
Your rebuke, my brother, with blame

إن عضيك يا أخي بالملام

1. Your rebuke, my brother, with blame
Does not lead to discord like this

١. إِنَّ عَضّيكَ يا أَخي بِالمَلامِ
لا يُؤَدّي لِمِثلِ هَذا الخِصامِ

2. You, the sun, the bright mornings, and the ten nights
And the dawn, other than the keeper of sorrows

٢. أَنتَ وَالشَمسِ وَالضُحى وَاللَيالي ال
عَشرِ وَالفَجرِ غَيرُ راعي الذِمامِ

3. We never knew you, O noble of nature
To turn the soul away from the zeal of the generous

٣. ما عَهِدناكَ يا كَريمَ السَجايا
تَصرِفُ النَفسَ عَن هَناتِ الكِرامِ

4. There is not in our books a question of obtaining
Anything from you, that you feared rejecting greetings

٤. لَيسَ في كُتبِنا سُؤالُ نَوالٍ
مِنكَ حَتّى خَشيتَ رَدَّ السَلامِ

5. We are content with sustenance in this world
Even if it falls short of the sustenance of ostriches

٥. نَحنُ نَرضى بِالقوتِ مِن هَذِهِ الدُن
يا وَإِن باتَ دونَ قوتِ النَعامِ

6. And if our share is betrayed, we will not complain
Except to Allah, the most just of dividers

٦. وَإِذا خانَ قِسمُنا ما شَكَونا
لِسِوى اللَهِ أَعدَلِ القُسّامِ

7. How can you forget, O Babylonian stranger
Who spent the night among suspicions and illusions

٧. كَيفَ تَنسى يا بابِلِيُّ غَريباً
باتَ بَينَ الظُنونِ وَالأَوهامِ

8. And saddened, when he sighed, the embers
Of night returned as burning coals

٨. وَحَزيناً إِذا تَنَفَّسَ عادَت
فَحمَةُ اللَيلِ جَمرَةً مِن ضِرامِ

9. And if he despaired, about to crack from grief
And the cycle of celestial spheres became disordered

٩. وَإِذا أَنَّ كادَ يَنصَدِعُ الأُف
قُ وَتَعتَلُّ دَورَةَ الأَجرامِ

10. He spent the night under affliction until he wished
That dwelling would be under soft sand

١٠. باتَ تَحتَ البَلاءِ حَتّى تَمَنّى
لَو يَكونُ المَبيتُ تَحتَ الرَغامِ