
I would beat the drums if I saw Shakib

أخرق الدف لو رأيت شكيبا

1. I would beat the drums if I saw Shakib
And utter prayers until he is gone

١. أَخرِقُ الدُفَّ لَو رَأَيتُ شَكيبا
وَأَفُضُّ الأَذكارَ حَتّى يَغيبا

2. He is my remembrance, my qibla, my imam
And my doctor when I call upon a doctor

٢. هُوَ ذِكري وَقِبلَتي وَإِمامي
وَطَبيبي إِذا دَعَوتُ الطَبيبا

3. If you could see me, I who yearned to kill myself
Out of separation, you would see a fierce old man

٣. لَو تَراني وَقَد تَعَمَّدتَ قَتلي
بِالتَنائي رَأَيتَ شَيخاً حَريبا

4. Who would not bow to any but you out of reverence
Nor desire anyone but you, O beloved

٤. كانَ لا يَنحَني لِغَيرِكَ إِجلا
لاً وَلا يَشتَهي سِواكَ حَبيبا

5. Do not blame, O Shakib, my infatuation
For it is the old man who is infatuated

٥. لا تَعيبَنَّ يا شَكيبُ دَبيبي
إِنَّما الشَيخُ مَن يَدِبُّ دَبيبا

6. How much wine have you drunk in the Shaykh's presence
And how much milk were you given to drink

٦. كَم شَرِبتَ المُدامَ في حَضرَةِ الشَي
خِ جِهاراً وَكَم سُقيتَ الحَليبا

7. Ask my prayer beads - did I glorify
Anyone in them but Shakib, Shakib?

٧. فَسَلوا سُبحَتي فَهَل كانَ تَسبي
حِيَ فيها إِلّا شَكيباً شَكيبا

8. And when love overwhelms the Shaykhs
I was the chief of the circle of Shaykhs

٨. وَإِذا أَدنَفَ الشُيوخَ غَرامٌ
كُنتُ في حَلبَةِ الشُيوخِ نَقيبا

9. Return to us, for you have been away too long
Ride the lightning if you can mount it

٩. عُد إِلَينا فَقَد أَطَلتَ التَجافي
وَاِركَبِ البَرقَ إِن أَطَقتَ الرُكوبا

10. And if you fear what is feared from the sea
Our hearts will be carpets for your feet

١٠. وَإِذا خِفتَ ما يُخافُ مِنَ اليَم
مِ فَرَشنا لِأَخمَصَيكَ القُلوبا

11. And we called upon the rug of Bilqis's companion
And he responded to our call favorably

١١. وَدَعَونا بِساطَ صاحِبِ بِلقي
سَ فَلَبّى دُعاءَنا مُستَجيبا

12. And we ordered the winds to blow by your command
Until we see you near, O beloved

١٢. وَأَمَرنا الرِياحَ تَجري بِأَمرٍ
مِنكَ حَتّى نَراكَ مِنّا قَريبا