
I am the suffering lover though you don't know

أنا العاشق العاني وإن كنت لا تدري

1. I am the suffering lover though you don't know
I seek refuge from passion that seeped into my chest

١. أَنا العاشِقُ العاني وَإِن كُنتَ لا تَدري
أُعيذُكَ مِن وَجدٍ تَغَلغَلَ في صَدري

2. My dear, tonight has come dressed in its finery
So rise, let's find armor of patience against insomnia

٢. خَليلَيَ هَذا اللَيلُ في زَيِّهِ أَتى
فَقُم نَلتَمِس لِلسُهدِ دِرعاً مِنَ الصَبرِ

3. And this wakefulness urges us towards fever
So come now, though we are on a frail vessel

٣. وَهَذا السُرى نَحوَ الحِمى يَستَفِزُّنا
فَهَيّا وَإِن كُنّا عَلى مَركَبٍ وَعرِ

4. My dear, tonight has lived long
And it has no other than tales and remembrance

٤. خَليلَيَ هَذا اللَيلُ قَد طالَ عُمرُهُ
وَلَيسَ لَهُ غَيرُ الأَحاديثِ وَالذِكرِ

5. So bring us the most sober of tales attended
To delight with, tales are surely like wine

٥. فَهاتِ لَنا أَذكى حَديثٍ وَعَيتَهُ
أَلَذُّ بِهِ إِنَّ الأَحاديثَ كَالخَمرِ