1. The genius of his time alighted, Kindanah,
So gaze, Egypt, at the magic of his eloquence,
١. وَرَدَ الكِنانَةَ عَبقَرِيُّ زَمانِهِ
فَتَنَظَّري يا مِصرُ سِحرَ بَيانِهِ
2. And al-Husn came, so congratulate the king of virtues,
On the rise of his state and the return of his beauty,
٢. وَأَتى الحُسانُ فَهَنِّئوا مُلكَ النُهى
بِقِيامِ دَولَتِهِ وَعَودِ حُسانِهِ
3. The Nile turned its hearing to him,
And the water held back its flow for him,
٣. النيلُ قَد أَلقى إِلَيهِ بِسَمعِهِ
وَالماءُ أَمسَكَ فيهِ عَن جَرَيانِهِ
4. The flowers listen rapt and the gazelles stand in awe,
And the birds, perched on their twigs, pay heed,
٤. وَالزَهرُ مُصغٍ وَالخَمائِلُ خُشَّعٌ
وَالطَيرُ مُستَمِعٌ عَلى أَفنانِهِ
5. The rain clouds yearn for an Andalusian melody,
A melody that quenches its burning thirst,
٥. وَالقُطرُ في شَوقٍ لِأَندَلُسِيَّةٍ
شَوقِيَّةٍ تَشفيهِ مِن أَشجانِهِ
6. If Ahmed sings, listen like the community of Ahmed,
Turns its ears to his call to prayer,
٦. يُصغي لِأَحمَدَ إِن شَدا مُتَرَنِّماً
إِصغاءَ أُمَّةِ أَحمَدٍ لِأَذانِهِ
7. So speak up and sing to the Nile and stir its compassion,
It has suffered enough melancholy,
٧. فَاِصدَح وَغَنِّ النيلَ وَاِهزُز عِطفَهُ
يَكفيهِ ما عاناهُ مِن أَحزانِهِ
8. And relate to us of al-Hamra what you saw,
And of the palace what was its structure,
٨. وَاِذكُر لَنا الحَمراءَ كَيفَ رَأَيتَها
وَالقَصرَ ماذا كانَ مِن بُنيانِهِ
9. What of its dwellings is now in ruins and what
Has time's vicissitudes left of its pillars?
٩. ماذا تَحَطَّمَ مِن ذُراهُ وَما الَّذي
أَبقَت صُروفُ الدَهرِ مِن أَركانِهِ
10. Alas for it and its people and daughters,
When it was inhabited by the celestial bodies,
١٠. واهاً عَلَيهِ وَأَهلِهِ وَبُناتِهِ
أَيّامَ كانَ النَجمُ مِن سُكّانِهِ
11. When the kingdom of Andalus had widespread glory,
And its flourishing youth was at its prime,
١١. إِذ مُلكُ أَندَلُسٍ عَريضٌ جاهُهُ
وَشَبابُهُ المَبكِيُّ في رَيعانِهِ
12. Conquest and prosperity were signs of its era,
And the regiments of fate were its assistants,
١٢. الفَتحُ وَالعُمرانُ آيَةُ عَهدِهِ
وَكَتائِبُ الأَقدارِ مِن أَعوانِهِ
13. The world wore by it the garb of civilization,
Which it would cast off onto its neighbors,
١٣. لَبِسَت بِهِ الدُنيا لِباسَ حَضارَةٍ
قَد كانَ يَخلَعُهُ عَلى جيرانِهِ
14. Its joy faded and its intimacy was lost,
And the world was emptied of its human presence,
١٤. زالَت بَشاشَتُهُ وَزالَ وَأَقفَرَت
مِن أُنسِهِ الدُنيا وَمِن إِنسانِهِ
15. And the earth folded the secret of its decay,
Did the earth's chest become too narrow to conceal it?
١٥. وَطَوى الثَرى سِرَّ الزَوالِ فَيا تُرى
هَل ضاقَ صَدرُ الأَرضِ عَن كِتمانِهِ
16. Those hills spoke and became eloquent,
When you stood questioning their condition,
١٦. فَتَكَلَّمَت تِلكَ الطُلولُ وَأَفصَحَت
لَمّا وَقَفتَ مُسائِلاً عَن شانِهِ
17. And perhaps dispersal and disunity over there,
Were what had been among its crowns,
١٧. وَلَعَلَّ نَكبَتَهُ هُناكَ تَفَرُّقٌ
وَتَعَدُّدٌ قَد كانَ في تيجانِهِ
18. Lessons we saw in our own days,
Which made light of what had afflicted it back then,
١٨. عِبَرٌ رَأَيناها عَلى أَيّامِنا
قَد هَوَّنَت ما نابَهُ في آنِهِ
19. And successive events in existence,
Came resolved to destroy its edifice,
١٩. وَحَوادِثٌ في الكَونِ إِثرَ حَوادِثٍ
جاءَت مُشَمَّرَةً لِهَدِّ كِيانِهِ
20. Glory to the Almighty of the Highest Heaven,
Turner of the cycles of being in their cycles,
٢٠. سُبحانَ جَبّارِ السَمَواتِ العُلا
وَمُقَلِّبِ الأَكوانِ في أَكوانِهِ
21. Hello O sun of the two dawning places, and welcome,
O radiant light hoped for from his brothers,
٢١. أَهلاً بِشَمسِ المَشرِقَينِ وَمَرحَباً
بِالأَبلَجِ المَرجُوِّ مِن إِخوانِهِ
22. I complain to you of time and a horde,
That has wounded the heart of poetry in its notables,
٢٢. أَشكو إِلَيكَ مِنَ الزَمانِ وَزُمرَةٍ
جَرَحَت فُؤادَ الشِعرِ في أَعيانِهِ
23. How many strays beyond his bounds the people censure,
With his poetry, and wonder fills his mind,
٢٣. كَم خارِجٍ عَن أُفقِهِ حَصَبَ الوَرى
بِقَريضِهِ وَالعُجبُ مِلءُ جَنانِهِ
24. He struts among the people, trailing his train,
The winds of arrogance blow from his cloak,
٢٤. يَختالُ بَينَ الناسِ مُتَّئِدَ الخُطا
ريحُ الغُرورِ تَهُبُّ مِن أَردانِهِ
25. How he has deafened our hearing with his insignificant verse,
And prolonged our torment with his lengthy tongue,
٢٥. كَم صَكَّ مَسمَعَنا بِجَندَلِ لَفظِهِ
وَأَطالَ مِحنَتَنا بِطولِ لِسانِهِ
26. He continues to proclaim himself among us,
Till the deaf have implored an end to his proclamation,
٢٦. مازالَ يُعلِنُ بَينَنا عَن نَفسِهِ
حَتّى اِستَغاثَ الصُمُّ مِن إِعلانِهِ
27. The rightly-guided counselled them in vain, so their arrogance intensified,
And the torrent of their tyranny swelled,
٢٧. نَصَحَ الهُداةُ لَهُم فَزادَ غُرورُهُم
وَاِشتَدَّ ذاكَ السَيلُ في طُغيانِهِ
28. Have you not seen the Criterion, clear in its separation,
To which the Buddhist pays no heed in his idolatry?
٢٨. أَوَ لَم تَرَ الفُرقانَ وَهوَ مُفَصَّلٌ
لَم يَلفِتِ البوذِيَّ عَن أَوثانِهِ
29. Tell the one who presumptuously maligns Ahmed:
"Leave poetry, for you are no knight of his."
٢٩. قُل لِلَّذي قَد قامَ يَشأو أَحمَداً
خَلِّ القَريضَ فَلَستَ مِن فُرسانِهِ
30. Poetry by its metrics, were it to be weighed,
Would eclipse it with pearls on the scale,
٣٠. الشِعرُ في أَوزانِهِ لَو قِستَهُ
لَظَلَمتَهُ بِالدُرِّ في ميزانِهِ
31. This is a man who came before his time,
If he had not come after his time,
٣١. هَذا اِمرُؤٌ قَد جاءَ قَبلَ أَوانِهِ
اِن لَم يَكُن قَد جاءَ بَعدَ أَوانِهِ
32. If he says poetry or mounts the pulpit,
Then seek refuge in God from his devil,
٣٢. إِن قالَ شِعراً أَو تَسَنَّمَ مِنبَراً
فَتَعَوُّذاً بِاللَهِ مِن شَيطانِهِ
33. He makes fantasy his steed and gallops,
High above the clouds, scanning the sky arrogantly,
٣٣. تَخِذَ الخَيالَ لَهُ بُراقاً فَاِعتَلى
فَوقَ السُها يَستَنُّ في طَيَرانِهِ
34. He would not be safe from a stumble had not
The spirit of truth held his reins,
٣٤. ما كانَ يَأمَنُ عَثرَةً لَو لَم يَكُن
روحُ الحَقيقَةِ مُمسِكاً بِعِنانِهِ
35. So he came with what no predecessor had come with,
Nor could minds aspire to bring the like,
٣٥. فَأَتى بِما لَم يَأتِهِ مُتَقَدِّمٌ
أَو تَطمَعُ الأَذهانُ في إِتيانِهِ
36. Does fantasy and reality have a spring,
Unsought by the visitors in his diwan?
٣٦. هَل لِلخَيالِ وَلِلحَقيقَةِ مَنهَلٌ
لَم يَبغِهِ الرُوّادُ في ديوانِهِ
37. We are entertained when we are serious, and he,
Is serious when he playfully composes poetry,
٣٧. إِنّا لَنَلهو إِذ نَجِدُّ وَإِنَّهُ
لَيَجِدُّ إِذ يَلهو بِنَظمِ جُمانِهِ
38. His pens, if he wished, their nibs would pierce,
The Pleiades and Suhail with their points,
٣٨. أَقلامُهُ لَو شاءَ شَكَّ قَصيرُها
هامَ الثُرَيّا وَالسُها بِسِنانِهِ
39. His mind and heart dictate to them,
What no passion or deep affection would deny,
٣٩. يُملي عَلَيها عَقلُهُ وَجَنانُهُ
ما لَيسَ يُنكِرُهُ هَوى وِجدانِهِ
40. It behooves our poets to remain silent,
Before appearing before him and seeking permission,
٤٠. بَسلٌ عَلى شُعَرائِنا أَن يَنطِقوا
قَبلَ المُثولِ لَدَيهِ وَاِستِئذانِهِ
41. He brought new life to the ancient worn by decrepitude,
And created the eternal so the ephemeral seemed lowly by it,
٤١. عافَ القَديمَ وَقَد كَسَتهُ يَدُ البِلى
خَلَقَ الأَديمِ فَهانَ في خُلقانِهِ
42. And he refused the new though its proponents indulged,
In ornateness until they were deluded by its hues,
٤٢. وَأَبى الجَديدَ وَقَد تَأَنَّقَ أَهلُهُ
في الرَقشِ حَتّى غَرَّ في أَلوانِهِ
43. So his novelty revived the ancient from decay,
And restored its pillars to their prime,
٤٣. فَجَديدُهُ بَعَثَ القَديمَ مِنَ البِلى
وَأَعادَ سُؤدُدَهُ إِلى إِبّانِهِ
44. And he threw their novelty so its edifice collapsed,
By the traffickers' tricks and the paintings' flash,
٤٤. وَرَمى جَديدَهُمُ فَخَرَّ بِناؤُهُ
بِرُواءِ زُخرُفِهِ وَبَرقِ دِهانِهِ
45. The fragrant-breathed poets, mention of them spread,
In the land of Andalus by its most eloquent of eras,
٤٥. شُعَراءُ نَفحِ الطيبِ أَنشَرَ ذِكرُهُم
في أَرضِ أَندَلُسٍ أَديبُ زَمانِهِ
46. Ibn Hani and Ibn Ammar strove for it,
Could they together attain the kiss of his lips,
٤٦. وَدَّ اِبنُ هانِئَ وَاِبنُ عَمّارٍ بِها
لَو يَظفَرانِ مَعاً بِلَثمِ بَنانِهِ
47. And if they could attain more than that they would hasten,
Defying decrepitude and the grave to reach him,
٤٧. وَلَوِ اِستَطاعا فَوقَ ذاكَ لَأَقبَلا
رَغمَ البِلى وَالقَبرِ يَستَبِقانِهِ
48. O vine of Matrud, rejoice in him,
And quench the thirsty from his streams,
٤٨. يا كَرمَةَ المَطَرِيَّةِ اِبتَهِجي بِهِ
وَاِستَقبِلي الظَمآنَ مِن أَخدانِهِ
49. Spread your shade over the pilgrims and renew,
A time hidden by fate in your orchard,
٤٩. مُدّي الظِلالَ عَلى الوُفودِ وَجَدِّدي
عَهداً طَواهُ الدَهرُ في بُستانِهِ
50. How many a gathering of joy in it I attended,
And from his ode and rhymes grew drunk,
٥٠. كَم مَجلِسٍ لِلَّهوِ فيهِ شَهِدتُهُ
فَسَكِرتُ مِن ديوانِهِ وَدِنانِهِ
51. A singer sang and his singing was impassioned,
The lament of doves for their departed beloved,
٥١. غَنّى مُغَنّيهِ فَهاجَ غِناؤُهُ
شَجوَ الحَمامِ عَلى ذُوائِبِ بانِهِ
52. So its trees swayed gently and its boughs,
Swayed in rapture upon their trunks,
٥٢. فَتَرَنَّحَت أَشجارُهُ وَتَمايَلَت
أَعوادُها طَرَباً عَلى عيدانِهِ
53. And so our gathering there was like a poem,
Of his composition rising over his servants,
٥٣. فَكَأَنَّ مَجلِسَنا هُناكَ قَصيدَةٌ
مِن نَظمِهِ طَلَعَت عَلى عُبدانِهِ
54. So praise be to Allah who returned him,
After his exile to his homelands,
٥٤. فَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذي قَد رَدَّهُ
مِن بَعدِ غُربَتِهِ إِلى أَوطانِهِ
55. So await his signs and hearken,
For your nightingale is calling from his branches
٥٥. فَتَنَظَّروا آياتِهِ وَتَسَمَّعوا
قَد قامَ بُلبُلُكُم عَلى أَغصانِهِ