
Youthful friends swore to dispel

وفتيان أنس أقسموا أن يبددوا

1. Youthful friends swore to dispel
The armies of gloom between joy and delight

١. وَفِتيانِ أُنسٍ أَقسَموا أَن يُبَدِّدوا
جُيوشَ الدُجى ما بَينَ أُنسٍ وَأَفراحِ

2. So they hastened to a tavern, it was said
It is a resting place for wine that blends the soul with ease

٢. فَهُبّوا إِلى خَمّارَةٍ قيلَ إِنَّها
قَعيدَةُ خَمرٍ تَمزُجُ الروحَ بِالراحِ

3. And they said we have come determined
To attain comfort despite the flashing swords

٣. وَقالوا لَها إِنّا أَتَينا عَلى ظَماً
نُحاوِلُ وِردَ الراحِ رَغماً عَنِ اللاحي

4. She rose with weariness in her eyelids
And on her hips she paraded an army of goblets

٤. فَقامَت وَفي أَجفانِها كَسَلُ الكَرى
وَفي رِدفِها وَاِستَعرَضَت جَيشَ أَقداحِ