1. Between her secrets they buried you
Or in caves they hid you in stealth
١. بَينَ السَرائِرِ ضِنَّةً دَفَنوكِ
أَم في المَحاجِرِ خُلسَةً خَبَئوكِ
2. You are not one who would accept this soil
As home, so did it please or betray you?
٢. ما أَنتِ مِمَّن يَرتَضي هَذا الثَرى
نُزُلاً فَهَل أَرضَوكِ أَم غَبَنوكِ
3. O daughter of Mahmoud, grieved by all
Is the touch of dust on your frail body
٣. يا بِنتَ مَحمودٍ يَعِزُّ عَلى الوَرى
لَمسُ التُرابِ لِجِسمِكِ المَنهوكِ
4. They left your youth in it, prey to ruin
Alas for the waste of your abandoned youth
٤. تَرَكوا شَبابَكِ فيهِ نَهباً لِلبِلى
واهاً لِغَضِّ شَبابِكَ المَتروكِ
5. And shoveled it over your sun, O light of morn
So the full moon in the sky wept for you, its brother
٥. وَحَثَوهُ فَوقَ سَناكِ يا شَمسَ الضُحى
فَبَكى لَهُ بَدرُ السَماءِ أَخوكِ
6. The doves trampled the nest of lions
Oh, if only I knew where your father had been
٦. داسَ الحِمامُ عَرينَ آسادِ الشَرى
يا لَيتَ شِعري أَينَ كانَ أَبوكِ
7. I knew him, meeting doom with Muhannd
Sheathed in spilled blood, raised high his sword
٧. عَهدي بِهِ يَلقى الرَدى بِمُهَنَّدٍ
يَعلوهُ غِمدٌ مِن دَمٍ مَسفوكِ
8. Oh soul of Mahmood, though you were wise
to the ways of this walked world
٨. يا نَفسَ مَحمودٍ وَأَنتِ عَليمَةٌ
بِطَريقِ هَذا العالَمِ المَسلوكِ
9. They knew you break not for any event
Or are you still as they once knew you?
٩. عَهِدوكِ لا تَتَصَدَّعينَ لِحادِثٍ
أَوَ أَنتِ باقِيَةٌ كَما عَهِدوكِ
10. This dust, and you know best, is where all meet
Ruler and slave in this mortal fray
١٠. هَذا التُرابُ وَأَنتِ أَعلَمُ مُلتَقى
هَذا الوَرى مِن سوقَةٍ وَمُلوكِ
11. Are you not between the flank of the splendid
Lion-hearted amidst disasters laughing?
١١. هَل أَنتِ إِلّا بَينَ جَنبَي ماجِدٍ
صَعبِ الشَكيمَةِ لِلخُطوبِ ضَحوكِ
12. At his presence time hides its face, and meets
The glory of kings, and slaves' lowliness.
١٢. يُغضي بِحَضرَتِهِ الزَمانُ فَيَلتَقي
عِزُّ المَليكِ وَذِلَّةُ المَملوكِ