1. Darkness fell and your heart beats
Restlessly in the midst of your sides lies a disturbing care
١. سَكَنَ الظَلامُ وَباتَ قَلبُكَ يَخفِقُ
وَسَطا عَلى جَنبَيكَ هَمٌّ مُقلِقُ
2. The bed became hot and I became confused in it while you both
Are tormented and anxious beneath the darkness
٢. حارَ الفِراشُ وَحِرتُ فيهِ فَأَنتُما
تَحتَ الظَلامِ مُعَذَّبٌ وَمُؤَرَّقُ
3. Time passed while you are infatuated with wishes
And youth is gone while you are downcast
٣. دَرَجَ الزَمانُ وَأَنتَ مَفتونُ المُنى
وَمَضى الشَبابُ وَأَنتَ ساهٍ مُطرِقُ
4. Strangely, silence gives you pleasure along with passion
While it makes everyone else speak out of love
٤. عَجَباً يَلَذُّ لَكَ السُكوتُ مَعَ الهَوى
وَسِواكَ يَبعَثُهُ الغَرامُ فَيَنطِقُ
5. Passion was created for your cheeks and long they
Suspected the suspicions about your cheeks and drowned
٥. خُلِقَ الغَرامُ لِأَصغَرَيكَ وَطالَما
ظَنّوا الظُنونَ بِأَصغَرَيكَ وَأَغرَقوا
6. And blamed you with laxity, and had they witnessed what
You conceal in those ribs, they would have empathized
٦. وَرَمَوكَ بِالسَلوى وَلَو شَهِدوا الَّذي
تَطويهِ في تِلكَ الضُلوعِ لَأَشفَقوا
7. You hid the secrets of the heart, and yet
The secret of the heart is stolen from sights
٧. أَخفَيتَ أَسرارَ الفُؤادِ وَإِنَّما
سِرُّ الفُؤادِ مِنَ النَواظِرِ يُسرَقُ
8. Vent with your Lord the distress of your heart
And have mercy on your cheeks, for they are torn
٨. نَفِّس بِرَبِّكَ عَن فُؤادِكَ كَربَهُ
وَاِرحَم حَشاكَ فَإِنَّها تَتَمَزَّقُ
9. And remember for us the era of those who
United their concerns upon you and dispersed
٩. وَاِذكُر لَنا عَهدَ الَّذينَ بِنايِهِم
جَمَعوا عَلَيكَ هُمومَهُم وَتَفَرَّقوا
10. Why did rhymes deny you when they were not
Circulating in any market but yours
١٠. ما لِلقَوافي أَنكَرَتكَ وَلَم تَكُن
لِكَسادِها في غَيرِ سوقِكَ تَنفُقُ
11. Why did rhetoric stand still at any other door
Weeping with impatience so it shines
١١. ما لِلبَيانِ بِغَيرِ بابِكَ واقِفاً
يَبكي وَيُعجِلُهُ البُكاءُ فَيَشرَقُ
12. I have not ceased, like your anxiety in youth,
To indulge in composing and fall in love
١٢. إِنّي كَهَمِّكَ في الصَبابَةِ لَم أَزَل
أَلهو وَأَرتَجِلُ القَريضَ وَأَعشَقُ
13. My soul despite calamities is youthful
My will despite disasters is flourishing
١٣. نَفسي بِرَغمِ الحادِثاتِ فَتِيَّةٌ
عودي عَلى رَغمِ الكَوارِثِ مورِقُ
14. Indeed, the one who tempted the slumber with my eyelids
Is my stubborn heart which clings to him
١٤. إِنَّ الَّذي أَغرى السُهادَ بِمُقلَتي
مُتَعَنِّتٌ قَلبي بِهِ مُتَعَلِّقُ
15. I trusted he will not confess, and yet
On Judgement Day that pact will be untied
١٥. واثَقتُهُ أَلّا أَبوحَ وَإِنَّما
يَومَ الحِسابِ يُحَلُّ ذاكَ المَوثِقُ
16. And I suffered from his nearness and distance
A brother of misery is destined for misery
١٦. وَشَقيتُ مِنهُ بِقُربِهِ وَبِعادِهِ
وَأَخو الشَقاءِ إِلى الشَقاءِ مُوَفَّقُ
17. I accompanied the causes of consent to ride
The saddle of conflict to acquire what makes me dignified
١٧. صاحَبتُ أَسبابَ الرِضا لِرُكوبِهِ
مَتنَ الخِلافِ لِما بِهِ أَتَخَلَّقُ
18. And I patiently endured from him what the forebearing
Endure, and the foolish fear
١٨. وَصَبَرتُ مِنهُ عَلى الَّذي يَعيا بِهِ
حِلمُ الحَليمِ وَيَتَّقيهِ الأَحمَقُ
19. I have become like an infatuated man, worshipping his hair
And forehead while I am the honorable refined man
١٩. أَصبَحتُ كَالدَهرِيِّ أَعبُدُ شَعرَهُ
وَجَبينَهُ وَأَنا الشَريفُ المُعرِقُ
20. And I have become composing pearls from the crevices of his lips
To adorn the beauties and garland them
٢٠. وَغَدَوتُ أَنظِمُ مِن ثَنايا ثَغرِهِ
دُرَراً أُقَلِّدُها المَها وَأُطَوِّقُ
21. My patience has ransacked my treasures and shaken me
And showed me how to excellently coordinate
٢١. صَبري اِستَثَرتَ دَفائِني وَهَزَزتَني
وَأَرَيتَني الإِبداعَ كَيفَ يُنَسَّقُ
22. So you revealed to me the passion's complaint and preceded me
In praising Abbas, and the likes of you takes the lead
٢٢. فَأَبَحتَ لي شَكوى الهَوى وَسَبَقتَني
في مَدحِ عَبّاسٍ وَمِثلُكَ يَسبِقُ
23. The president said, so what value remains for words after it
Merchandise stretched and undeserved praise elegance
٢٣. قالَ الرَئيسُ فَما لِقَولٍ بَعدَهُ
باعٌ تَطولُ وَلا لِمَدحٍ رَونَقُ
24. My passion you attributed, so I did not possess my tears
To flow with them the intimate ardent man
٢٤. شَوقي نَسَبتَ فَما مَلَكتُ مَدامِعي
مِن أَن يَسيلَ بِها النَسيبُ الشَيِّقُ
25. You exhausted the necks of people in praising him
Rhetoric bowed to its Lord and logic kneeled
٢٥. أَعجَزتَ أَطواقَ الأَنامِ بِمَدحِهِ
سَجَدَ البَيانُ لِرَبِّها وَالمَنطِقُ
26. You left me no bonus in praise
For my weak pen to flow and catch up
٢٦. لَم تَترُكا لي في المَدائِحِ فَضلَةً
يَجري بِها قَلَمي الضَعيفُ وَيَلحَقُ
27. My soul longing to praise its prince
And my caution among people to yearn
٢٧. نَفسي عَلى شَوقٍ لِمَدحِ أَميرِها
وَيَراعَتي بَينَ الأَنامِلِ أَشوَقُ
28. What can I say while you both regarding his praise
Are two seas both flowing
٢٨. ماذا أَقولُ وَأَنتُما في مَدحِهِ
بَحرانِ باتَ كِلاهُما يَتَدَفَّقُ
29. Incapacity made me sit while my resolves
Were it not for you, above the sky they fly
٢٩. العَجزُ أَقعَدَني وَإِنَّ عَزائِمي
لَولاكُما فَوقَ السِماكِ تُحَلِّقُ
30. So alas for Abbas that in his grip
Are two flags shaken by absolute loyalty
٣٠. فَليَهنَئِ العَبّاسُ أَنَّ بِكَفِّهِ
عَلَمَينِ هَزَّهُما الوَلاءُ المُطلَقُ
31. And let him remain a treasure for the country and its people
Forgiving and having mercy on whom he wishes and pardoning
٣١. وَليَبقَ ذُخراً لِلبِلادِ وَأَهلِها
يَعفو وَيَرحَمُ مَن يَشاءُ وَيُعتِقُ
32. Abbas and Eid are both splendid
Dazzlingly splendid each by the other's side
٣٢. عَبّاسُ وَالعيدُ الكَبيرُ كِلاهُما
مُتَأَلِّقٌ بِإِزائِهِ مُتَأَلِّقُ
33. This one blood flows for him and that one
Praises flow for him and embrace
٣٣. هَذا لَهُ تَجري الدِماءُ وَذا لَهُ
تَجري القَرائِحُ بِالمَديحِ وَتُعنِقُ
34. Truthful is he who said about him, and it suffices
That time confirms what he says
٣٤. صَدَقَ الَّذي قَد قالَ فيهِ وَحَسبُهُ
أَنَّ الزَمانَ لِما يَقولُ مُصَدِّقُ
35. Yours are Egypt's past and present together
And yours is the destined necessary future
٣٥. لَكَ مِصرُ ماضيها وَحاضِرُها مَعاً
وَلَكَ الغَدُ المُتَحَتِّمُ المُتَحَقِّقُ