1. Oh you who have come with good intentions and care,
What news have you brought us from the great king and his whims?
١. أَي مَكمَهونُ قَدِمتَ بِال
قَصدِ الحَميدِ وَبِالرِعايَه
2. Clarify for Egypt the difference
Between sovereignty and protection.
٢. ماذا حَمَلتَ لَنا عَنِ ال
مَلِكِ الكَبيرِ وَعَن غِرايَه
3. And remove doubts that
Have lingered since the beginning.
٣. أَوضِح لِمِصرَ الفَرقَ ما
بَينَ السِيادَةِ وَالحِمايَه
4. Leave the empty promises, for they
Were just stories in the past.
٤. وَأَزِل شُكوكاً بِالنُفو
سِ تَعَلَّقَت مُنذُ البِدايَه
5. The lands of the Nile have become
A sultanate when once they were a state.
٥. وَدَعِ الوُعودَ فَإِنَّها
فيما مَضى كانَت رِوايَه
6. Take charge of it with reconciliation
And do right by it with guardianship.
٦. أَضحَت رُبوعُ النيلِ سَل
طَنَةً وَقَد كانَت وِلايَه
7. We complain confidently to one who hears complaints,
We desire a free, guaranteed life under a flag,
٧. فَتَعَهَّدوها بِالصَلا
حِ وَأَحسِنوا فيها الوِصايَه
8. And we aspire to an education that
Protects us from chaos.
٨. إِنّا لَنَشكو واثِقي
نَ بِعَدلِ مَن يُشكي الشِكايَه
9. We hope you do not hear
Slander and gossip about us.
٩. نَرجو حَياةً حُرَّةً
مَضمونَةً في ظِلِّ رايَه
10. You are the doctors of nations
And the noblest people is your goal.
١٠. وَنَرومُ تَعليماً يَكو
نُ لَهُ مِنَ الفَوضى وِقايَه
11. How did you settle in this country
When reform is a sign for you?
١١. وَنَوَدُّ أَلّا تَسمَعوا
فينا السِعايَةَ وَالوِشايَه
12. The edifice of your glory was built
Above principles and guidance.
١٢. أَنتُم أَطِبّاءُ الشُعو
بِ وَأَنبَلُ الأَقوامِ غايَه
13. You were just, so you ruled the world,
And in justice alone is sufficiency.
١٣. أَنّى حَلَلتُم في البِلا
دِ لَكُم مِنَ الإِصلاحِ آيَه
14. If you support the oppressed,
We are the weakest of them in vengeance.
١٤. رَسَخَت بِنايَةُ مَجدِكُم
فَوقَ الرَوِيَّةِ وَالهِدايَه
15. Or if you work for our welfare,
Then see it through to the end.
١٥. وَعَدَلتُمُ فَمَلَكتُمُ ال
دُنيا وَفي العَدلِ الكِفايَه
16. We have come of age,
Though misguidance precedes maturity.
١٦. إِن تَنصُروا المُستَضعَفي
نَ فَنَحنُ أَضعَفُهُم نِكايَه
17. Do not take us with words,
For there is no crime in complaining.
١٧. أَو تَعمَلوا لِصَلاحِنا
فَتَدارَكوهُ إِلى النِهايَه
18. This is Hussein above the banks of the Nile,
Watched over by providence.
١٨. إِنّا بَلَغنا رُشدَنا
وَالرُشدُ تَسبِقُهُ الغَوايَه
19. He is best to build for us,
So leave him be to rebuild.
١٩. لا تَأخُذونا بِالكَلا
مِ فَلَيسَ في الشَكوى جِنايَه
٢٠. هَذا حُسَينٌ فَوقَ عَر
شِ النيلِ تَحرُسُهُ العِنايَه
٢١. هُوَ خَيرُ مَن يَبني لَنا
فَدَعوهُ يَنهَضُ بِالبِنايَه