1. In Badawi's square a splendid square descended
The glory of the country is linked to its glory
١. في ساحَةِ البَدَوِيِّ حَلَّت ساحَةٌ
عِزُّ البِلادِ بِعِزِّها مَوصولُ
2. And al-Husayn came to visit the pole of his time
Gabriel grazes and guards his caravan
٢. وَأَتى الحُسَينُ يَزورُ قُطبَ زَمانِهِ
يَرعى وَيَحرُسُ رَكبَهُ جِبريلُ
3. Our seasons have increased with Tanta a season
For its sanctified king, glorification and veneration
٣. زادَت مَواسِمُنا بِطَنطا مَوسِماً
لِمَليكِهِ التَقديسُ وَالتَبجيلُ
4. With both squares for every desirous one there is a refuge
And for every gentle one there is a square and circle
٤. بِالساحَتَينِ لِكُلِّ راجٍ مَوئِلٌ
وَلِكُلِّ عافٍ مَربَعٌ وَمَقيلُ
5. Say to the poor when you ask, do not be afraid
Of refusal, for in both squares there is no miser
٥. قُل لِلفَقيرِ إِذا سَأَلتَ فَلا تَخَف
رَدّاً فَما في الساحَتَينِ بَخيلُ
6. The blessings of this one, its spring never runs dry
The winds of that one, plentiful are its hopes
٦. بَرَكاتُ هَذي لا يَغيضُ مَعينُها
نَفَحاتُ تِلكَ كَثيرُها مَأمولُ
7. The region has prospered since you have entered it
And rain does not remain forbidden to it
٧. قَد أَخصَبَ الإِقليمُ حينَ حَلَلتَهُ
وَالغَيثُ لا يَبقى عَلَيهِ مُحولُ
8. And its affection began to surge with its inhabitants
It almost tilted from the ecstasy of the meeting
٨. وَبَدا يَموجُ بِساكِنيهِ وَعِطفُهُ
قَد كادَ مِن طَرَبِ اللِقاءِ يَميلُ
9. They recalled with your blessed arrival an occasion
In which your father Abraham took a stand
٩. ذَكَروا بِمَقدَمِكَ المُبارَكِ مَوقِفاً
قَد قامَ فيهِ أَبوكَ إِسماعيلُ
10. On a day like this, his memory immortalized
For him among the servants is an exalted trace
١٠. في مِثلِ هَذا اليَومِ خَلَّدَ ذِكرَهُ
أَثَرٌ لَهُ بَينَ العِبادِ جَليلُ
11. Al Saud scattered generosity upon the delegations around him
Exchanging declarations of God's greatness and praise
١١. نَثَرَ السُعودَ عَلى الوُفودِ وَحَولَهُ
يَتَجاوَبُ التَكبيرُ وَالتَهليلُ
12. May his achievements last, and whoever's making is
Like your father Abraham, how could it disappear?
١٢. دامَت مَآثِرُهُ وَمَن يَكُ صُنعُهُ
كَأَبيكَ إِسماعيلَ كَيفَ يَزولُ
13. Congratulations on your kingdom, O Hussein, for its era
Is one in which hopes are guaranteed to be fulfilled
١٣. فَاِهنَأ بِمُلكِكَ يا حُسَينُ فَعَهدُهُ
عَهدٌ بِتَحقيقِ الرَجاءِ كَفيلُ
14. And arise with your people among the nations, for verily
After your Lord, their command rests with you
١٤. وَاِنهَض بِشَعبِكَ في الشُعوبِ فَإِنَّما
لَكَ بَعدَ رَبِّكَ أَمرُهُ مَوكولُ
15. And let Badawi congratulate that his friend
Is not turning away from his accustomed affection
١٥. وَليَهنَئِ البَدَوِيَّ أَنَّ صَديقَهُ
عَن وُدِّهِ المَعهودِ لَيسَ يَحولُ
16. He came to him eager, and around him
The highest and most generous of those the Nile quenched their thirst
١٦. قَد جاءَهُ يَسعى إِلَيهِ وَحَولَهُ
أَعلى وَأَكرَمُ مَن سَقاهُ النيلُ