِ وَالأَحسابِ

8. Loyalty and grief spread in it until
Its throngs overwhelmed the vast plains

٨. شاعَ فيهِ الوَفاءُ وَالحُزنُ حَتّى
ضاقَ عَن حَشدِهِ فَسيحُ الرِحابِ

9. As if the sky and earth walked in it
With awe and the glory of His throne

٩. فَكَأَنَّ السَماءَ وَالأَرضَ تَمشي
فيهِ مِن هَيبَةٍ وَعِزِّ جَنابِ

10. The emperors of earth wish they had gained
This followings upon their deaths

١٠. تَتَمَنّى قَياصِرُ الأَرضِ لَو فا
زَت لَدى مَوتِها بِهَذا الرِكابِ

11. Many a coffin has been escorted by thousands
In black, topped by clothes of black

١١. رُبَّ نَعشٍ قَد شَيَّعَتهُ أُلوفٌ
مِن سَوادٍ تَعلوهُ سودُ الثِيابِ

12. Among them is no true griever or saddened
Of sincere effort, or sympathetic to the afflicted

١٢. لَيسَ فيهِم مِن جازِعٍ أَو حَزينٍ
صادِقِ السَعيِ أَو أَليفٍ مُصابِ

13. You would not accept the stars as a dwelling
So why did you accept the abode of dust?

١٣. كُنتَ لا تَرتَضي النُجومَ مَحَلّاً
فَلِماذا رَضيتَ سُكنى التُرابِ

14. You were the soul's comfort in the gathering of intimacy
And the mind's comfort in discourse

١٤. كُنتَ راحَ النُفوسِ في مَجلِسِ الأُن
سِ وَراحَ العُقولِ عِندَ الخِطابِ

15. You would not burden a friend with blame
Nor violate the privacy of companions

١٥. كُنتَ لا تُرهِقُ الصَديقَ بِلَومٍ
لا وَلا تَستَبيحُ غَيبَ الصِحابِ

16. And if you blamed or got angry
Soon reconciled, gentle in reproach

١٦. وَلَئِن بِتَّ عاتِباً أَو غَضوباً
لِقَريبُ الرِضا كَريمُ العِتابِ

17. You performed seventy pilgrimages, caring not
If the witness succeeded each other, or passed

١٧. جُزتَ سَبعينَ حِجَّةً لا تُبالي
بِشِهادٍ تَعاقَبَت أَم بِصابِ

18. It was the same to you, judgment being free
Whether the spirit of April or hot August

١٨. وَسَواءٌ لَدَيكَ وَالرَأيُ حُرٌّ
رَوحُ نَيسانَ أَو لَوافِحُ آبِ

19. O gallant one, and gallantry is but
Patience, not plunging into the depths of perils

١٩. يا شُجاعاً وَما الشَجاعَةُ إِلّا الـ
ـصَبرُ لا الخَوضُ في صُدورِ الصِعابِ

20. You were most patient if matters got difficult
And the means were blocked and inaccessible

٢٠. كُنتَ نِعمَ الصَبورُ إِن حَزَبَ الأَمـ
ـرُ وَسُدَّت مَسارِحُ الأَسبابِ

21. How often you were patient while hopes lay slain
And you remained steadfast while luck was contrary

٢١. كَم تَجَمَّلتَ وَالأَمانِيُّ صَرعى
وَتَماسَكتَ وَالحُظوظُ كَوابي

22. You lived your life like firmly rooted mountains
Above a fire that melts the hardest rocks

٢٢. عِشتَ ما عِشتَ كَالجِبالِ الرَواسي
فَوقَ نارٍ تُذيبُ صُمَّ الصِلابِ

23. Preferring misery and woe to complaining
Though time gnawed you with its teeth

٢٣. مُؤثِرَ البُؤسِ وَالشَقاءِ عَلى الشَكـ
ـوى وَإِن عَضَّكَ الزَمانُ بِنابِ

24. You would be alone with your soul as it burned
From cups of worries and misfortunes

٢٤. كُنتَ تَخلو بِالنَفسِ وَالنَفسُ تُشوى
مِن كُؤوسِ الهُمومِ وَالأَوصابِ

25. So you would comfort it with remembrance and dispel
What had saddened and depressed it

٢٥. فَتُسَرّي بِالذِكرِ عَنها وَتَنفي
ما عَراها مِن غُضَّةٍ وَاِكتِئابِ

26. And you saw the loneliness of your isolation as
Company through conversing with souls and minds

٢٦. وَتَرى وَحشَةَ اِنفِرادِكَ أُنساً
بِحَديثِ النُفوسِ وَالأَلبابِ

27. You turned away from it though you gained nothing
For you had tasted its bitterness throughout the eras

٢٧. بِنتَ عَنها وَما جَنَيتَ وَقَد كا
بَدتَ بَأساءَها عَلى الأَحقابِ

28. And you spurned wealth, generously spending
From disdain in spending which is the worst shame

٢٨. وَنَبَذتَ الثَراءَ تَبذُلُ فيهِ
مِن إِباءٍ في بَذلِهِ شَرُّ عابِ

29. Had you seen Muhammad as he dictated
The verses of Jesus and the miracles of the Book

٢٩. لَو شَهِدتُم مُحَمَّداً وَهوَ يُملي
آيَ عيسى وَمُعجِزاتِ الكِتابِ

30. Rows of meanings and rows of words
From every door would stand around him

٣٠. وَقَفَت حَولَهُ صُفوفُ المَعاني
وَصُفوفُ الأَلفاظِ مِن كُلِّ بابِ

31. You would know the era of the son of Bahr
Had returned to the East after long absence

٣١. لَعَلِمتُم بِأَنَّ عَهدَ اِبنِ بَحرٍ
عاوَدَ الشَرقَ بَعدَ طولِ اِحتِجابِ

32. Manners well-balanced and a heart all-encompassing
And an intellect that shows you the light of meteors

٣٢. أَدَبٌ مُستَوٍ وَقَلبٌ جَميعٌ
وَذَكاءٌ يُريكَ ضَوءَ الشِهابِ

33. With a well-guided opinion, resolute determination
And knowledge overflowing like rain clouds

٣٣. عِندَ رَأيٍ مُوَفَّقٍ عِندَ حَزمٍ
عِندَ عِلمٍ يَفيضُ فَيضَ السَحابِ

34. His style, pure and refined, transcended
Abstruseness, repulsion, and confusion

٣٤. جَلَّ أُسلوبُهُ النَقِيُّ المُصَفّى
عَن غُموضٍ وَنَفرَةٍ وَاِضطِرابِ

35. And his sincere criticism, far from insult
Was never tainted by abuse

٣٥. وَسَما نَقدُهُ النَزيهُ عَنِ الهُجـ
ـرِ فَما شيبَ مَرَّةً بِالسِبابِ

36. You tasted in your exile from life hardship
So taste today comfort in returning

٣٦. ذُقتَ في غُربَةِ الحَياةِ عَناءً
فَذُقِ اليَومَ راحَةً في الإِيابِ

37. Convey to Al-Baqillani greetings from me
Like the fragrance of gardens or soft silk

٣٧. بَلِّغِ البابِلِيَّ عَنّي سَلاماً
كَعَبيرِ الرِياضِ أَو كَالمَلابِ

38. He was my mentor, and was of the blessings
Of the Glorious Creator upon communities

٣٨. كانَ تِربي وَكانَ مِن نِعَمِ المُبـ
ـدِعِ سُبحانَهُ عَلى الأَترابِ

39. A knight of refinement when the horses failed
And a knight of repartee in answering

٣٩. فارِسٌ في النَدى إِذا قَصَّرَ الفُر
سانُ عَنهُ وَفارِسٌ في الجَوابِ

40. Who would send the witty anecdote walking
Through the essence of feeling like a draft of wine

٤٠. يُرسِلُ النُكتَةَ الطَريفَةَ تَمشي
في رَقيقِ الشُعورِ مَشيَ الشَرابِ

41. The two Muhammads buried have stirred up
In my heart grief while elevating my composure

٤١. قَد أَثارَ المُحَمَّدانِ دَفيناً
في فُؤادي وَقَد أَطارا صَوابي

42. They left me behind among friends, lonely
Wretched, intensifying my absence

٤٢. خَلَّفاني بَينَ الرِفاقِ وَحيداً
مُستَكيناً وَأَمعَنا في الغِيابِ