1. No, for yearning and for flaming heart,
None who lived since you left was true to faith.
١. لا وَالأَسى وَتَلَهُّبِ الأَحشاءِ
ما باتَ بَعدَكَ مُعجَبٌ بِوَفاءِ
2. How can I endure to see you shrouded?
For whom shall I shape my dirge of praise:
٢. أَنّى حَلَلتُ أَرى عَلَيكَ مَآتِماً
فَلِمَن أُوَجِّهُ فيكَ حُسنَ عَزائي
3. Your kin, or yours, or for all humankind,
Or for all time, or this November's folk?
٣. لِبَنيكَ أَم لِذَويكَ أَم لِلكَونِ أَم
لِلدَهرِ أَم لِجَماعَةِ الجَوزاءِ
4. Solomon died and passed, and with him died
Fair constancy and grace of high estate.
٤. أَودى سُلَيمانٌ فَأَودى بَعدَهُ
حُسنُ الوَفاءِ وَبَهجَةُ العَلياءِ
5. Bear him not on your necks - he scarce would brook
The honor that you did him while he lived.
٥. لا تَحمِلوهُ عَلى الرِقابِ فَقَد كَفى
ما حُمِّلَت مِن مِنَّةٍ وَعَطاءِ
6. Leave him to float upon the stream of tears
That bears him on to gardens sweet with air.
٦. وَذَروا عَلى نَهرِ المَدامِعِ نَعشَهُ
يَسري بِهِ لِلرَوضَةِ الفَيحاءِ
7. By God, if once his boughs that bear him felt,
Since first they touched him, they'd turn fresh again for any seer.
٧. تَاللَهِ لَو عَلِمَت بِهِ أَعوادُهُ
مُذ لامَسَتهُ لَأَورَقَت لِلرائي
8. A nature like the moon in splendor, or
A garden, or a blossom, or wine, or pure
٨. خُلُقٌ كَضَوءِ البَدرِ أَو كَالرَوضِ أَو
كَالزَهرِ أَو كَالخَمرِ أَو كَالماءِ
9. Clear water; and a face that, if it mingled
With darkest night, the lovelorn far apart
٩. وَشَمائِلٌ لَو مازَجَت طَبعَ الدُجى
ما باتَ يَشكوهُ المُحِبُّ النائي
10. Would still complain that it was hidden from him.
His winding sheet is woven of decency,
١٠. وَمَحامِدٌ نَسَجَت لَهُ أَكفانَهُ
مِن عِفَّةٍ وَسَماحَةٍ وَإِباءِ
11. Generosity, and brave endurance. And his virtues,
Did we not fear to blaspheme, were those the Prophet had
١١. وَمَناقِبٌ لَولا المَهابَةُ وَالتُقى
قُلنا مَناقِبُ صاحِبِ الإِسراءِ
12. the night he made his way to heaven from us. His resolves
Put to shame whims of youths, of time and enemies.
١٢. وَعَزائِمٌ كانَت تَفُلُّ عَزائِمَ ال
أَحداثِ وَالأَيّامِ وَالأَعداءِ
13. You've paralyzed poetry since you left, made vain
The art of verse and seasons of the poets.
١٣. عَطَّلتَ فَنَّ الشِعرِ بَعدَكَ وَاِنطَوى
أَجَلُ القَريضِ وَمَوسِمُ الشُعَراءِ
14. Pearls beyond all price that once we strung no longer
Come to our call with necklaces of praise or pleasure.
١٤. وَاللُؤلُؤُ اِستَعصى عَلَينا نَظمُهُ
بِسُموطِ مَدحٍ أَو سُموطِ هَناءِ
15. Only the weeping eye of some pure bard
Brings you the elegies of El-Khansa.
١٥. إِلّا عَلى طَرفٍ بَكاكَ وَشاعِرٍ
أَحيا عَلَيكَ مَراثِيَ الخَنساءِ
16. Since you went from us we've yearned for earth to hide us,
And him who had but one life set his heart on a grave.
١٦. شَوَّقتَنا لِلتُربِ بَعدَكَ وَاِشتَهى
فيهِ الإِقامَةَ واحِدُ العَذراءِ
17. Comfort your heart, though little it can he comforted,
And tell El-Abaza's folk the little left them of my solace.
١٧. ثَبِّت فُؤادَكَ يا قَليلَ تَصَبُّري
وَاِشرَح لِآلِ أَباظَةٍ بُرَحائي
18. In Paradise their precious one's a guest
In the pavilion of the noblest of the noble.
١٨. في جَنَّةِ الفِردَوسِ باتَ عَزيزُهُم
ضَيفاً بِساحَةِ أَكرَمِ الكُرَماءِ