1. The Nile sends you a thousand fragrant greetings
In lines of perfume
ูก. ุฅููููููููู ูููุฏู ุงููููู ุฃูููู ุชูุญููููุฉู
ูุนูุทููุฑูุฉู ูู ุฃูุณุทูุฑู ุนูุทูุฑุงุชู
2. And commends your deeds through the praise
Of the virtuous and the righteous
ูข. ููููุซูู ุนููู ุฃูุนู
ุงููููููู ู
ุจูุฅูุทุฑุงุกู ุฃูููู ุงูุจูุฑูู ููุงูุญูุณููุงุชู
3. Yesterday you laid a blessed foundation
And today you come rejoicing
ูฃ. ุฃูููู
ุชูููู ุจูุงูุฃูู
ุณู ุงูุฃูุณุงุณู ู
ููุฌูุฆุชูููู ูููู
ู ุงูููุชุญู ู
4. You have done what exhausts men
Increasing goodness and blessings
ูค. ุตูููุนุชูููู ู
ุง ููุนูู ุงูุฑูุฌุงูู ุตูููุนููู
ููุฒูุฏุชูููู ูู ุงูุฎููุฑุงุชู ููุงูุจูุฑููุงุชู
5. They say half the people in the East are idle
Women who spent their lives secluded
ูฅ. ูููููููู ููุตูู ุงููุงุณู ูู ุงูุดูุฑูู ุนุงุทููู
ููุณุงุกู ููุถูููู ุงูุนูู
ุฑู ูู ุงูุญูุฌูุฑุงุชู
6. Yet here are the Nileโs daughters working diligently
Planting seeds of abundant harvest
ูฆ. ููููุฐู ุจููุงุชู ุงููููู ููุนู
ูููู ููููููู
ููููุบุฑูุณูู ุบูุฑุณุงู ุฏุงูููู ุงูุซูู
7. In the black year you were exemplars
When death flowed with invaders
ูง. ูููู ุงูุณููููุฉู ุงูุณููุฏุงุกู ูููุชูููู ููุฏููุฉู
ูููุง ุญููู ุณุงูู ุงูู
ููุชู ุจูุงูู
8. You stood against the armed Thursday
Steadfast in faith
ูจ. ูููููุชูููู ูู ููุฌูู ุงูุฎูู
ูุณู ู
ูููููุชูููู ุจูุงูุฅูู
ุงูู ู
9. Neither spears nor swords wavered you in prayer
Nor machine guns in the streets
ูฉ. ููู
ุง ูุงููููููู ุงูุฑูู
ุญู ููุงูุณูููู ู
ูููุง ุงูู
ูุฏููุนู ุงูุฑูุดูุงุดู ูู ุงูุทูุฑููุงุชู
10. Men learned from you and so became
Masters over the tide of death
ูกู . ุชูุนููููู
ู ู
ููููููู ุงูุฑูุฌุงูู ููุฃูุตุจูุญูุง
ุนููู ุบูู
ูุฑุงุชู ุงูู
ููุชู ุฃูููู ุซูุจุงุชู
11. Safiyya led you to glory and supremacy
As Saad led the elite vanguard
ูกูก. ุตููููููุฉู ูุงุฏูุชููููู ูููู
ูุฌุฏู ููุงูุนููุง
ุง ูุงูู ุณูุนุฏู ูุงุฆูุฏู ุงูุณูุฑููุงุชู
12. We know her share in Saadโs glory
Of wisdom and courage in crises
ูกูข. ุนูุฑูููุง ูููุง ูู ู
ูุฌุฏู ุณูุนุฏู ููุตูุจููุง
ููู ุงูุญูุฒู
ู ููุงูุฅููุฏุงู
ู ูู ุงูุฃูุฒูู
13. She makes light of the venerable elderโs attack
With encouragement and smiles
ูกูฃ. ุชูููููููู ูููุดููุฎู ุงูุฌููููู ููุฌูู
ุนููู ุงูููููู ุจูุงูุชูุดุฌูุนู ููุงูุจูุณูู
14. And drives him to death though the breach is afire
With sighs bursting from her chest
ูกูค. ููุชูุฏููุนููู ูููู
ููุชู ููุงูุซูุบุฑู ุจุงุณูู
ูููู ุตูุฏุฑููุง ูููุกู ู
ููู ุงูุฒูููุฑุงุชู
15. So let the generous act and endure
His fate though it does not oblige
ูกูฅ. ููุฐุง ูููููููู ุตููุนู ุงูููุฑูู
ู ููุตูุจุฑููู
ุนููู ุฏููุฑููู ููุงูุฏููุฑู ุบููุฑู ู
16. To revive chivalry in the shade of a queen
Who excelled all queens
ูกูฆ. ููุชูุญูู ุงูุบููุงูู ูู ุธููุงูู ู
ูุช ูู ู
ูุนุงูููุง ุนููู ุงูู
17. And remained the proud Eastโs joyous heart
Open-handed, true to its intents
ูกูง. ููุธูููู ููุคุงุฏู ู
ููุฎูุฑู ุงูุดูุฑูู ููููููู
ููุซูุฑู ุงูุฃููุงุฏู ุตุงุฏููู ุงูุนูุฒูู