
Anguish prevails, so beautify yourself,

جل الأسى فتجملي

1. Anguish prevails, so beautify yourself,
And if you refuse, then do gracefully.

١. جَلَّ الأَسى فَتَجَمَّلي
وَإِذا أَبَيتِ فَأَجمِلي

2. O Egypt, a knight of yours has perished,
And no knight remains except Ali.

٢. يا مِصرُ قَد أَودى فَتا
كِ وَلا فَتىً إِلّا عَلي

3. The star judge has died,
And the full moon of gatherings has set.

٣. قَد ماتَ نابِغَةُ القَضا
ءِ وَغابَ بَدرُ المَحفِلِ

4. Fate has turned against fate,
So it met its death.

٤. وَعَدا القَضاءُ عَلى القَضا
ءِ فَصابَهُ في المَقتَلِ

5. Solver of intricate problems,
He judged with an intricate remedy.

٥. حَلّالُ عَقدِ المُعضِلا
تِ قَضى بِداءٍ مُعضِلِ

6. Alas for femininity, it has no place
In deep darkness that does not clear.

٦. وَيحَ الكِنانَةِ ما لَها
في غَمرَةٍ لا تَنجَلي

7. One calamity passes by,
While another follows.

٧. باتَت وَكارِثَةٌ تَمُر
رُ بِها وَكارِثَةٌ تَلي

8. O flower of the past, and O basil
Of the future,

٨. يا زَهرَةَ الماضي وَيا
رَيحانَةَ المُستَقبَلِ

9. We expected you for feasts
In the coming times.

٩. كُنّا نُعِدُّكِ لِلشَدا
ئِدِ في الزَمانِ المُقبِلِ

10. O you of noble character, reassuring, ideal,
You left us when we needed you, and did not linger.

١٠. يا لابِسَ الخُلُقِ الكَري
مِ المُطمَئِنِّ الأَمثَلِ

11. O you who endured adversity bravely,
Shooter of the bow of the hero.

١١. فارَقتَنا في حينِ حا
جَتِنا وَلَم تَتَمَهَّلِ

12. O you who kept intimate secrets
And were generous in speech.

١٢. يا رامِياً صَدرَ الصِعا
بِ رَماكَ رامي الأَجدَلِ

13. Which praise is still too little
For your attire, that did not adorn itself?

١٣. يا حافِظاً غَيبَ الصَدي
قِ وَيا كَريمَ المِقوَلِ

14. Your peers play foolishly,
While you set yourself apart.

١٤. أَيُّ المَحامِدِ غَضَّةً
بِحُلاكَ لَم تَتَجَمَّلِ

15. You pursue lasting, righteous deeds,
And climb high indefatigably.

١٥. تَلهو لِداتُكَ بِالصِبا
لَهواً وَأَنتَ بِمَعزِلِ

16. You attained the knowledge of those gone by
And grasped the superiority of the first ones.

١٦. تَسعى وَراءَ الباقِيا
تِ الصالِحاتِ وَتَعتَلي

17. Your lowest goal is an ambition
Above the highest summit.

١٧. بَينَ المَحابِرِ وَالدَفا
تِرِ دائِباً لا تَأتَلي

18. And your highest purpose is to see
Egypt prevail and climb high.

١٨. أَدرَكتَ عِلمَ الآخِري
نَ وَحُزتَ فَضلَ الأَوَّلِ

19. The loved ones have passed on after
Leaving me with grief and sorrow.

١٩. أَدنى مَرامِكَ هِمَّةٌ
فَوقَ السِماكِ الأَعزَلِ

20. After them I do not have
A life, and I did not pretend.

٢٠. وَأَجَلُّ قَصدِكَ أَن تَرى
مِصراً تَسودُ وَتَعتَلي

21. Every year I stop and grieve
For the one who has moved on.

٢١. دَرَجَ الأَحِبَّةُ بَعدَ ما
تَرَكوا الأَسى وَالحُزنَ لي

22. I cry with the weeping of bereft women,
And I complain as much as I complain.

٢٢. لَم يَحلُ لي مِن بَعدِهِم
عَيشٌ وَلَم أَتَعَلَّلِ

23. The day I lost him, determination
Did not abandon me.

٢٣. لي كُلَّ عامٍ وَقفَةٌ
حَرّى عَلى مُتَرَحِّلِ

24. A gloomy day has passed
With a knight in his prime.

٢٤. أَبكي بُكاءَ الثاكِلا
تِ وَأَصطَلي ما أَصطَلي

25. Who did not witness its horror
When the decree descended?

٢٥. لَم يُبقِ لي يَومُ الفَقي
دِ عَزيمَةً لَم تُفلَلِ

26. He does not know what the breaking of backs is,
Nor the sagging of joints.

٢٦. يَومٌ عَبوسٌ قَد مَضى
بِفَتىً أَغَرَّ مُحَجَّلِ

27. O grave, shame on you, what you have done
To his radiant face!

٢٧. مَن لَم يُشاهِد هَولَهُ
عِندَ القَضاءِ المُنزَلِ

28. You have frowned at a glow
That was meadows of beauty.

٢٨. لَم يَدرِ ما قَصمُ الظُهو
رِ وَلا اِنخِزالُ المَفصِلِ

29. And you have corrupted, from him, a innocence
That did not detach.

٢٩. يا قَبرُ وَيحَكَ ما صَنَع
تَ بِوَجهِهِ المُتَهَلِّلِ

30. O grave, has time played
With the softness of those fingers?

٣٠. عَبَّستَ مِنهُ نَضرَةً
كانَت رِياضَ المُجتَلي

31. In distress, I yearn for them, flowing
Like a stream.

٣١. وَعَبَثتَ مِنهُ بِطُرَّةٍ
سَوداءَ لَمّا تَنصُلِ

32. In hardship, I long for them to solve
Knotty problems.

٣٢. يا قَبرُ هَل لَعِبَ البِلى
بِلِطافِ تِلكَ الأَنمُلِ

33. I yearn for them for hope
And for questioning youth.

٣٣. لَهفي عَلَيها في الطُرو
سِ تَسيلُ سَيلَ الجَدوَلِ

34. O grave, your guest among us
Was the best expectation.

٣٤. لَهفي عَلَيها في الجِدا
لِ تَحُلُّ عَقدَ المُشكِلِ

35. He did not become stingy when called
Nor pretend to be lowly.

٣٥. لَهفي عَلَيها لِلرَجا
ءِ وَلِلعُفاةِ السُؤَّلِ

36. I made his abode my own,
So I lodged in the best lodging.

٣٦. يا قَبرُ ضَيفُكَ بَينَنا
قَد كانَ خَيرَ مُؤَمَّلِ

37. And I drank from his character,
So I attained the sweetest spring.

٣٧. لَم يَنقَبِض كِبراً بِنا
ديهِ وَلَم يَتَبَذَّلِ