1. You have awakened in me longing of old
And memories of that easy life
١. أَثَرتَ بِنا مِنَ الشَوقِ القَديمِ
وَذِكرى ذَلِكَ العَيشِ الرَخيمِ
2. And days we adorned with beauty
And danced for it the dance of bliss
٢. وَأَيّامٍ كَسَوناها جَمالاً
وَأَرقَصنا لَها فَلَكَ النَعيمِ
3. We filled them with us, beautifully, so they were
Like a well-strung necklace, in the prime of time
٣. مَلَأناها بِنا حُسناً فَكانَت
بِجيدِ الدَهرِ كَالعِقدِ النَظيمِ
4. And gallant youths in fine raiment
Wearing garments of tasteful elegance
٤. وَفِتيانٍ مَساميحٍ عَلَيهِم
جَلابيبٌ مِنَ الذَوقِ السَليمِ
5. They have manners sweeter than wishes
And more delightful than intimacies with boon companions
٥. لَهُم شِيَمٌ أَلَذُّ مِنَ الأَماني
وَأَطرَبُ مِن مُعاطاةِ النَديمِ
6. Like your anxiety about manners and propriety
Though you are of most noble character
٦. كَهَمِّكَ في الخَلاعَةِ وَالتَصابي
وَإِن كانوا عَلى خُلُقٍ عَظيمِ
7. I invited them to intimacy, and they came
With the response of the generous to the generous
٧. دَعَوتُهُمُ إِلى أَنسٍ فَوافَوا
مُوافاةَ الكَريمِ إِلى الكَريمِ
8. And they came like rain-clouds that poured down abundantly
On a thirst and rushed like the breeze
٨. وَجاؤوا كَالقَطا وَرَدَت نَميراً
عَلى ظَمَإٍ وَهَبّوا كَالنَسيمِ
9. And the night would frolic in its youth
Playing with the stars and planets
٩. وَكانَ اللَيلُ يَمرَحُ في شَبابِ
وَيَلهو بِالمَجَرَّةِ وَالنُجومِ
10. So we continued passing the cup of comfort until
The eyes could see the lights of dawn
١٠. فَواصَلنا كُئوسَ الراحِ حَتّى
بَدَت لِلعَينِ أَنوارُ الصَريمِ
11. And we followed the opinion of Ibn Hani
And joined the ranks of the doomed
١١. وَأَعمَلنا بِها رَأيَ اِبنِ هاني
فَأُلحِقنا بِأَصحابِ الرَقيمِ
12. And a gazelle from the elegant Misrs
Eloquent, with a wine-colored cheek
١٢. وَظَبيٍ مِن بَني مِصرٍ غَريرٍ
شَهِيِّ اللَفظِ ذي خَدٍّ مَشيمِ
13. And a Babylonian glance, with languor
As if its lashes held the mark of the orphan
١٣. وَلَحظٍ بابِلِيٍّ ذي اِنكِسارِ
كَأَنَّ بِطَرفِهِ سيما اليَتيمِ
14. They entertained us in conversation with tales
That made us forget the daughter of the vineyards
١٤. سَقانا في مُنادَمَةٍ حَديثاً
نَسينا عِندَهُ بِنتَ الكُرومِ
15. Greetings of God, O age of refinement
Upon you and the youths of the ancient covenant
١٥. سَلامُ اللَهِ يا عَهدَ التَصابي
عَلَيكَ وَفِتيَةِ العَهدِ القَديمِ
16. I yearn for them, and beyond them lies only wilderness
As if its expanse were the heart of the forbearing
١٦. أَحِنُّ لَهُم وَدونَهُمُ فَلاةٌ
كَأَنَّ فَسيحَها صَدرُ الحَليمِ
17. As if its barrenness were the vitals
Of one in passionate love, inflamed with anguish
١٧. كَأَنَّ أَديمَها أَحشاءُ صَبٍّ
قَدِ اِلتَهَبَت مِنَ الوَجدِ الأَليمِ
18. As if its mirage, when it appeared in it
Were a deception that appeared in the face of the wretched
١٨. كَأَنَّ سَرابَها إِذ لاحَ فيها
خِداعٌ لاحَ في وَجهِ اللَئيمِ
19. Its night leads astray with flames that tell
Of the people of the valley of the lost
١٩. تَضِلُّ بِلَيلِها لِهبٌ فَتَحكي
بِوادي التيهِ أَقوامَ الكَليمِ
20. And the one gone astray wanders in it confused
When the emigration from hell is related
٢٠. وَتَمشي السافِياتُ بِها حَيارى
إِذا نُقِلَ الهَجيرُ عَنِ الجَحيمِ
21. So who will grant me to see those pleasures
And the ancient beauty that is in them?
٢١. فَمَن لي أَن أَرى تِلكَ المَغاني
وَما فيها مِنَ الحُسنِ القَديمِ
22. For the lot of the son of David is not like my lot
Nor have I been given any knowledge of the All-Knowing
٢٢. فَما حَظُّ اِبنِ داوودٍ كَحَظّي
وَلا أوتيتُ مِن عِلمِ العَليمِ
23. Nor am I free like thought taken captive
So I can outstrip the clouds in speed
٢٣. وَلا أَنا مُطلَقٌ كَالفِكرِ أَسري
فَأَستَبِقُ الضَواحِكَ في الغُيومِ
24. Rather, my journey is fettered
By the fetter of nothingness in the valley of sorrows
٢٤. وَلَكِنّي مُقَيَّدَةٌ رِحالي
بِقَيدِ العُدمِ في وادي الهُمومِ
25. I traveled from the dwellings, seeking my fortune
Wandering in the desolate valleys and hills
٢٥. نَزَحتُ عَنِ الدِيارِ أَرومُ رِزقي
وَأَضرِبُ في المَهامِهِ وَالتُخومِ
26. And I left no desert in the Sudan
Without soaking my garment in its dust
٢٦. وَما غادَرتُ في السودانِ قَفراً
وَلَم أَصبُغ بِتُربَتِهِ أَديمي
27. And here I am between the jaws of death
And beneath the fearful calamities
٢٧. وَها أَنا بَينَ أَنيابِ المَنايا
وَتَحتَ بَراثِنِ الخَطبِ الجَسيمِ
28. And were it not for a chapter on glory I have
I would be content with my life like the ignorant
٢٨. وَلَولا سَورَةٌ لِلمَجدِ عِندي
قَنِعتُ بِعيشَتي قَنَعَ الظَليمِ
29. O son of the two most noble fathers
And son of the pillar of upright religion
٢٩. أَيا اِبنَ الأَكرَمينَ أَباً وَجَدّاً
وَيا اِبنَ عُضادَةِ الدينِ القَويمِ
30. Your people established you as a pillar for our faith
With lineage reaching the Pillar of the Sacred House
٣٠. أَقامَ لِدينِنا أَهلوكَ رُكناً
لَهُ نَسَبٌ إِلى رُكنِ الحَطيمِ
31. The dissolute have not circumambulated it and returned
With anything but unseemliness and vileness
٣١. فَما طافَ العُفاةُ بِهِ وَعادوا
بِغَيرِ العَسجَدِيَّةِ وَاللَطيمِ
32. I came to you, though hardships urge on my departure
And I am in a state more wretched than fenugreek
٣٢. أَتَيتُكَ وَالخُطوبُ تَزِفُّ رَحلي
وَلي حالٌ أَرَقُّ مِنَ السَديمِ
33. And I have become from my toil and labors
For livelihoods like a worn-out garment
٣٣. وَقَد أَصبَحتُ مِن سَعيي وَكَدحي
عَلى الأَرزاقِ كَالثَوبِ الرَديمِ
34. So do not, may I be ransomed for you, make my face forbidden
Or cut off the intimacy of affection
٣٤. فَلا تُخلِق فُديتَ أَديمَ وَجهي
وَلا تَقطَع مُواصَلَةَ الحَميمِ