
We fell ill, so we did not return

مرضنا فما عادنا عائد

1. We fell ill, so we did not return
Nor was it said, where is the brilliant youth?

١. مَرِضنا فَما عادَنا عائِدُ
وَلا قيلَ أَينَ الفَتى الأَلمَعي

2. Nor did a messenger long for a writer
Nor did a word softly fall on a hearing

٢. وَلا حَنَّ طِرسٌ إِلى كاتِبٍ
وَلا خَفَّ لَفظٌ عَلى مِسمَعِ

3. We were silent, so silence became hard for us
And speech became cheap for the claimant

٣. سَكَتنا فَعَزَّ عَلَينا السُكوتُ
وَهانَ الكَلامُ عَلى المُدَّعي

4. So O state that signals decline
We returned to the era of love, so return

٤. فَيا دَولَةً آذَنَت بِالزَوالِ
رَجَعنا لِعَهدِ الهَوى فَاِرجِعي

5. And do not think we forgot the beloved
While within the ribs lies a heart that knows

٥. وَلا تَحسَبينا سَلَونا النَسيبَ
وَبَينَ الضُلوعِ فُؤادٌ يَعي