
I see you today, a sapling walking

أراك وأنت نبت اليوم تمشي

1. I see you today, a sapling walking
With your hair above the days of yore

١. أَراكَ وَأَنتَ نَبتُ اليَومِ تَمشي
بِشِعرِكَ فَوقَ هامِ الأَوَّلينا

2. You were granted prophecy in meanings
Yet not near forty years of age

٢. وَأوتيتَ النُبُوَّةَ في المَعاني
وَما دانَيتَ حَدَّ الأَربَعينا

3. So adorn the crown of leadership after the sublime
As its forelocks adorned the forehead

٣. فَزِن تاجَ الرِئاسَةِ بَعدَ سامي
كَما زانَت فَرائِدُهُ الجَبينا

4. This is the royal mace so be watchful
Of the realm of poetry and be trustworthy

٤. وَهَذا الصَولَجانُ فَكُن حَريصاً
عَلى مُلكِ القَريضِ وَكُن أَمينا

5. It suffices you that your rain cloud is Ibn Hani
And that you have become his companion

٥. فَحَسبُكَ أَنَّ مُطرِيَكَ اِبنُ هاني
وَأَنَّكَ قَد غَدَوتَ لَهُ قَرينا