
Is it a battlefield or the gathering place,

أساحة للحرب أم محشر

1. Is it a battlefield or the gathering place,
The source of death or the Kawthar?

١. أَساحَةٌ لِلحَربِ أَم مَحشَرُ
وَمَورِدُ المَوتِ أَمِ الكَوثَرُ

2. And are these soldiers who obeyed their masters' passions,
Or cattle brought in to be slaughtered?

٢. وَهَذِهِ جُندٌ أَطاعوا هَوى
أَربابِهِم أَم نَعَمٌ تُنحَرُ

3. How merciless are the hearts of the oppressors!
They rose at the king's command and monopolized,

٣. لِلَّهِ ما أَقسى قُلوبَ الأُلى
قاموا بِأَمرِ المُلكِ وَاِستَأثَروا

4. Deceived by their power in this life,
Going to excess on earth and colonizing.

٤. وَغَرَّهُم في الدَهرِ سُلطانُهُم
فَأَمعَنوا في الأَرضِ وَاِستَعمَروا

5. The whites have sworn by their crosses,
They will not flee death or be helped.

٥. قَد أَقسَمَ البيضُ بِصُلبانِهِم
لا يَهجُرونَ المَوتَ أَو يُنصَروا

6. And the yellows swore by their idols,
They will not sheathe the sword or be victorious.

٦. وَأَقسَمَ الصُفرُ بِأَوثانِهِم
لا يَغمِدونَ السَيفَ أَو يَظفَروا

7. So the earth shook in its pegs,
When the whites and yellows met.

٧. فَمادَتِ الأَرضُ بِأَوتادِها
حينَ اِلتَقى الأَبيَضُ وَالأَصفَرُ

8. It was inebriated by a wine of blood,
With which the Mikado and Caesar toy.

٨. وَأَثمَلَتها خَمرَةٌ مِن دَمٍ
يَلهو بِها الميكادُ وَالقَيصَرُ

9. On the day of turmoil it resembled its sister,
When the red dusk appeared in it.

٩. وَأَشبَهَت يَومَ الوَغى أُختَها
إِذ لاحَ فيها الشَفَقُ الأَحمَرُ

10. It began to yearn for its flood,
So it may be purified of its filth.

١٠. وَأَصبَحَت تَشتاقُ طوفانَها
لَعَلَّها مِن رِجسِها تَطهُرُ

11. O war, you have satiated the wolves of treachery,
And the vultures and eagles are stuffed.

١١. أَشبَعتِ يا حَربُ ذِئابَ الفَلا
وَغَصَّتِ العِقبانُ وَالأَنسُرُ

12. The whales have died in its sea,
And man's greed cannot be fulfilled.

١٢. وَميرَتِ الحيتانُ في بَحرِها
وَمَطمَعُ الإِنسانِ لا يُقدَرُ

13. If this bear will not be bent,
And that dragon will not be subdued,

١٣. إِن كانَ هَذا الدُبُّ لا يَنثَني
وَذَلِكَ التِنّينُ لا يُقهَرُ

14. And the whites will not accept their defeat,
And the yellows after this day will not be broken,

١٤. وَالبيضُ لا تَرضى بِخِذلانِها
وَالصُفرُ بَعدَ اليَومِ لا تُكسَرُ

15. Why has that war bared its leg,
Until the armies have decided?

١٥. فَما لِتِلكَ الحَربِ قَد شَمَّرَت
عَن ساقِها حَتّى قَضى العَسكَرُ

16. The souls of the people flowed over the hills,
So the plain and the rivers overflowed.

١٦. سالَت نُفوسُ القَومِ فَوقَ الظُبا
فَسالَتِ البَطحاءُ وَالأَنهُرُ

17. And it became a mine of rubies,
At which pearls and jewels envy.

١٧. وَأَصبَحَت مِكدَنُ ياقوتَةً
يَغارُ مِنها الدُرُّ وَالجَوهَرُ

18. Rubies which were valued among them
With souls that cannot be counted.

١٨. ياقوتَةً قَد قُوِّمَت بَينَهُم
بِأَنفُسٍ كَالقَطرِ لا تُحصَرُ

19. The messenger of death among them
Became confused, not knowing what to be ordered.

١٩. أَضحى رَسولُ المَوتِ ما بَينَها
حَيرانَ لا يَدري بِما يُؤمَرُ

20. Azrael, have you seen before,
You who are so wise and skilled,

٢٠. عِزريلُ هَل أَبصَرتَ فيما مَضى
وَأَنتَ ذاكَ الكَيِّسُ الأَمهَرُ

21. That cannon in its might,
When its dreadful sound rises,

٢١. كَذَلِكَ المِدفَعُ في بَطشِهِ
إِذا تَعالى صَوتُهُ المُنكَرُ

22. You see it, if honest on the inside,
Neither armor will bend it, nor shield stop it.

٢٢. تَراهُ إِن أَوفى عَلى مُهجَةٍ
لا الدِرعُ يَثنيهِ وَلا المِغفَرُ

23. Kuro patkin has fallen in distress,
And Oyama spends the night looking.

٢٣. أَمسى كُروبَتكينَ في غَمرَةٍ
وَباتَ أوياما لَهُ يَنظُرُ

24. And the Russians are on burning coals,
With glory calling them: Just be patient!

٢٤. وَظَلَّتِ الروسُ عَلى جَمرَةٍ
وَالمَجدُ يَدعوهُم أَلا فَاِصبِروا

25. And what's wrong with that fleet,
Until the great horror exposed it?

٢٥. وَذَلِكَ الأُسطولُ ما خَطبُهُ
حَتّى عَراهُ الفَزَعُ الأَكبَرُ

26. Whenever a swimmer appeared to it
Under cover or a gliding boat,

٢٦. أَكُلَّما لاحَ لَهُ سابِحٌ
تَحتَ الدُجى أَو قارِبٌ يَمخُرُ

27. Tojo thought it was for him,
So Tojo greeted it, informing:

٢٧. ظَنَّ بِهِ طوجو فَأَهدى لَهُ
تَحِيَّةً طوجو بِها أَخبَرُ

28. A greeting from an ardent zealot
Whose breath from its heat exhales.

٢٨. تَحِيَّةً مِن واجِدٍ شَيِّقٍ
أَنفاسُهُ مِن حَرِّها تَزفِرُ

29. Does the Caesar know in his palace
What war declares and what it conceals?

٢٩. فَهَل دَرى القَيصَرُ في قَصرِهِ
ما تُعلِنُ الحَربَ وَما تُضمِرُ

30. So how many dead spent the night atop the ground,
With foxes and eagles disturbing them?

٣٠. فَكَم قَتيلٍ باتَ فَوقَ الثَرى
يَنتابُهُ الأُظفورُ وَالمِنسَرُ

31. And how many wounded stretching out their hands,
Calling their brothers but unable to see?

٣١. وَكَم جَريحٍ باسِطٍ كَفَّهُ
يَدعو أَخاهُ وَهوَ لا يُبصِرُ

32. And how many drowned went into an abyss,
In which hills plunge so they don't surface?

٣٢. وَكَم غَريقٍ راحَ في لُجَّةٍ
يَهوي بِها الطَودُ فَلا يَظهَرُ

33. And how many captives spent the night captive,
Their souls dripping with sorrow?

٣٣. وَكَم أَسيرٍ باتَ في أَسرِهِ
وَنَفسُهُ مِن حَسرَةٍ تَقطُرُ

34. If you don't see peace as best for you,
Then time is too short for your ambitions.

٣٤. إِن لَم تَرَوا في الصُلحِ خَيراً لَكُم
فَالدَهرُ مِن أَطماعِكُم أَقصَرُ

35. War makes us wretched, even if it
Calls the men of the East to take pride.

٣٥. تَسوؤُنا الحَربُ وَإِن أَصبَحَت
تَدعو رِجالَ الشَرقِ أَن يَفخَروا

36. A time has come over the Easterner when,
If the living are mentioned, he is not mentioned.

٣٦. أَتى عَلى الشَرقِيِّ حينٌ إِذا
ما ذُكِرَ الأَحياءُ لا يُذكَرُ

37. And an era passed by the East in which
It does not pass in mind or register.

٣٧. وَمَرَّ بِالشَرقِ زَمانٌ وَما
يَمُرُّ بِالبالِ وَلا يَخطِرُ

38. Until the yellows returned its days,
So the black and brown took revenge.

٣٨. حَتّى أَعادَ الصُفرُ أَيّامَهُ
فَاِنتَصَفَ الأَسوَدُ وَالأَسمَرُ

39. May God's mercy be upon a nation
Whose history narrates what is to be preferred.

٣٩. فَرَحمَةُ اللَهِ عَلى أُمَّةٍ
يَروي لَها التاريخُ ما يُؤثَرُ