
Have you seen the King on his coronation day

أرأيت رب التاج في

1. Have you seen the King on his coronation day
Appearing resplendent whilst Gabriel extends

١. أَرَأَيتَ رَبَّ التاجِ في
عيدِ الجُلوسِ وَقَد تَبَدّى

2. The shade of God's protection over him eternally
And you saw the hearts' circumambulation in the courtyard of the Most High Throne

٢. وَشَهِدتَ جِبريلا يَمُد
دُ عَلَيهِ ظِلَّ اللَهِ مَدّا

3. And you heard the chanting of the throngs
Praising him, visiting in droves continuously

٣. وَنَظَرتَ تَطوافَ القُلو
بِ بِساحَةِ العَرشِ المُفَدّى

4. This is the son of Ismael, Lord of the Nile
Who enriched and gave generously

٤. وَسَمِعتَ تَسبيحَ الوُفو
دِ بِحَمدِهِ وَفداً فَوَفدا

5. The Nile flows beneath him
So the face of the land smiles with blessing

٥. هَذا اِبنُ إِسماعيلَ رَب
بِ النيلِ مَن أَغنى وَأَسدى

6. Granting vitality as though it draws
Its overflowing bounty from his stream

٦. النيلُ يَجري تَحتَهُ
فَيَخُدُّ وَجهَ الأَرضِ خَدّا

7. As if he were a skilled alchemist
Who converted the soil to gold

٧. يَهَبُ النُضارَ كَأَنَّهُ
مِن فَيضِ جَدواهُ اِستَمَدّا

8. Leave the earth as ashes, did the world
Ever witness the Nile's equal

٨. وَكَأَنَّما هُوَ عالِمٌ
بِالكيمِياءِ أَصابَ خَدّا

9. On his coronation day the people
Welcome a life of prosperity

٩. يَدَعُ الثَرى تِبراً فَهَل
شَهِدَ الوَرى لِلنيلِ نِدّا

10. Whence came you, did you hear
Supplications for him and praise

١٠. الناسُ يَومَ جُلوسِهِ
يَستَقبِلونَ العَيشَ رَغدا

11. Live long Abu Al-Farouq and don
Raiment woven with praise

١١. أَنّى سَلَكتَ سَمِعتَ أَد
عِيَةً لَهُ وَسَمِعتَ حَمدا

12. The royal sword from the trees
Of paradise is gifted to you

١٢. عِش يا أَبا الفاروقِ وَاِل
بَس مِن نَسيجِ الحَمدِ بُردا

13. None can limit the loftiness of your reign
I see no bounds to your ascendancy

١٣. ها صَولَجانَ المُلكِ مِن
شَجَرِ الجِنانِ إِلَيكَ يُهدى

14. O son of men, a comfort
To the enemy's misery and perdition

١٤. حُدَّت عُلا صيدِ المُلو
كِ وَلا أَرى لِعُلاكَ حَدّا

15. Strike with the whip of power the epochs
When they are overcome with arrogance

١٥. فَاِبنِ الرِجالَ بِنايَةً
يَشقى العَدُوُّ بِها وَيَردى

16. Which king is greater than you
In rank or has a stronger army

١٦. وَاِضرِب بِسَوطِ البَأسِ أَع
طافَ الزَمانِ إِذا اِستَبَدّا

17. Who among them has hands that
On the day of generosity could match yours

١٧. أَيُّ المُلوكِ أَجَلُّ مِن
كَ مَكانَةً وَأَعَزُّ جُندا

18. Who among them lost sleep
While standing guard through the night

١٨. مَن مِنهُمُ كَفّاهُ يَو
مَ البَذلِ مِن كَفَّيكَ أَندى

19. Who among them named you
Or equaled your majesty or opposed you

١٩. مِن مِنهُمُ نامَت رَعِي
يَتُهُ وَقامَ اللَيلَ سُهدا

20. Who among them fulfilled pilgrimage
Rights, or was more loyal to their word

٢٠. مَن مِنهُمُ ساماكَ أَو
سامى جَلالَكَ أَو تَحَدّى

21. In the East, look, do you see
A people like Ismael's offspring

٢١. مَن مِنهُمُ أَوفى حِجاً
وَحَصافَةً وَأَبَرُّ وَعدا

22. And Persia threatened with destruction
And Mecca belongs to you, do you see

٢٢. في الشَرقِ فَاُنظُر هَل تَرى
حَسَباً كَإِسماعيلَ عُدّا

23. Another claiming it or Najd
And Tunisia and Algeria

٢٣. هَذي الجَزيرَةُ وَالعِرا
قُ وَفارِسٌ يُهدَدنَ هَدّا

24. Once wore the garb of misery
No crown was raised higher than yours

٢٤. وَإِلَيكَ مَكَّةَ هَل تَرى
أَحَداً بِها وَإِلَيكَ نَجدا

25. In the East, no greater glory
You renewed the rightly guided Caliphs'

٢٥. وَإِلَيكَ تونُسَ وَالجَزا
ئِرَ قَد لَبِسنَ العَيشَ نَكدا

26. Pact of piety, benevolence and asceticism
We see in you the attributes

٢٦. لَم يَرتَفِع في الشَرقِ تا
جٌ فَوقَ تاجِ النيلِ مَجدا

27. Of the Caliphs, justice and integrity
Your sublime qualities erase sorrows

٢٧. جَدَّدتَ عَهدَ الراشِدي
نَ تُقىً وَإِحساناً وَزُهدا

28. And show many the path of hope
You gave generously with no thought of gain

٢٨. وَنَرى عَلَيكَ مَخايِلَ ال
خُلَفاءِ إِنصافاً وَرُشدا

29. Or secreting generosity for yourself
You captivated your subject's hearts

٢٩. جَلَّت صِفاتُكَ كَم مَحَو
تَ أَسىً وَكَم أَورَيتَ زَندا

30. How then could any turn away
You possessed them as you possessed

٣٠. أَعطَيتَ لا مُتَرَبِّحاً
أَو مُخفِياً في الجودِ قَصدا

31. The reins of Egypt, father and ancestor
So when you prohibit, there is obedience

٣١. رَوَّيتَ أَفئِدَةَ الرَعِي
يَةِ مِن هَواكَ فَكَيفَ تَصدى

32. When you command, none disobey
They gave you the obedience of the loyalists

٣٢. وَمَلَكتَهُنَّ كَما مَلَك
تَ زِمامَ مِصرَ أَباً وَجَدّا

33. And you showed them favor and affection
You showed the Egyptian the path

٣٣. فَإِذا نَهَيتَ فَطاعَةٌ
وَإِذا أَمَرتَ فَلا مَرَدّا

34. Of his reform so he labored diligently
You prepared and provided for him

٣٤. أَعطَوكَ طاعَةَ مُخلِصٍ
وَمَنَحتَهُم عَطفاً وَوُدّا

35. And cared for him until he was empowered
And you called him to regain

٣٥. أَوضَحتَ لِلمِصرِيِّ نَه
جَ صَلاحِهِ فَسَعى وَجَدّا

36. Egypt's lost pride, so he regained it
And renewed precious life

٣٦. أَعدَدتَهُ وَكَفَلتَهُ
وَرَعَيتَهُ حَتّى اِستَعَدّا

37. And was saved though death was expected
And protected Egyptians' nationalism

٣٧. وَدَعَوتَهُ أَن يَستَرِد
دَ فَخارَ مِصرٍ فَاِستَرَدّا

38. After greed had dug its grave
You opened our eyes so we saw

٣٨. وَرَدَ الحَياةَ عَزيزَةً
فَنَجا وَكانَ المَوتُ وِردا

39. The light though we had been blinded
And you established a university in Egypt

٣٩. وَحَمى الكِنانَةَ بَعدَ ما
حَفَرَت لَها الأَطماعُ لَحدا

40. To strengthen the pillar of knowledge
How many masters were enslaved

٤٠. فَتَّحتَ أَعيُنَنا فَأَب
صَرنَ الضِياءَ وَكُنَّ رُمدا

41. By ignorance though they protested
And you erected at the coast of the Turks

٤١. وَأَقَمتَ جامِعَةً بِمِص
رَ تَشُدُّ أَزرَ العِلمِ شَدّا

42. A foundation for maritime assets
You established a school that would

٤٢. كَم سَيِّدٍ بِالعِلمِ كا
نَ بِرَغمِهِ لِلجَهلِ عَبدا

43. Return to us sovereignty of the sea
So when will I see Egypt's navy

٤٣. وَرَفَعتَ في ثَغرِ الثُغو
رِ لِمُنشَآتِ البَحرِ بَندا

44. Stirring up thunder on the waves
And when will I see the army

٤٤. أَسَّستَ مَدرَسَةً تُعي
دُ لَنا بِمُلكِ البَحرِ عَهدا

45. Filling the horizon end to end
You regarded aviation with the eye

٤٥. فَمَتى أَرى أُسطولَ مِص
رَ يُثيرُ فَوقَ البَحرِ رَعدا

46. Of a reformer untiring in his efforts
You prepared it though you saw

٤٦. وَمَتى أَرى جَيشَ البِلا
دِ يَسُدُّ عَينَ الشَمسِ سَدّا

47. No substitute for the homeland
Mightiest in the aerial armada

٤٧. وَنَظَرتَ في الطَيَرانِ نَظ
رَةَ مُصلِحٍ لَم يَألُ جُهدا

48. When it embarked, soaring, striking
Whoever saw it on maneuvers

٤٨. أَعدَدتَ عُدَّتَهُ وَلَم
تَرَ مِنهُ لِلأَوطانِ بُدّا

49. Saw eagles take down a lion
And you see it gliding, diving

٤٩. أَعظِم بِأُسطولِ الهَوا
ءِ إِذِ اِنبَرى فَسَطا وَشَدّا

50. Through flocks of swooping birds
Rank after rank of laborers

٥٠. مَن راءَهُ يَومَ النِزا
لِ رَأى النُسورَ تَصيدُ أُسدا

51. You devoted to it, wave upon wave
Who can recount some of what

٥١. وَتَراهُ عِندَ السِلمِ سِر
باً مِن طَواويسٍ تَبَدّى

52. You reformed or provided, never resting
Quiet, O heart, find strength

٥٢. وَطَوائِفَ العُمّالِ كَم
أَولَيتَها رِفداً فَرِفدا

53. In wealth and spirit both sacrificed
And prepare for us an era

٥٣. مَن ذا يُطيقُ لِبَعضِ ما
أَصلَحتَ أَو أَسدَيتَ عَدّا

54. Like the Fatimid, you are the guide

٥٤. دُم يا فُؤادُ مُؤَيَّداً
بِالمالِ وَالأَرواحِ تُفدى