
If they congratulate you on it, I am not congratulating

إن هنؤوك بها فلست مهنئا

1. If they congratulate you on it, I am not congratulating
I knew you before it, envied

١. إِن هَنَّؤوكَ بِها فَلَستُ مُهَنِّئاً
إِنّي عَهِدتُكَ قَبلَها مَحسودا

2. Your fate was boundless glory
And happiness, yet with it became confined

٢. قَد كانَ قَدرُكَ لا يُحَدُّ نَباهَةً
وَسَعادَةً فَغَدا بِها مَحدودا