
The price of glory and praise is dear

ثمن المجد والمحامد غالي

1. The price of glory and praise is dear
O clan of Zaghloul, have patience for nights

١. ثَمَنُ المَجدِ وَالمَحامِدِ غالي
آلُ زَغلولَ فَاِصبِروا لِلَيالي

2. Three lights among you have fallen
Towers of grandeur have passed from them

٢. قَد هَوى مِنكُمُ ثَلاثَةُ أَقما
رٍ خَلَت مِنهُمُ بُروجُ المَعالي

3. Fathi died, and who can match his stature?
And the horizons of his roving thoughts

٣. ماتَ فَتحي وَمَن لَنا بِحِجاهُ
وأَفانينَ فِكرِهِ الجَوّالِ

4. He was the marvel of the era in intelligence
And illumination in every complex matter

٤. كانَ أُعجوبَةَ الزَمانِ ذَكاءً
وَمَضاءٍ في كُلِّ أَمرٍ عُضالِ

5. And Sa'id - he was a tender branch
In whom the flower of hopes blossomed

٥. وَسَعيدٌ وَكانَ غُصناً نَدِيّاً
فُتِّحَت فيهِ زهرَةُ الآمالِ

6. And Atef fulfilled his duty and was great
True of purpose, composed in discord

٦. وَقَضى عاطِفٌ وَكانَ عَظيماً
صادِقَ العَزمِ مُطمَأَنَّ الخِلالِ

7. People jest and time refuses
Anything but serious, ceaseless striving

٧. يَهزِلُ الناسُ وَالزَمانُ وَيَأبى
غَيرَ جِدٍّ مُواصِلٍ وَنِضالِ

8. Wakeful of mind, dormant of rancor, aloof
From life's vain things, chaste of speech

٨. ساهِدُ الرَأيِ نائِمُ الحِقدِ لاهٍ
عَن مَلاهي الوَرى عَفيفُ المَقالِ

9. He had polished the sword of his resolve to a sheen -
So it excelled over polished swords

٩. قَد جَلا سَيفَ عَزمِهِ صَقيلُ النَفـ
ـيِ فَأَربى عَلى السُيوفِ الصِقالِ

10. And experience grew his wisdom until
It became sharper than piercing arrows

١٠. وَنَمَت رَأيَهُ التَجارِبُ حَتّى
باتَ أَمضى مِن نافِذاتِ النِبالِ

11. O martyr of reform, you left Egypt
As it was passing through a horrific transitional phase

١١. يا شَهيدَ الإِصلاحِ غادَرتَ مِصراً
وَهيَ تَجتازُ هَولَ دَورِ اِنتِقالِ

12. Had you tarried, the Nile could have drawn upon you
During these successive tribulations

١٢. لَو تَرَيَّثتَ لَاِستَطالَ بِكَ النيـ
ـلُ عَلى هَذِهِ الخُطوبِ التَوالي

13. But destiny - though many people -
Is keen to reach the distant goals

١٣. غَيرَ أَنَّ الرَدى وَإِن كَثُرَ النا
سُ حَريصٌ عَلى البَعيدِ المَنالِ

14. Whenever a reformer rises, contingencies
Hasten him from his duties with death

١٤. كُلَّما قامَ مُصلِحٌ أَعجَلَتهُ
عَن مُناهُ غَوائِلُ الآجالِ

15. The brilliant genius is snatched away
While the witless remains in bliss and repose

١٥. يُخطَفُ النابِغُ النَبيهُ وَيَبقى
خامِلُ الذِكرِ في نَعيمٍ وَخالِ

16. Can jackals live for generations in the forest
And ravens pass through generations?

١٦. أَيَعيشُ الرِئبالُ في الغابِ جيلاً
وَيَمُرُّ الغُرابُ بِالأَجيالِ

17. You were bedridden while illness raged
My soul yearned for you though your body was weak

١٧. كُنتَ فَوقَ الفِراشِ وِالسَقمُ بادٍ
لَهفَ نَفسي عَلَيكَ وَالجِسمُ بالِ

18. No disease that felled the lions of the wild
Could deter your rising to the burdens

١٨. لَم يُزَحزِحكَ عَن نُهوضِكَ بِالأَعبا
ءِ داءٌ يُهِدُّ أُسدَ الدِحالِ

19. Worries busied you, and illness walked in you
With the gait of a lurking assassin

١٩. شَغَلَتكَ الجُهودُ وَالداءُ يَمشي
فيكِ مَشيَ المُحاذِرِ المُغتالِ

20. It left you with no strength but your will
Which shone in a body made of mirage

٢٠. لَم يَدَع مِنكَ غَيرَ قُوَّةِ نَفسٍ
تَتَجَلّى في هَيكَلٍ مِن خَيالِ

21. Illness fell short of reaching its extent
So you went your way, heedless

٢١. عَجِزَ السُقمُ عَن بُلوغِ مَداها
فَمَضَت في سَبيلِها لا تُبالي

22. You persisted in building the generation
Until death demolished the architect of men

٢٢. لَم تَزَل في بِناءَةِ النَشءِ حَتّى
هَدَمَ المَوتُ عُمرَ باني الرِجالِ

23. People were amazed to see the crab of the sea
Creep into the peaks of mountains

٢٣. عَجِبَ الناسُ أَن رَأَوا سَرَطانَ الـ
ـبَحرِ قَد دَبَّ في رُؤوسِ الجِبالِ

24. Whoever saw Atef when he took up tasks
After rest through the tasks, thought

٢٤. مَن رَأى عاطِفاً وَقَد وَصَلَ الأَشـ
ـغالَ بَعدَ الهُدُوِّ بِالأَشغالِ

25. Or almost thought the first sleep
He slept was beneath those sands

٢٥. ظَنَّ أَو كادَ أَنَّ أَوَّلَ نَومٍ
نامَهُ كانَ تَحتَ تِلكَ الرِمالِ

26. Or saw the strength of will in him
While he was bedridden, emaciated

٢٦. أَو رَأى قُوَّةَ العَزيمَةِ فيهِ
وَهوَ فَوقَ الفِراشِ بادي الهُزالِ

27. Thought the might of iron had left its abode
To settle the unease of discord

٢٧. ظَنَّ بَأسَ الحَديدِ فارَقَ مَثوا
هُ اِجتِواءً وَحَلَّ عودَ الخِلالِ

28. You discerned every meaning, so you denied
What the ancients thought impossible

٢٨. قَد تَبَيَّنتَ كُلَّ مَعنىً فَأَنكَر
تَ عَلى السالِفينَ مَعنى المُحالِ

29. You sought in months to set right
What the hands of years had spoiled

٢٩. رُمتَ في أَشهُرٍ صَلاحَ أُمورٍ
دَمَّرَتها يَدُ العُصورِ الخَوالي

30. You sought to reform what Cromer had planted
In knowledge, over the long years

٣٠. رُمتُ إِصلاحَ ما جَنَت يَدُ دَنلو
بَ عَلى العِلمِ السِنينَ الطِوالِ

31. And I see that half a lifetime
Would be little for a successful reformer

٣١. وَقَليلٌ عِندي لَها نِصفُ جيلٍ
لِمُجِدٍّ مُوَفَّقٍ فَعّالِ

32. Egypt was not barren, but its enemies
Had cast their tricks upon it

٣٢. لَم تَكُن مِصرُ بِالعَقيمِ وَلَكِن
قَد رَماها أَعداؤُها بِالحَيالِ

33. Make way in it for the thoroughbreds
For the thoroughbreds were harmed by narrowness

٣٣. أَفسِحوا لِلجِيادِ فيها مَجالاً
قَد أَضَرَّ الجِيادَ ضيقُ المَجالِ

34. Shackled, they walked like ships
Crossing the course of the canal

٣٤. أَصبَحَت في القُيودِ تَمشي الهُوَينا
كَسَفينٍ يَعبُرنَ مَجرى القَنالِ

35. So smash these shackles, and let them
Compete freely in the race of the north wind

٣٥. فَاِصدَعوا هَذِهِ القُيودَ وَخَلّو
ها تَبارى في السَبقِ ريحَ الشَمالِ

36. The West knew how to exploit seriousness
And build with it every glory

٣٦. عَرَفَ الغَربُ كَيفَ يَستَثمِرُ الجِد
دَ فَيَبني بِفَضلِهِ كُلَّ غالِ

37. And the East knew how to make light
Of God, so He abandoned it to misery

٣٧. وَدَرى الشَرقُ كَيفَ يَستَمرِئُ اللَه
وَ فَيُفضي بِهِ إِلى شَرِّ حالِ

38. Leave jest in life and be serious
For in the name of the president there is good fortune

٣٨. فَاِترُكوا اللَهوَ في الحَياةِ وَجِدّوا
إِنَّ في اِسمِ الرَئيسِ أَيمَنَ فالِ

39. So emulate Atef's deeds and remember him
The verse of glory, memento of heroes

٣٩. فَاِصنَعوا صُنعَ عاطِفٍ وَاِذكُروهُ
آيَةَ المَجدِ ذِكرَةَ الأَبطالِ

40. O lover of debate, sleep peacefully
For in death there is no recourse to debate -

٤٠. يا مُحِبَّ الجِدالِ نَم مُستَريحاً
لَيسَ في المَوتِ مَنفَذٌ لِلجِدالِـ

41. Silent, silencing the articulate - so marvel
And slow, surpassing the steps of the hasty

٤١. ـصامِتٌ يُسكِتُ المُفَوَّهَ فَاِعجَب
وَبَطيءٌ يَبِزُّ خَطوَ العِجالِ

42. All things but greeting are hoped for
For greeting is for God and the world for ruin

٤٢. كُلُّ شَيءٍ إِلّا التَحِيَّةَ يُرجى
فَهيَ لِلَّهِ وَالدُنا لِلزَوالِ

43. If others cry for him and women shed tears
On him like torrents

٤٣. إِن بَكَت غَيرَكَ النِساءُ وَأَذرَفـ
ـنَ عَلَيهِ الدُموعَ مِثلَ اللَآلي

44. It is for reformers like you they cry
Then for great deeds they cry

٤٤. فَعَلى المُصلِحينَ مِثلِكَ تَبكي
ثُمَّ تَبكي جَلائِلُ الأَعمالِ