
You were placed between inhibitions and imagination

ضعت بين النهى وبين الخيال

1. You were placed between inhibitions and imagination
O wise soul, O son of greatness

١. ضِعتَ بَينَ النُهى وَبَينَ الخَيالِ
يا حَكيمَ النُفوسِ يا اِبنَ المَعالي

2. You were placed in the East among downfallen people
Who did not awaken, and a lazy nation

٢. ضِعتَ في الشَرقِ بَينَ قَومٍ هُجودٍ
لَم يُفيقوا وَأُمَّةٍ مِكسالِ

3. They have humiliated you between companionship and a cup
And passion for a gazelle or a doe

٣. قَد أَذالوكَ بَينَ أُنسٍ وَكَأسٍ
وَغَرامٍ بِظَبيَةٍ أَو غَزالِ

4. And lineage and praise and satire
And elegy and sedition and misguidance

٤. وَنَسيبٍ وَمِدحَةٍ وَهِجاءٍ
وَرِثاءٍ وَفِتنَةٍ وَضَلالِ

5. And zeal I see it in nothing
And pettiness that trails the hem of pretense

٥. وَحَماسٍ أَراهُ في غَيرِ شَيءٍ
وَصَغارٍ يَجُرُّ ذَيلَ اِختِيالِ

6. You have lived among them disgraced and lost
And so you were in past eras

٦. عِشتَ ما بَينَهُم مُذالاً مُضاعاً
وَكَذا كُنتَ في العُصورِ الخَوالي

7. They burdened you with sorrow from the love of Layla
And Sulayma and the ruins of encampments

٧. حَمَّلوكَ العَناءَ مِن حُبِّ لَيلى
وَسُلَيمى وَوَقفَةِ الأَطلالِ

8. And crying over a dear one who turned away
And customs that have been taken by the nights

٨. وَبُكاءٍ عَلى عَزيزٍ تَوَلّى
وَرُسومٍ راحَت بِهِنَّ اللَيالي

9. And if one day they elevate your worth
They house you atop camels to settle

٩. وَإِذا ما سَمَوا بِقَدرِكَ يَوماً
أَسكَنوكَ الرِحالَ فَوقَ الجِمالِ

10. Now, O poetry, it is time to undo shackles
With which the advocates of the impossible have fettered us

١٠. آنَ يا شِعرُ أَن نَفُكَّ قُيوداً
قَيَّدَتنا بِها دُعاةُ المُحالِ

11. So lift these veils from us
And let us smell the wind of the north

١١. فَاِرفَعوا هَذِهِ الكَمائِمِ عَنّا
وَدَعونا نَشُمُّ ريحَ الشَمالِ