1. We have read your shadows and yearned,
Blessed by God are the shadows of tears,
١. قَد قَرَأنا ظِلالَكُم فَاِشتَفَينا
بارَكَ اللَهُ في ظِلالِ الدُموعِ
2. They taught us in grief how to heal,
The messengers of tears, the illness of ribs,
٢. عَلَّمَتنا لَدى الأَسى كَيفَ تَشفي
مُرسَلاتُ الدُموعِ داءَ الضُلوعِ
3. And showed us something new,
Not common before,
٣. وَأَرَتنا مِنَ الجَديدِ بَياناً
لَم يَكُن قَبلَها كَثيرَ الشُيوعِ
4. In a style as if arranged,
From the free-flowing springs, the violets of spring,
٤. في طِرازٍ كَأَنَّما نَسَّقَتهُ
مِن مَجاني الرُبا بَنانُ الرَبيعِ
5. So to the writer of shadows, greetings,
From one who's sad, wretched, and fallen.
٥. فَعَلى كاتِبِ الظِلالِ سَلامٌ
مِن حَزينٍ وَبائِسٍ وَصَريعِ