
The elegists eulogized you while fate plotted,

نعاك النعاة وحم القدر

1. The elegists eulogized you while fate plotted,
And caution could not protect us or you.

١. نَعاكَ النُعاةُ وَحُمَّ القَدَر
وَلَم يُغنِ عَنّا وَعَنكَ الحَذَر

2. The slaughter of bosoms slaughtered the bosom of the noble one,
It did not cease except to inscribe lessons.

٢. طَوَت ذَبحَةُ الصَدرِ صَدرَ النَدِيِّ
فَلَم تَطوِ إِلّا سِجِلَّ العِبَر

3. So you came to be remembered among the departed,
Though few like you passed away into dust.

٣. فَأَمسَيتَ تُذكَرُ في الغابِرينَ
وَإِن قَلَّ مِثلُكَ فيمَن غَبَر

4. When the journeys of the eminent are mentioned,
My journey of patience is compelled to journey.

٤. إِذا ذُكِرَت سِيَرُ النابِهينَ
فَسيرَةُ صَبري تَجُبُّ السِيَر

5. Indeed you were righteous in the shade of youth,
When it shrank, you were the most righteous.

٥. لَقَد كُنتَ بَرّاً بِظِلِّ الشَبابِ
فَلَمّا تَقَلَّصَ كُنتَ الأَبَرّ

6. You did not race ahead in the impetuosity of youth,
Nor did you allow yourself to slip in old age.

٦. فَلَم تَستَبِق نَزوَةً في الصِبا
وَلَم تَستَبِح هَفوَةً في الكِبَر

7. Should I congratulate the earth or console the beings?
For this one succeeded while that one failed.

٧. أُهَنّي الثَرى أَم أُعَزّي الوَرى
لَقَد فازَ هَذا وَهَذا خَسِر

8. Is it the first day of spring's reign
That meadows wither and flowers melt away?

٨. أَأَوَّلَ يَومٍ لِعَهدِ الرَبيعِ
تَجِفُّ الرِياضُ وَيَذوي الزَهَر

9. The blossoms of prolific poetry wilt
And the garden of elegant prose is stripped bare.

٩. وَيَذبُلُ زَهرُ القَريضِ الثَرِيِّ
وَيُقفِرُ رَوضَ القَوافي الغُرَر

10. That Oman may be still, for its diver
Was struck down and lies captive in a grave.

١٠. لِيَهدَأ عُمانُ فَغَوّاصُهُ
أُصيبَ وَأَمسى رَهينَ الحُفَر

11. He was wont to visit it constantly
At dawn, prowling to seize its pearls.

١١. فَقَد كانَ يَعتادُهُ دائِباً
بَكوراً رَؤوحاً لِنَهبِ الدُرَر

12. He would speak and make the gems of necks lawful
And set simmering the stars of ideas.

١٢. يَقولُ فَيُرخِصُ دُرَّ النُحورِ
وَيُغلي جُمانَ بَناتِ الفِكَرِ

13. He would lead the caravans, but misfortune refused,
And how many a lengthy, boring journey foundered.

١٣. يَسوقُ القِصارَ فَيَأبى العِثارِ
وَكَم مِن مُطيلٍ مُمِلٍّ عَثَر

14. Caravans whose number alone prohibits,
For they have miracles as short as Quranic chapters.

١٤. قِصارٌ وَحَسبُ النُهى أَنَّها
لَها مُعجِزاتٌ قِصارِ السُوَر

15. You were blessed, for you were sweet of tongue,
Clear of expression, truthful of narrative.

١٥. رُحِمتَ فَقَد كُنتَ حُلوَ اللِسانِ
جَلِيَّ البَيانِ صَدوقَ الخَبَر

16. Little wondering, forbearing,
Wise of visit, wise of heart.

١٦. قَليلَ التَعَجُّبِ جَمَّ الأَناةِ
حَكيمَ الوُرودِ حَكيمَ الصَدَر

17. Your noble traits are the meadows that related
The morning breeze of their fragrance.

١٧. شَمائِلُكَ الغُرُّ هُنَّ الرِياضُ
رَوى عَن شَذاها نَسيمُ السَحَر

18. They possess the spirit of answered prayers -
Healed, sheltered, enriched, and delighted.

١٨. لَها مِثلُ رَوحِ الدُعاءِ اِستُجيبَ
فَعافى وَآوى وَأَغنى وَسَرّ

19. Whenever you came to them from a spring,
You came to a soft, slender waisted stream.

١٩. إِذا ما وَرَدتَ لَها مَنهَلاً
وَرَدتَ نَميراً لَذيذَ الخَصَر

20. Your thoughts in their fertility are wealth
For the mind of the impoverished poet.

٢٠. وَفِكرُكَ في خِصبِهِ ثَروَةٌ
لِفِكرِ الأَديبِ إِذا ما اِفتَقَر

21. Your poetry is like pure water
Upon whose surface images appear.

٢١. وَشِعرُكَ كَالماءِ في صَفوِهِ
عَلى صَفحَتَيهِ تَراءى الصُوَر

22. The eyes of poems are like eyes
While your poetry in them is like houris.

٢٢. عُيونُ القَصائِدِ مِثلُ العُيونِ
وَشِعرُكَ فيهِنَّ مِثلُ الحَوَر

23. How much did you complain of love or sorrow,
With breaths that melt rock?

٢٣. وَكَم لَكَ شَكوى هَوىً أَو أَسىً
لَها نَفَثاتٌ تُذيبُ الحَجَر

24. Once you called out in passion,
So that the trees almost crept to you.

٢٤. هَتَفتَ بِها مَرَّةً في الهَجيرِ
فَكادَ يَدِبُّ إِلَيكَ الشَجَر

25. How often did you ignite the darkness of night
With the breaths of prolonged, sleepless ecstasy?

٢٥. وَكَم كُنتَ تُشعِلُ فَحمَ الدُجى
بِأَنفاسِ صَبٍّ طَويلِ السَهَر

26. Oh, woe to your heart! What malady persisted
Upon it until it shattered?

٢٦. فَيا وَيحَ قَلبِكَ ماذا أَلَح
حَ عَلَيهِ مِنَ الداءِ حَتّى اِنفَطَر

27. Does it flutter alone at night
Remembering an intimate, whether parted or estranged?

٢٧. أَيَخفِقُ تَحتَ الدُجى وَحدَهُ
لِذِكرى أَليفٍ سَلا أَو هَجَر

28. Whenever Sabri is mentioned, I recall Al-Walid
And the days of Omar cross my soul.

٢٨. إِذا قيلَ صَبري ذَكَرتُ الوَليدَ
وَمَرَّت بِنَفسِيَ ذِكرى عُمَر

29. His humility adorns his soul
As beauty adorned the sheath of a sword.

٢٩. يَزينُ تَواضُعُهُ نَفسَهُ
كَما زانَ حُسنَ المِلاحِ الخَفَر

30. Pure of feelings, gentle of passion,
Captivating in discourse, sweet in night talk.

٣٠. زَكِيُّ المَشاعِرِ عَفُّ الهَوى
شَهِيُّ الأَحاديثِ حُلوُ السَمَر

31. Truly, I would visit him in his house
And call him in it beauty and prosperity.

٣١. لَقَد كُنتُ أَغشاهُ في دارِهِ
وَناديهِ فيها زَها وَاِزدَهَر

32. I would present my poetry to a delicate ear
That perceives the subtlety of a string.

٣٢. وَأَعرِضُ شِعري عَلى مَسمَعٍ
لَطيفٍ يُحِسُّ نُبُوَّ الوَتَر

33. To an ear that attends,
Distinguishing old from innovative.

٣٣. عَلى سَمعِ باقِعَةٍ حاضِرٍ
يَميزُ القَديمَ مِنَ المُبتَكَر

34. It would refine my expression to the polish of pearls
And adorn it with the softness of city dwellers.

٣٤. فَيَصقُلُ لَفظِيَ صَقلَ الجُمانِ
وَيَكسوهُ رِقَّةَ أَهلِ الحَضَر

35. It would tremble through it the scent of gardens,
So the melodies and thoughts were purified.

٣٥. يُرَقرِقُ فيهِ عَبيرَ الجِنانِ
فَتَستافُ مِنهُ النُهى وَالفِكَر

36. Thus it was with him, peace be upon him,
A leader to every poet who composed verse.

٣٦. كَذَلِكَ كانَ عَلَيهِ السَلامُ
إِماماً لِكُلِّ أَديبٍ شَعَر

37. We were brooks that quenched the thirst
Of thirsty minds while he was the river.

٣٧. فَكُنّا الجَداوِلَ نُروي الظِماءَ
ظِماءَ العُقولِ وَكانَ النَهَر

38. You turned away from fame that spread
And influence that shaded and favor that dazzled.

٣٨. زَهِدتَ عَلى شُهرَةٍ طَبَّقَت
وَجاهٍ أَظَلَّ وَفَضلٍ بَهَر

39. You took off youth but did not weep for it
Though it saddened you that you did not prosper in it.

٣٩. خَلَعتَ الشَبابَ فَلَم تَبكِهِ
وَساءَكَ أَنَّكَ لَم تُختَضَر

40. You tasted the flavor of doom when
Your train was struck that day of travel.

٤٠. وَقَد ذُقتَ طَعمَ الرَدى عِندَما
أُصيبَ قِطارُكَ يَومَ السَفَر

41. You swore you found it upon dying
Sweet tasting as you bid farewell.

٤١. فَأَقسَمتَ أَنَّكَ أَلفَيتَهُ
لَذيذَ المَذاقَةِ إِذ تُحتَضَر

42. You wished you had not returned to life
But destiny refused you.

٤٢. تَمَنَّيتَ أَن لَم تَعُد لِلحَياةِ
وَلَكِن أَباها عَلَيكَ القَدَر

43. How many an hour between life’s hours
Made you drink bitterness from the cup of boredom?

٤٣. وَكَم ساعَةٍ بَينَ ساعِ الحَياةِ
سَقَتكَ المُرارَ بِكَأسِ الضَجَر

44. You would then go complaining to its sister
Of your torment by it, but it only got worse.

٤٤. فَرُحتَ إِلى أُختِها شاكِياً
أَذاتَكَ مِنها فَكانَت أَمَر

45. So you searched through it, striving
With the eyes of an insightful seer.

٤٥. فَفَتَّشتَ أَثناءَها جاهِداً
بِعَينَي بَصيرٍ بَعيدِ النَظَر

46. But you did not see in all its length
A moment of clarity devoid of gloom.

٤٦. فَلَم تَرَ فيها عَلى طولِها
هُنَيهَةَ صَفوٍ خَلَت مِن كَدَر

47. You continued to complain until an hour came
As you wished, leaving nothing remaining.

٤٧. وَما زِلتَ تَشكو إِلى أَن أَتَت
كَما تَشتَهي ساعَةٌ لَم تَذَر

48. No weakness to complain of after the union,
No barrier feared after attaining desire.

٤٨. فَلا صَدَّ تَخشاهُ بَعدَ الوِصالِ
وَلا ضَعفَ تَشكوهُ بَعدَ الأَشَر

49. Your heart was rested from what distressed it
And your chest from what angered it.

٤٩. أُريحَ فُؤادُكَ مِمّا ضَناهُ
وَصَدرُكَ مِمّا عَلَيهِ اِنكَدَر

50. You wished for it as a step towards death
To relieve you of others' sorrows.

٥٠. تَمَنَّيتَها خُطوَةً لِلمَماتِ
تُفَرِّجُ عَنكَ كُروبَ الغِيَر

51. And here you have taken that step and attained wishes
But is there in death the reaching of relief?

٥١. وَها قَد خَطاها وَنِلتَ المُنى
فَهَل في المَماتِ بُلوغُ الوَطَر

52. You spoke truthfully, for in death lies victory
For the resolute over fate if one day it betrays.

٥٢. صَدَقتَ فَفي المَوتِ نَصرُ الأَبِيِّ
عَلى الدَهرِ إِن هُوَ يَوماً غَدَر

53. You were weary of dwelling in the abode of decay
So what did you see in the abode of rest?

٥٣. مَلِلتَ الثَواءَ بِدارِ الزَوالِ
فَماذا رَأَيتَ بِدارِ المَقَرّ

54. Beneath the earth, the generous is persecuted
And the forbearing distressed, the moon obscured.

٥٤. أَتَحتَ التُرابِ يُضامُ الكَريمُ
وَيَشقى الحَليمُ وَيَخفى القَمَر

55. The right of the skilled poet is usurped
And the merit of the brilliant, chaste one erased.

٥٥. وَيُهضَمُ حَقُّ الأَديبِ الأَريبِ
وَيُطمَسُ فَضلُ النَبيهِ الأَغَرّ

56. Beneath the earth, nations are driven
With the whip of servitude, driven like cattle.

٥٦. أَتَحتَ التُرابِ تُساقُ الشُعوبُ
بِسَوطِ العُبودَةِ سَوقَ البَقَر

57. A conference for peace is convened
Then we exit it into another conference.

٥٧. وَيُعقَدُ مُؤتَمَرٌ لِلسَلامِ
فَنَخرُجُ مِنهُ إِلى مُؤتَمَر

58. If what we have is what you have
Then we have no escape from misery.

٥٨. فَإِن كانَ ما عِندَنا عِندَكُم
فَلَيسَ لَنا مِن شَقاءٍ مَفَرّ

59. The tumult of life is far from deliverance
So blessed is the one who crosses it.

٥٩. خِضَمُّ الحَياةِ بَعيدُ النَجاةِ
فَطوبى لِراكِبِهِ إِن عَبَر

60. Return safely, having triumphed over dust
As you opined of death - congratulations and settle.

٦٠. فَعُد سالِماً غانِماً لِلتُرابِ
كَرَأيِكَ في المَوتِ وَاِهنَأ وَقَرّ