1. May God give you life, revive knowledge and literature,
If you spread knowledge, nobility will spread among you,
١. حَيّاكُمُ اللَهُ أَحيوا العِلمَ وَالأَدَبا
إِن تَنشُروا العِلمَ يَنشُر فيكُمُ العَرَبا
2. You have no life except through a university,
That would be a mother to students of excellence and dignity,
٢. وَلا حَياةَ لَكُم إِلّا بِجامِعَةٍ
تَكونُ أُمّاً لِطُلّابِ العُلا وَأَبا
3. It builds men and builds every towering
Edifice of glories and builds might and conquest,
٣. تَبني الرِجالَ وَتَبني كُلَّ شاهِقَةٍ
مِنَ المَعالي وَتَبني العِزَّ وَالغَلَبا
4. Lay hearts as a foundation - I do not tell you -
Lay riches, for I belittle gold,
٤. ضَعوا القُلوبَ أَساساً لا أَقولُ لَكُم
ضَعوا النُضارَ فَإِنّي أُصغِرُ الذَهَبا
5. And build with your livers a wall for it and leave
The enemy's talk, for I know the reason,
٥. وَاِبنوا بِأَكبادِكُم سوراً لَها وَدَعوا
قيلَ العَدُوِّ فَإِنّي أَعرِفُ السَبَبا
6. Do not despair if you read what he makes palatable,
That dean throws at you in anger,
٦. لا تَقنَطوا إِن قَرَأتُم ما يُزَوِّقُهُ
ذاكَ العَميدُ وَيَرميكُم بِهِ غَضَبا
7. And watch the day when its harvests will not avail,
For every living soul will be recompensed for what it earned,
٧. وَراقِبوا يَومَ لا تُغني حَصائِدُهُ
فَكُلُّ حَيٍّ سَيُجزى بِالَّذي اِكتَسَبا
8. He built on falsehood lofty towers,
So build on truth a tower piercing the flames,
٨. بَنى عَلى الإِفكِ أَبراجاً مُشَيَّدَةً
فَاِبنوا عَلى الحَقِّ بُرجاً يَنطَحُ الشُهُبا
9. And answer him with a deed that cannot be undermined
By the words of the nullifier wherever he spoke or orated.
٩. وَجاوِبوهُ بِفِعلٍ لا يُقَوِّضُهُ
قَولُ المُفَنِّدِ أَنّى قالَ أَو خَطَبا
10. Do not sleep, for they will never sleep,
And seek them, but make seeking beautiful,
١٠. لا تَهجَعوا إِنَّهُم لَن يَهجَعوا أَبَداً
وَطالِبوهُم وَلَكِن أَجمِلوا الطَلَبا
11. Did the news of the wretched people come to you,
Who trod and left in the land from their mention wonders?
١١. هَل جاءَكُم نَبَأُ القَومِ الأُلى دَرَجوا
وَخَلَّفوا لِلوَرى مِن ذِكرِهِم عَجَبا
12. In Carthage the building stones revelled, so the ships anchored
In it and their ropes swayed,
١٢. عَزَّت بِقُرطاجَةَ الأَمراسُ فَاِرتُهِنَت
فيها السَفينُ وَأَمسى حَبلُها اِضطِرَبا
13. And war is blazing and the people are at war,
The drink of death has poured over them bushes,
١٣. وَالحَربُ في لَهَبٍ وَالقَومُ في حَرَبٍ
قَد مَدَّ نَقعُ المَنايا فَوقَهُم طُنُبا
14. They spilt it and their unveiled concubines,
If only their eyelids had been a cause for it,
١٤. وَدّوا بِها وَجَواريهِم مُعَطَّلَةٌ
لَو أَنَّ أَهدابَهُم كانَت لَها سَبَبا
15. There the braids dispensed with what they stinted
As allurement, so they did what was obligatory,
١٥. هُنالِكَ الغيدُ جادَت بِالَّذي بَخِلَت
بِهِ دَلالاً فَقامَت بِالَّذي وَجَبا
16. They cut off locks of hair, launched ships
And salvaged a homeland and regained vigour,
١٦. جَزَّت غَدائِرَ شِعرٍ سَرَّحَت سُفُناً
وَاِستَنقَذَت وَطَناً وَاِستَرجَعَت نَشَبا
17. They saw their adornment upon the homelands and rejoiced
And did not grieve over the jewellery that was gone,
١٧. رَأَت حُلاها عَلى الأَوطانِ فَاِبتَهَجَت
وَلَم تَحَسَّر عَلى الحَليِ الَّذي ذَهَبا
18. And that increased their beauty while they were chaste,
Adorned over those who went to war or rode.
١٨. وَزادَها ذاكَ حُسناً وَهيَ عاطِلَةٌ
تُزهى عَلى مَن مَشى لِلحَربِ أَو رَكِبا
19. And Barthran who the fathers spun for him
A garment of pride, time and eras wore out,
١٩. وَبَرثَرانِ الَّذي حاكَ الإِباءُ لَهُ
ثَوباً مِنَ الفَخرِ أَبلى الدَهرَ وَالحِقَبا
20. He stood captive for a while, then was told:
"Does it not pain you to ransom glory and merit?"
٢٠. أَقامَ في الأَسرِ حيناً ثُمَّ قيلَ لَهُ
أَلَم يَئِن أَن تُفَدّي المَجدَ وَالحَسَبا
21. Say: You are free to choose, so he said to them:
"We are men who spurn money and youth."
٢١. قُل وَاِحتَكُم أَنتَ مُختارٌ فَقالَ لَهُم
إِنّا رِجالٌ نُهينُ المالَ وَالنَشَبا
22. Take the quintals in sifted bran
That your treasurer will tire counting them.
٢٢. خُذوا القَناطيرَ مِن تِبرٍ مُقَنطَرَةً
يَخورُ خازِنُكُم في عَدِّها تَعَبا
23. They said: "You have judged with what you cannot
Carry, we almost see what you said as jest."
٢٣. قالوا حَكَمتَ بِما لا تَستَطيعُ لَهُ
حَملاً نَكادُ نَرى ما قُلتَهُ لَعِبا
24. So he said: "By God, no living woman is
Flirtatious about seeing in my ransom difficulty."
٢٤. فَقالَ وَاللَهِ ما في الحَيِّ غازِلَةٌ
مِنَ الحِسانِ تَرى في فِديَتي نَصَبا
25. "If they tasked her with selling her spindle
She would prefer me, and her strength would grow keen."
٢٥. لَو أَنَّهُم كَلَّفوها بَيعَ مِغزَلِها
لَآثَرَتني وَصَحَّت قوتَها رَغَبا
26. This is the lasting trace, so do not stop
At words when you attempt a structure,
٢٦. هَذا هُوَ الأَثَرُ الباقي فَلا تَقِفوا
عِندَ الكَلامِ إِذا حاوَلتُمُ أَرَبا
27. And I almost strike for you in yourselves and in Egypt
An example, in truth or lies,
٢٧. وَدونَكُم مَثَلاً أَوشَكتُ أَضرِبُهُ
فيكُم وَفي مِصرَ إِن صِدقاً وَإِن كَذِبا
28. I heard that a man was befriended
By a dog, and they lived in loyalty and companionship,
٢٨. سَمِعتُ أَنَّ اِمرِأً قَد كانَ يَألَفُهُ
كَلبٌ فَعاشا عَلى الإِخلاصِ وَاِصطَحَبا
29. One day, while hunger was plundering him
Mercilessly, leaving only skin and nerves,
٢٩. فَمَرَّ يَوماً بِهِ وَالجوعُ يَنهَبُهُ
نَهباً فَلَم يُبقِ إِلّا الجِلدَ وَالعَصَبا
30. He saw him wasting away in weakness and spending
His groaning in anguish,
٣٠. فَظَلَّ يَبكي عَلَيهِ حينَ أَبصَرَهُ
يَزولُ ضَعفاً وَيَقضي نَحبَهُ سَغَبا
31. Crying over him while in his right hand were loaves
That if a hungry man from a mile away sensed he would leap,
٣١. يَبكي عَلَيهِ وَفي يُمناهُ أَرغِفَةٌ
لَو شامَها جائِعٌ مِن فَرسَخٍ وَثَبا
32. Some people said, as they pitied the one in pain
Crying while the one in pain faces harm:
٣٢. فَقالَ قَومٌ وَقَد رَقّوا لِذي أَلَمٍ
يَبكي وَذي أَلَمٍ يَستَقبِلُ العَطَبا
33. "What is wrong with this dog?" Hunger snatches him
From me andsinks its fangs into him rapaciously."
٣٣. ما خَطبُ ذا الكَلبِ قالَ الجوعُ يَخطِفُهُ
مِنّي وَيُنشِبُ فيهِ النابَ مُغتَصِبا
34. They said, as they saw the fresh loaves:
"This is the cure, have you treated him with it?" But he refused.
٣٤. قالوا وَقَد أَبصَروا الرُغفانَ زاهِيَةً
هَذا الدَواءُ فَهَل عالَجتَهُ فَأَبى
35. He answered them: "The motives of stinginess have struck
Between the two friends, from the excess sorrow, veils."
٣٥. أَجابَهُم وَدَواعي الشُحِّ قَد ضَرَبَت
بَينَ الصَديقَينِ مِن فَرطِ القِلى حُجُبا
36. "For that reason our affection did not reach
The point that I give him food while I grieve today."
٣٦. لِذَلِكَ الحَدِّ لَم تَبلُغ مَوَدَّتُنا
أَما كَفى أَن يَراني اليَومَ مُنتَحِبا
37. "These are my tears on my cheeks flowing
In sorrow, and this is my heart aflame,
٣٧. هَذي دُموعي عَلى الخَدَّينِ جارِيَةٍ
حُزناً وَهَذا فُؤادي يَرتَعي لَهَبا
38. I swear by God, if our affection was like
The dog's companion - the matter would change."
٣٨. أَقسَمتُ بِاللَهِ إِن كانَت مَوَدَّتُنا
كَصاحِبِ الكَلبِ ساءَ الأَمرُ مُنقَلَبا
39. "I seek refuge for you from being like him, so we see
From you crying and do not find for you a way."
٣٩. أُعيذُكُم أَن تَكونوا مِثلَهُ فَنَرى
مِنكُم بُكاءً وَلا نُلفي لَكُم دَأَبا
40. "If you lend God in your homelands, for you is
The reward of the struggler. Good tidings to whoever volunteered."
٤٠. إِن تُقرِضوا اللَهَ في أَوطانِكُم فَلَكُم
أَجرُ المُجاهِدِ طوبى لِلَّذي اِكتَتَبا