1. Ask the conqueror of the Persians and Romans, did his conquests avail him,
Or his successive triumphs enrich him?
١. سَل قاهِرَ الفُرسِ وَالرومانِ هَل شَفَعَت
لَهُ الفُتوحُ وَهَل أَغنى تَواليها
2. He waged war until his steed was worn,
And the steeds of God were tethered,
٢. غَزى فَأَبلى وَخَيلُ اللَهِ قَد عُقِدَت
بِاليُمنِ وَالنَصرِ وَالبُشرى نَواصيها
3. With good fortune, victory, and glad tidings dangling from their bridles.
He shoots his foes with unerring shafts,
٣. يَرمي الأَعادي بِآراءٍ مُسَدَّدَةٍ
وَبِالفَوارِسِ قَد سالَت مَذاكيها
4. And with his brave warriors their souls are spilled.
He never met the Romans but their champion fled,
٤. ما واقَعَ الرومَ إِلّا فَرَّ قارِحُها
وَلا رَمى الفُرسَ إِلّا طاشَ راميها
5. Nor shot at the Persians but their archer missed.
He never took a town but "God is Greatest!" rang out,
٥. وَلَم يَجُز بَلدَةً إِلّا سَمِعتَ بِها
اللَهُ أَكبَرُ تَدوي في نَواحيها
6. Echoing from its corners.
Twenty pitched battles in the space of ten years,
٦. عِشرونَ مَوقِعَةً مَرَّت مُحَجَّلَةً
مِن بَعدِ عَشرٍ بَنانُ الفَتحِ تُحصيها
7. Easy to number for those who count his victories.
Khalid ever urging them on in the way of God,
٧. وَخالِدٌ في سَبيلِ اللَهِ موقِدُها
وَخالِدٌ في سَبيلِ اللَهِ صاليها
8. Khalid ever praying in the way of God.
The command of Abu Bakr came to him and he kissed it,
٨. أَتاهُ أَمرُ أَبي حَفصٍ فَقَبَّلَهُ
كَما يُقَبِّلُ آيَ اللَهِ تاليها
9. As if kissing the verses of God as they were recited.
He welcomed seclusion at the height of his power and glory,
٩. وَاِستَقبَلَ العَزلَ في إِبّانِ سَطوَتِهِ
وَمجدِهِ مُستَريحَ النَفسِ هاديها
10. With a spirit content in the guidance of his Master.
How amazing that the lord of Makhzum and its bravest man,
١٠. فَاِعجَب لِسَيِّدِ مَخزومٍ وَفارِسِها
يَومَ النِزالِ إِذا نادى مُناديها
11. On the day of battle, should be led by a Habashi in his turban,
While Makhzum stirs not from his place!
١١. يَقودُهُ حَبَشِيٌّ في عِمامَتِهِ
وَلا تُحَرِّكُ مَخزومٌ عَواليها
12. He casts leadership to Jarrah in willing obedience,
While pride of soul remains uninjured.
١٢. أَلقى القِيادَ إِلى الجَرّاحِ مُمتَثِلاً
وَعِزَّةُ النَفسِ لَم تُجرَح حَواشيها
13. He joins the ranks, marching beneath the flag,
And, if life inclines, sacrifices it.
١٣. وَاِنضَمَّ لِلجُندِ يَمشي تَحتَ رايَتِهِ
وَبِالحَياةِ إِذا مالَت يُفَدّيها
14. He harbors no doubts about his successor,
Nor prefers his own command, tempting as it was.
١٤. وَما عَرَتهُ شُكوكٌ في خَليفَتِهِ
وَلا اِرتَضى إِمرَةَ الجَرّاحِ تَمويها
15. For Khalid knew that his companion
Had turned his soul towards God in utter devotion.
١٥. فَخالِدٌ كانَ يَدري أَنَّ صاحِبَهُ
قَد وَجَّهَ النَفسَ نَحوَ اللَهِ تَوجيها
16. He does not condemn or advocate any word or deed,
Save with the desire to comfort people.
١٦. فَما يُعالِجُ مِن قَولٍ وَلا عَمَلٍ
إِلّا أَرادَ بِهِ لِلناسِ تَرفيها
17. Therefore he charged Umar about his children
When he summoned him to Paradise at his death;
١٧. لِذاكَ أَوصى بِأَولادٍ لَهُ عُمَراً
لَمّا دَعاهُ إِلى الفِردَوسِ داعيها
18. And Umar forbade the women of Makhzum to weep loudly
At his passing, it is said, contradicting the wish of our friend,
١٨. وَما نَهى عُمَرٌ في يَومِ مَصرَعِهِ
نِساءَ مَخزومَ أَن تَبكي بَواكيها
19. Though he was the greatest archer of them all.
But Umar feared the Muslim's passion for him
١٩. وَقيلَ خالَفتَ يا فاروقُ صاحِبَنا
فيهِ وَقَد كانَ أَعطى القَوسَ باريها
20. And the temptation of self too strong to cure.
They blamed him, misunderstanding his intention,
٢٠. فَقالَ خِفتُ اِفتِتانِ المُسلِمينَ بِهِ
وَفِتنَةُ النَفسِ أَعيَت مَن يُداويها
21. Though it was but a slip in the eyes of the censor;
So excellent a judge is not faulted for his errors,
٢١. هَبوهُ أَخطَأَ في تَأويلِ مَقصِدِهِ
وَأَنَّها سَقطَةٌ في عَينِ ناعيها
22. Nor are the bent swords of India reproached for their curves.
By God, in the matter of the son of Walid, he did not follow whim,
٢٢. فَلَن تَعيبَ حَصيفَ الرَأيِ زَلَّتُهُ
حَتّى يَعيبَ سُيوفَ الهِندِ نابيها
23. Nor assuage any malice hidden in his breast.
Rather, he saw an opinion and followed it,
٢٣. تَاللَهِ لَم يَتَّبِع في اِبنِ الوَليدِ هَوىً
وَلا شَفى غُلَّةً في الصَدرِ يَطويها
24. With a resolution that was unshakeable.
He did not hesitate to obey the Master,
٢٤. لَكِنَّهُ قَد رَأى رَأياً فَأَتبَعَهُ
عَزيمَةً مِنهُ لَم تُثلَم مَواضيها
25. Nor consider others alongside Him.
In flogging his son while the whip seized him,
٢٥. لَم يَرعَ في طاعَةِ المَولى خُؤولَتَهُ
وَلا رَعى غَيرَها فيما يُنافيها
26. He showed no pity in carrying out the limit.
The One who acquitted Al-Farouq purified him
٢٦. وَما أَصابَ اِبنَهُ وَالسَوطُ يَأخُذُهُ
لَدَيهِ مِن رَأفَةٍ في الحَدِّ يُبديها
27. Of defects and evil tendencies completely.
That is the temperament modeled from Paradise,
٢٧. إِنَّ الَّذي بَرَأَ الفاروقَ نَزَّهَهُ
عَنِ النَقائِصِ وَالأَغراضِ تَنزيها
28. Into which God placed whatever would perfect it.
No arrogance dwells there, no wrong accompanies it,
٢٨. فَذاكَ خُلقٌ مِنَ الفِردَوسِ طينَتُهُ
اللَهُ أَودَعَ فيها ما يُنَقّيها
29. No rancor knows it, no greed tempts it.
٢٩. لا الكِبرُ يَسكُنُها لا الظُلمُ يَصحَبُها
لا الحِقدُ يَعرِفُها لا الحِرصِ يُغويها