1. Guard Ali's morals in your consciences,
And consult with him at times of adversity and fortune,
١. صونوا يَراعَ عَلِيٍّ في مَتاحِفِكُم
وَشاوِروهُ لَدى الأَرزاءِ وَالنُوَبِ
2. And seek inspiration from him when opinions misguide you,
On the day of struggle, for homelands and for ideals.
٢. وَاِستَلهِموهُ إِذا ما الرَأيُ أَخطَأَكُم
يَومَ النِضالِ عَنِ الأَوطانِ وَالنَشَبِ
3. He was Egypt's solace in her tribulations,
And Egypt's ember in times of anger.
٣. قَد كانَ سَلوَةَ مِصرٍ في مَكارِهِها
وَكانَ جَمرَةَ مِصرٍ ساعَةَ الغَضَبِ
4. In his determination, his principles, and his disposition,
None of the fleet possessed his might and excellence.
٤. في شِقِّهِ وَمَراميهِ وَريقَتِهِ
ما في الأَساطيلِ مِن بَطشٍ وَمِن عَطَبِ
5. How much he warded off intrigues from us when the West coveted,
Of troubles and calamities he cleared many a heap!
٥. كَم رَدَّ عَنّا وَعَينُ الغَربِ طامِحَةٌ
مِنَ الرَزايا وَكَم جَلّى مِنَ الكُرَبِ
6. When war intensified he had a clanging din,
That made seasoned warriors forget the clashing of swords and spears.
٦. لَهُ صَريرٌ إِذا جَدَّ النِزالُ بِهِ
يُنسي الكُماةِ صَليلَ البيضِ وَالقُضُبِ
7. No harm to one whose hands contained such prowess,
If he witnessed war and did not incline to rest.
٧. ما ضَرَّ مَن كانَ هَذا في أَنامِلِهِ
أَن يَشهَدَ الحَربَ لَم يَسكُن إِلى يَلَبِ
8. Had Ibn Aws* seen him, his sword would have conveyed
Tidings truer than books contain.
٨. فَلَو رَآهُ اِبنُ أَوسٍ ما قَرَأتَ لَهُ
السَيفُ أَصدَقُ أَنباءٍ مِنَ الكُتُبِ
9. Oh, a noble Arab to succeed the deceased,
Who can independently guard the citadel of literature,
٩. أَلا فَتىً عَرَبِيٌّ تَستَقِلُّ بِهِ
بَعدَ الفَقيدِ وَيَحمي حَوزَةَ الأَدَبِ
10. And prevent the truth from being clouded
By the deception and lies politics contain.
١٠. وَيَمنَعُ الحَقَّ أَن يُغشي تَبَلُّجَهُ
ما في السِياسَةِ مِن زورٍ وَمِن كَذِبِ
11. The East's knight - nay, the sheikh of journalism - nay,
The sheikh of evident, unambiguous loyalty has passed.
١١. أَودى فَتى الشَرقِ بَل شَيخُ الصَحافَةِ بَل
شَيخُ الوَفائِيَّةِ الوَضّاحَةِ الحَسَبِ
12. He established among us principles and taught us
The meaning of steadfastness, determination, and hard work.
١٢. أَقامَ فينا عِصامِيّاً فَعَلَّمَنا
مَعنى الثَباتِ وَمَعنى الجِدِّ وَالدَأَبِ
13. He left us before our aspirations
Reached their extent or approached fulfillment.
١٣. وَراحَ عَنّا وَلَم تَبلُغ عَزائِمُنا
مَدى مُناها وَلَم تَقرُب مِنَ الأَرَبِ
14. They exclaimed wonder at Egypt when he died,
Yet I wondered at them for that wonder.
١٤. قالوا عَجِبنا لِمِصرٍ يَومَ مَصرَعِهِ
وَقَد عَجِبتُ لَهُم مِن ذَلِكَ العَجَبِ
15. They thought the High Land** did not quake
For they do not closely observe events.
١٥. إِنَّ الأُلى حَسِبوها غَيرَ جازِعَةٍ
لا يَنظُرونَ إِلى الأَشياءِ مِن كَثَبِ
16. By God she was not ignorant of her misfortune,
Nor of the loss of the Arabs' writer.
١٦. تَاللَهِ ما جَهِلَت فيهِ مُصيبَتَها
وَلا الَّذي فَقَدَت مِن كاتِبِ العَرَبِ
17. Rather, she had grown accustomed as events confounded her
To the loss of men and the death of esteemed nobles.
١٧. لَكِنَّها أَلِفَت وَالأَمرُ يَحزُبُها
فَقدَ الرِجالِ وَمَوتَ السادَةِ النُجُبِ
18. The nights taught her to show resilience
In adversities, however severely war flared up.
١٨. وَعَلَّمَتها اللَيالي أَن تُصابِرَها
في الحادِثاتِ وَإِن أَمعَنَّ في الحَرَبِ
19. How great was their alarm after the Sheikh's*** death as they anticipated
The death of the Supported One**** among us - a terrible anticipation!
١٩. كَم أَرجَفوا بَعدَ مَوتِ الشَيخِ وَاِرتَقَبوا
مَوتَ المُؤَيَّدِ فينا شَرَّ مُرتَقَبِ
20. If he dies, hopes in a country die,
Without the Supported One it would not have aspired to quests.
٢٠. وَإِن يَمُت تَمُتِ الآمالُ في بَلَدٍ
لَولا المُؤَيَّدُ لَم يَنشَط إِلى طَلَبِ
21. A youthful spirit of hope resides in our hearts
From which each usurper wished to drink.
٢١. صُبابَةٌ مِن رَجاءٍ بَينَ أَضلُعِنا
قَد باتَ يَرشُفُ مِنها كُلُّ مُغتَصِبِ
22. Did not the people of Egypt, when abused
By Western politicians, have a bastion like an impregnable fortress?
٢٢. أَلَم يَكُن لِبَني مِصرٍ وَقَد دُهِموا
مِن ساسَةِ الغَربِ مِثلَ المَعقِلِ الأَشِبِ
23. How many pens rose in it, and how many pulpits
Of prose and verse were erected!
٢٣. كَمِ اِنبَرَت فيهِ أَقلامٌ وَكَم رُفِعَت
فيهِ مَنائِرُ مِن نَظمٍ وَمِن خُطَبِ
24. It was a racecourse for the passionate to compete
For religion and truth, each a preacher and moral enforcer.
٢٤. وَكانَ مَيدانَ سَبقٍ لِلأُلى غَضِبوا
لِلدينِ وَالحَقِّ مِن داعٍ وَمُحتَسِبِ
25. How many a wise man's endeavors met
The endeavors of the Arabs' prolific writer!
٢٥. فَكَم يَراعِ حَكيمٍ في مَشارِعِهِ
قَدِ اِلتَقى بِيَراعِ الكاتِبِ الأَرِبِ
26. Which newspapers in both countries contained
Rebuttals dispelling doubt, led by the Imam.*****
٢٦. أَيُّ الصَحائِفِ في القُطرَينِ قَد وَسِعَت
رَدَّ الإِمامِ مُزيلِ الشَكِّ وَالرِيَبِ
27. The days Hanotaux****** spewed his deceits
And turned the face of truth and Islam into frowns.
٢٧. أَيّامَ يَحصِبُ هانوتو بِفِريَتِهِ
وَجهَ الحَقيقَةِ وَالإِسلامِ في نَحَبِ
28. Why should I enumerate to you the deceased's works
When the East knows the lord of precedence and conquest?
٢٨. ما لي أُعَدِّدُ آثارَ الفَقيدِ لَكُم
وَالشَرقُ يَعرِفُ رَبَّ السَبقِ وَالغَلَبِ
29. Without the Supported One, Muslims would have remained
Estranged from each other, veiled in darkness.
٢٩. لَولا المُؤَيَّدُ ظَلَّ المُسلِمونَ عَلى
تَناكُرٍ بَينَهُم في ظُلمَةِ الحُجُبِ
30. Through him kindred spirits got acquainted
And despite divergence an unsevered bond unified them.
٣٠. تَعارَفوا فيهِ أَرواحاً وَضَمَّهُمُ
رَغمَ التَنائي زِمامٌ غَيرُ مُنقَضِبِ
31. In Egypt, Tunisia, India, Aden,
Russia, Persia, Bahrain, Aleppo.
٣١. في مِصرَ في تونِسٍ في الهِندِ في عَدَنٍ
في الروسِ في الفُرسِ في البَحرَينِ في حَلَبِ
32. This one yearns for that one - ties of affection
Were established between them with interconnected strands.
٣٢. هَذا يَحِنُّ إِلى هَذا وَقَد عُقِدَت
مَوَدَّةٌ بَينَهُم مَوصولَةُ السَبَبِ
33. Father of Buthaina! What your hands left in us suffices,
And what tribulations you endured from exertion.
٣٣. أَبا بُثَينَةَ نَم يَكفيكَ ما تَرَكَت
فينا يَداكَ وَما عانَيتَ مِن تَعَبِ
34. You strove in God's cause and the homelands' as one who seeks reward,
So return to God rewarded, successful, and serene.
٣٤. جاهَدتَ في اللَهِ وَالأَوطانِ مُحتَسِبا
فَاِرجِع إِلى اللَهِ مَأجوراً وَفُز وَطِبِ
35. And carry, with your right hand on Resurrection Day,
What that newspaper spread in your world, and affiliate with it!
٣٥. وَاِحمِل بِيُمناكَ يَومَ النَشرِ ما نَشَرَت
تِلكَ الصَحيفَةُ في دُنياكَ وَاِنتَسِبِ