
The keeper of Ctesiphon was amazed when he saw

وراع صاحب كسرى أن رأى عمرا

1. The keeper of Ctesiphon was amazed when he saw
Umar among the people, while he was their shepherd,

١. وَراعَ صاحِبَ كِسرى أَن رَأى عُمَراً
بَينَ الرَعِيَّةِ عُطلاً وَهوَ راعيها

2. And his covenant with the kings of Persia was that
It had walls of soldiers and guards protecting it.

٢. وَعَهدُهُ بِمُلوكِ الفُرسِ أَنَّ لَها
سوراً مِنَ الجُندِ وَالأَحراسِ يَحميها

3. He saw him drowned in his sleep, so he saw
In him majesty in its highest meanings,

٣. رَآهُ مُستَغرِقاً في نَومِهِ فَرَأى
فيهِ الجَلالَةَ في أَسمى مَعانيها

4. Above the ground, under the shade of the tent, wrapped
In a cloak, which the length of time had nearly worn threadbare.

٤. فَوقَ الثَرى تَحتَ ظِلِّ الدَوحِ مُشتَمِلاً
بِبُردَةٍ كادَ طولُ العَهدِ يُبليها

5. So there became small in his eyes what he used to magnify
Of emperors, and the world in their hands,

٥. فَهانَ في عَينِهِ ما كانَ يَكبُرُهُ
مِنَ الأَكاسِرِ وَالدُنيا بِأَيديها

6. And he said a saying of truth which became a parable,
And generation after generation narrates it:

٦. وَقالَ قَولَةَ حَقٍّ أَصبَحَت مَثَلاً
وَأَصبَحَ الجيلُ بَعدَ الجيلِ يَرويها

7. "You felt secure when you established justice among them,
So you slept the sleep of the clear-eyed, calm."

٧. أَمِنتَ لَمّا أَقَمتَ العَدلَ بَينَهُمُ
فَنِمتُ نَومَ قَريرِ العَينِ هانيها