
They scattered the gardens' flowers upon you,

نثروا عليك نوادي الأزهار

1. They scattered the gardens' flowers upon you,
And I came to scatter my poems amongst them.

١. نَثَروا عَلَيكَ نَوادِيَ الأَزهارِ
وَأَتَيتُ أَنثُرُ بَينَهُم أَشعاري

2. The adornment of youth and the adornment of students,
Are you in the sad tomb my home?

٢. زَينَ الشَبابِ وَزَينَ طُلّابِ العُلا
هَل أَنتَ بِالمُهَجِ الحَزينَةِ داري

3. You left us while events were in watch
And life became a life of humiliation and captivity.

٣. غادَرتَنا وَالحادِثاتُ بِمَرصَدٍ
وَالعَيشُ عَيشُ مَذَلَّةٍ وَإِسارِ

4. How much we needed you when an enemy transgressed
And the criers cried out for the home.

٤. ما كانَ أَحوَجَنا إِلَيكَ إِذا عَدا
عادٍ وَصاحَ الصائِحونَ بَدارِ

5. Where is the orator and where is the discipliner of prohibitions?
The hearing and sights have long awaited.

٥. أَينَ الخَطيبُ وَأَينَ خَلّابُ النُهى
طالَ اِنتِظارُ السَمعِ وَالأَبصارِ

6. By God, why do you not answer a caller?
What has befallen you, O father of delusions?

٦. بِاللَهِ ما لَكَ لا تُجيبُ مُنادِياً
ماذا أَصابَكَ يا أَبا المِغوارِ

7. Arise and erase what Cromer's right hand inscribed
In ignorance of the religion of the One Subduer.

٧. قُم وَاِمحُ ما خَطَّت يَمينُ كُرومَرٍ
جَهلاً بِدينِ الواحِدِ القَهّارِ

8. You used to be angered by sluggishness whenever
It intended and plotted to cause stumbling.

٨. قَد كُنتَ تَغضَبُ لِلكِنانَةِ كُلَّما
هَمَّت وَهَمَّ رَجاؤُها بِعِثارِ

9. The anger of the pious towards his Lord and His Book
Or the Farouq's anger towards the Chosen one.

٩. غَضَبَ التَقِيِّ لِرَبِّهِ وَكِتابِهِ
أَو غَضبَةَ الفاروقِ لِلمُختارِ

10. Your body was too narrow for your extension, so it could not
Have patience upon you while you were a flame of fire.

١٠. قَد ضاقَ جِسمُكَ عَن مَداكَ فَلَم يُطِق
صَبراً عَلَيكَ وَأَنتَ شُعلَةُ نارِ

11. That jihad took its toll on him and directed him
A resolve that directs the formidable perils.

١١. أَودى بِهِ ذاكَ الجِهادُ وَهَدَّهُ
عَزمٌ يَهُدُّ جَلائِلَ الأَخطارِ

12. Your right hand played with the spear and overpowered
The play of horsemen with the dangerous spear.

١٢. لَعِبَت يَمينُكَ بِاليَراعِ فَأَعجَزَت
لَعِبَ الفَوارِسِ بِالقَنا الخَطّارِ

13. You hastened towards the most high, seeking its prominence,
And fate ran its course while you were in the race.

١٣. وَجَرَيتَ لِلعَلياءِ تَبغي شَأوَها
فَجَرى القَضاءُ وَأَنتَ في المِضمارِ

14. Or whenever hope swayed dejectedly,
The contingencies of fates rushed to it.

١٤. أَوَ كُلَّما هَزَّ الرَجاءُ مُهَنَّداً
بَدَرَت إِلَيهِ غَوائِلُ الأَقدارِ

15. Resolve was difficult for me the night of his death notice
And I witnessed his procession so my resolve weakened.

١٥. عَزَّ القَرارُ عَلَيَّ لَيلَةَ نَعيِهِ
وَشَهِدتُ مَوكِبَهُ فَقَرَّ قَراري

16. The eulogizers raced in it, one by electricity
And one by steam.

١٦. وَتَسابَقَت فيهِ النُعاةُ فَطائِرٌ
بِالكَهرَباءِ وَطائِرٌ بِبُخارِ

17. I witnessed on the Day of Gathering, the day of his death,
And realized from it the stations of destinies.

١٧. شاهَدتُ يَومَ الحَشرِ يَومَ وَفاتِهِ
وَعَلِمتُ مِنهُ مَراتِبَ الأَقدارِ

18. And I saw how nations bid farewell to its men
The right of loyalty and the duty of reverence.

١٨. وَرَأَيتُ كَيفَ تَفي الشُعوبُ رِجالَها
حَقَّ الوَلاءِ وَواجِبَ الإِكبارِ

19. Ninety thousand around your coffin humbly
Walking under your swaying banner.

١٩. تِسعونَ أَلفاً حَولَ نَعشِكَ خُشَّعُ
يَمشونَ تَحتَ لِوائِكَ السَيّارِ

20. They traced with their tears upon the face of the earth
Lines of sorrow upon lines.

٢٠. خَطّوا بِأَدمُعِهِم عَلى وَجهِ الثَرى
لِلحُزنِ أَسطاراً عَلى أَسطارِ

21. Sometimes they burst out wailing as if they were
The pilgrim caravan at the Kaaba of pilgrims.

٢١. آناً يُوالونَ الضَجيجَ كَأَنَّهُم
رَكبُ الحَجيجِ بِكَعبَةِ الزُوّارِ

22. And sometimes their humility made them seem
As if at the prayer niche listening to my recitation.

٢٢. وَتَخالُهُم آناً لِفَرطِ خُشوعِهِم
عِندَ المُصَلّى يُنصِتونَ لِقاري

23. Humility overcame them so their tears
Flowed without restraint or wiping.

٢٣. غَلَبَ الخُشوعُ عَلَيهِمُ فَدُموعُهُم
تَجري بِلا كَلَحٍ وَلا اِستِنثارِ

24. You were under their tears and sighs
Between a gushing torrent and sparks.

٢٤. قَد كُنتَ تَحتَ دُموعِهِم وَزَفيرِهِم
ما بَينَ سَيلٍ دافِقٍ وَشَرارِ

25. I hasten so the blaze seizes me and bends me
So the overflowing current repels me.

٢٥. أَسعى فَيَأخُذُني اللَهيبُ فَأَنثَني
فَيَصُدُّني مُتَدَفِّقُ التَيّارِ

26. Had I not clung to the casket or its shades
I would have perished between hot ashes and seas.

٢٦. لَو لَم أَلُذ بِالنَعشِ أَو بِظِلالِهِ
لَقَضَيتُ بَينَ مَراجِلٍ وَبِحارِ

27. How many chaste women on the day destiny turned you over
Tore off their veils upon you.

٢٧. كَم ذاتِ خِدرٍ يَومَ طافَ بِكَ الرَدى
هَتَكَت عَلَيكَ حَرائِرَ الأَستارِ

28. You traveled to bid farewell to a carried nation
In the coffin, unaware of news.

٢٨. سَفَرَت تُوَدِّعُ أُمَّةً مَحمولَةً
في النَعشِ لا خَبَراً مِنَ الأَخبارِ

29. The onlookers' eyes were reassured so they tore
The face of the veil but did not enjoy the veil.

٢٩. أَمِنَت عُيونَ الناظِرينَ فَمَزَّقَت
وَجهَ الخِمارِ فَلَم تَلُذ بِخِمارِ

30. A barrier of sorrows and gloom stood between the eyes and it.
You were wrapped in the flag you purified

٣٠. قَد قامَ ما بَينَ العُيونِ وَبَينَها
سِترٌ مِنَ الأَحزانِ وَالأَكدارِ

31. Of love for you, so it was the best emblem.
Two flags above the heads, both

٣١. أُدرِجتَ في العَلَمِ الَّذي أَصفَيتَهُ
مِنكَ الوِدادَ فَكانَ خَيرَ شِعارِ

32. Containing in its folds a secret of secrets.
The caller of separation summoned them so they came

٣٢. عَلَمانِ مِن فَوقِ الرُؤوسِ كِلاهُما
في طَيِّهِ سِرٌّ مِنَ الأَسرارِ

33. Embracing at a burning edge.
By God, neither did the lover panic nor cry

٣٣. ناداهُما داعي الفِراقِ فَأَمسَيا
يَتَعانَقانِ عَلى شَفيرٍ هاري

34. For a frightening intention and distant burial place.
The crescent moon panicked over you the day you left it

٣٤. تَاللَهِ ما جَزِعَ المُحِبُّ وَلا بَكى
لِنَوىً مُرَوِّعَةٍ وَبُعدِ مَزارِ

35. Between the heat of sorrow and the heat of becoming faint.
Looking around, confused, making a choice

٣٥. جَزَعَ الهِلالِ عَلَيكَ يَومَ تَرَكتَهُ
ما بَينَ حَرِّ أَسىً وَحَرِّ أُوارِ

36. Of a man who contends on its behalf on the day of pride.
Surely the thirty years you prided with

٣٦. مُتَلَفِّتاً مُتَحَيِّراً مُتَخَيِّراً
رَجُلاً يُناضِلُ عَنهُ يَومَ فَخارِ

37. Have become measured by the longest lifespans.
It added to history some white pages

٣٧. إِنَّ الثَلاثينَ الَّتي بِكَ فاخَرَت
باتَت تُقاسُ بِأَطوَلِ الأَعمارِ

38. Like the pages of the righteous.
I likened them to a fragrant spot

٣٨. ضَمَّت إِلى التاريخِ بِضعَ صَحائِفٍ
بَيضاءَ مِثلَ صَحائِفِ الأَبرارِ

39. That contained the harvest of a perfumed garden.
You left them like an exemplar emulated in its footsteps

٣٩. شَبَّهتُهُنَّ بِنُقطَةٍ عِطرِيَّةٍ
وَسِعَت مُحَصَّلَ رَوضَةٍ مِعطارِ

40. A hopeful of reaching and a pursuer of traces.
What about the sublime if they are landmarks

٤٠. خَلَّفتَها كَالمَشقِ يَحذو حَذوَها
راجى الوُصولِ وَمُقتَفي الآثارِ

41. If it traveled between ignorant lands and deserts?
You continued to choose tough positions

٤١. ماذا عَلى الساري وَهُنَّ مَناثِرٌ
لَو سارَ بَينَ مَجاهِلٍ وَقِفارِ

42. Until you stood up to that Compeller.
And you demolished a wall excellently built

٤٢. ما زِلتَ تَختارُ المَواقِفَ وَعرَةً
حَتّى وَقَفتَ لِذَلِكَ الجَبّارِ

43. By Pharaoh of the stakes and rivers.
And you connected between our complaints and sheikhs

٤٣. وَهَدَمتَ سوراً قَد أَجادَ بِناءَهُ
فِرعَونُ ذو الأَوتادِ وَالأَنهارِ

44. Honorable and virtuous elders in Parliament.
They uncovered the veil from the eyes so they saw

٤٤. وَوَصَلتَ بَينَ شَكاتِنا وَمَشايِخٍ
في البَرلَمانِ أَعِزَّةٍ أَخيارِ

45. The harm and evils in sluggishness.
They rejected the prattling talk when they realized

٤٥. كَشَفوا الغِطاءَ عَنِ العُيونِ فَأَبصَروا
ما في الكِنانَةِ مِن أَذىً وَضِرارِ

46. The wrath of anger and the dialect of the garrulous.
And they threw them with two volumes, threw them

٤٦. نَبَذوا كَلامَ اللُردِ حينَ تَبَيَّنوا
حَنَقَ المَغيظِ وَلَهجَةَ الثَرثارِ

47. In the rank of zeros, not travelogue.
Woe to those positions! They were

٤٧. وَرَماهُمُ بِمُجَلَّدَينِ رَمَوهُما
في رُتبَةِ الأَصفارِ لا الأَسفارِ

48. Positions of an absent raging lion.
Neither threats nor the speech of the wary deterred him

٤٨. واهاً عَلى تِلكَ المَواقِفِ إِنَّها
كانَت مَواقِفَ لَيثِ غابٍ ضاري

49. From his resolute saying of caution.
So congratulations on your new residence and sleep in it

٤٩. لَم يَلوِهِ عَنها الوَعيدُ وَلا ثَنى
مِن عَزمِهِ قَولُ المُريبِ حَذارِ

50. In bliss and enjoy the best neighborliness.
And welcome the great reward, the reward for what

٥٠. فَاِهنَأ بِمَنزِلِكَ الجَديدِ وَنَم بِهِ
في غِبطَةٍ وَاِنعَم بِخَيرِ جِوارِ

51. You sacrificed for homelands of periods.
Excellent is the reward and excellent is what you have attained

٥١. وَاِستَقبِلِ الأَجرَ الكَبيرَ جَزاءَ ما
ضَحَّيتَ لِلأَوطانِ مِن أَوطارِ

52. In your two dwellings, and excellent is the outcome of the house.

٥٢. نِعمَ الجَزاءُ وَنِعمَ ما بُلِّغتَهُ
في مَنزِلَيكَ وَنِعمَ عُقبى الدارِ