
You have surpassed the cunning of the crafty minister in his wealth

شاطرت داهية السواس ثروته

1. You have surpassed the cunning of the crafty minister in his wealth
Yet you did not conceal it in Egypt while you were its governor

١. شاطَرتَ داهِيَةَ السُوّاسِ ثَروَتَهُ
وَلَم تَخَفهُ بِمِصرٍ وَهوَ واليها

2. And you know Omar in its cities
And you are not ignorant of Omar in its deserts

٢. وَأَنتَ تَعرِفُ عَمراً في حَواضِرِها
وَلَستَ تَجهَلُ عَمراً في بَواديها

3. The earth did not grow a cunning one like the son of Al-As with opinion that cannot be crossed
So he did not insist on a trick in what you ordered him

٣. لَم تُنبِتِ الأَرضُ كَاِبنِ العاصِ داهِيَةً
يَرمي الخُطوبَ بِرَأيٍ لَيسَ يُخطيها

4. And Omar stood to the camels to drive them away
You did not decrease any governor among them though his wealth multiplied and spread through the land multiplying

٤. فَلَم يُرِغ حيلَةً فيما أَمَرتَ بِهِ
وَقامَ عَمرٌو إِلى الأَجمالِ يُزجيها

٥. وَلَم تُقِل عامِلاً مِنها وَقَد كَثُرَت
أَموالُهُ وَفَشا في الأَرضِ فاشيها